Author Archives: salice
Trento (Italy) – Chronicles from the State of emergency 2
30 march 2020
Responsabilities upside down
The daily Chronicles of Fear wipe out any general and specific responsability of the epidemic going on, blaming only who does not stay home, «plague-spreaders» to be repressed with heavier and heavier measures (army performing the duties of cops, tracking of the entire population, appeals for spying on each other, authorization for using drones…). Who demolished healtcare for profit, making the situation worse, while it could have been faced totally differently? Who kept factories open? Who shut schools on 20th
february and supermarkets only on 12th march? Who is to blame? Maybe the ones who take a walk on the streets, cycle-lanes or paths? And still; is it single «sharks» or an entire system to make sure that the prices of masks for hospitals are raised b y 600%?
What safety?
It’s been decades since they are deafining us by shouting «Safety!». More cameras, more controls, more cops, more jail! Then comes an epidemic virus and, in our conscience and among the unsaid on television, it emerges that, in case the auto -haulage and the logistic were interrupted, supermarkets would be empty in few days. How sure can human beings feel when they totally depend on a tecnological and production system of which they don’t control a thing anymore? A man doesn’t live by tele -working alone! Let’s benefit by this «pause», for thinking. If we don’t take the land back and self-manage the sources of our nourishment, besides freedom and independence, we’ll give up safety as well.
One of the experiments going on, besides military and police control, is about work: how and how long can economy go on without people going out of their home? What is work, nowadays? It’s mainly multinational companies that own informatic platforms and
Apps the ones taking advantage of all kinds of tele-working (from teachers to office-workers). The «Giants of web» get a huge amount of personal datas from ANY online activity (both for free or fee-paying ones). Datas that is then analyzed and sold.
Everything is a «data» that can be processed and transformed into earnings: tastes, opinions, the tone of voi ce, facial expressions, the book quoted by the teacher, news about health, fears, the reaction for certain news, the students’ level of attention, e tc.
In the best of all possible worlds, an epidemic as well – that means milions of people house-bound but always connected – can turn into a good business. It is a good occasion to justify the introduction of 5G network, whose purpose is not the communications in
case of emergency at all, but to generalize factories, cars, cameras and smart sensors. Fear is the perfect feeling for pushing us more and more towards a world in which human beings are controlled by «smart objects» and by who controls them.
Monitoring system
A piece of new that surely caused a sensation, it was the fact that, by controlling phone cells activated by mobiles, they found out that 40% of population in Milano was found far from their home . What’s new? It is well-known that mobiles companies create massive cataloguing everyday (even though only few feel the effects of it). On the contrary, what’s new is the fact that, availing the oppurtunity of a health emergency, they clearly justify something that exists beyond the emergency and that would raise many social and ethical questions (or, at least… it should!). But that’s not enough. Since days, we are exposed to an incessant propaganda that aims to introduce «Korean style» measures in Italy as well, that means to catalogue the communications between people starting from the cross-control on smartphones, wi-fi and Bluetooth (in order to locate «users» house-to-house instead of only into a certain neighbourhood). «Public» data would be registered and analyzed by authorities; «hidden» data (that any App on smartphones creates, even when deactivated) would feed those «smart machines» by which they check our behaviour and examinate our «purchase intentions». Government’s happy, and so it is digital capitalism. And what about us…?
What is «fundamental»?
What cannot be stopped during an epidemic reveals indirectly what’s the base of society in which we live: informatic infrastructure and war. That’s why all weapons factories must stay open. That’s why, while we are all house-bound, the tecnological progress accelerates and new 5G aerials are installed secretly. In confirmation of the strict link between digital infrastructure and war, Tim (italian mobile company) «is teaching» the army the new potential of artificial intelligence and 5G for the «new world» war.
What’s left to ask ourselves: is it the virus floating in the air the only thing we can’ t see?
In addition, there’s the world they are preparing for us. Some judicious suggestions…
…appeared on several supermarkets glass walls in Trento and Rovereto (cities in north Italy) between 24th and 25th march;
«General strike», «Shut factories», «Reduce prices».
On 25th march, there was a wide participation for the call to a general strike from the logistic and factories sector.
On 26th march, in a supermarket in Palermo (city in Sicily), some people filled their shopping troll ey and tried to get out without paying. Carabinieri and Mobile Units intervened on the place and, during the following days, they guarded the entrance of several supermarkets in the city.
The appeals to stop paying are multiplying on social networks. By extending the emergency, maybe after some months without any wage, more and more people will face the problem to satisfy their basic materials needs. Maybe, situations like the one in Palermo won’t be so rare; the necessity for taking what we need to live will be very clear to whom, simply, won’t be able to pay anymore.
Trento (Italy) – Chronicles from the State of emergency 1
23 march 2020
Virus don’t come from other planets
Disease always reflects a societies lifestyle (how and what it produces, food quality, ways of transports, etc.) A medical science that doesn’t consider this as a matter of fact – and that would imply a debate on the whole industrial system – can only slap a bandaid on the effects of diseases, ignoring their causes.
As chance would have it, first Coronavirus nidus spread starting from a big urban concentration area in China, heavily polluted by industries. It so happens that, first focus in Italy started from the most industrialized and polluted zone of the country. Until
toxicities, and the consequent environmental devastations , aren’t suppressed, healt emergencies will repeat.
Healt care
Medical staff making overalls out of rubbish bags and masks out of sheets; the constant alert on the limited materials for intensive care. What has led to this? That’s what you won’t find written in the daily fear chronicles of media, which hush up responsabilities.
Since 1978 on, Healtcare has been subjected to cuts in expenditure and privatizations by both left and right- winged governments. The progressive transformation of Healtcare into a an enterprise has cut off profitless structures, staff, departments and therapy, especially decimating what concerns preventive medicine. That’s the reason why sleeping places in hospitals are halved and the emergency ones are reduced to less than half. While medical and political allusions are clearly more and more military (virus is the aggressor, body is under siege, society is at war, government marshals army), what’s the true enemy of
individual and collective health disappears: logic of profit.
Containing virus means to free everyone
Since saturday 7 march and during the following week, protests rise up in fourty italian jails. Into at least thirty of them, proper revolts break out. Over 6’000 prisoners take part to rebellions; prison sections destroyed and set on fire, penitentiary cars burnt, prisoners on the roofs, massive jailbreak, jailers taken hostage and the prison in Modena shut down thanks to damages. The State shows its muscles: riot police and special penitentiary police detachment intervene, jailers surround prisons with guns drawn, in Puglia (south italian region, translator’s note) troops are put on streets to block the escaped, in Modena relatives of prisoners refer to have clearly heard shots coming from the jail. And then the beating-up and the massive transfers. The result is definitively heavy: 15 dead prisoners. Their deaths are quickly covered up, they talk about deceases mostly due to psycotropic
drugs and methadone overdose (mostly; and the others…?).
The spark that caused riots is the interruption of meetings between relatives and prisoners as a ridicolous control measure for contagion (relatives may be potentially infected….and jailers aren’t?) linked to the awareness to be like a rat in a trap in case of epidemic (there are already cases in Brescia, Milano, Voghera, Pavia, Lecce, Modena e Bologna). But the ticking bomb was formed by inhuman life conditions: the endemic overcrowding, the jailers violence, the impossibility to access to alternative measures. Amnesty and pardon: the prisoners demands are now nothing more than a public healt precaution, in order to limit the contaminating effects in overcrowded places (up to 8 prisoners per cell). While in Iran, in order to contain infection, 70’000 detainees with penalty under 5 years have been released from prison, in Italy, after protests, riots and a proper «State massacre», there has been given the possibility for house arrest to the ones who have penalties under six months, and house arrest with electronic bracelet for penalties under 18 months. Actually, the situation got worse instead of better ( the current law provides house arrest, by authority received, for whom has penalty under 3 years and without electronic bracelet). Not to mention, the 34,5% of prisoners in Italy who are awaiting trial, they have no sentence to serve. Anyway, not even these weak provisions would have come true without a decisive and brave test of strength from prisoners, aware that reality leaves no escape: either detention and death, either riot and life.
General strike!
Although institutions proclaimed that all the unnecessary activities must stop, several factories are still open, including those with high a concentration of workers, in close proximity during the production and in the canteen too. (Meanwhile, law enforcement are
searching cycle lanes, parks and woods, hunting for «plague-spreaders». Meanwhile, mobiles companies create mass cataloguing, in order to «track» individuals moving). Nationwide, many strikes in several factories have been reported (Dana, Pama, Fly, Siemens44, Mariani, Sapes, Tecnoclima, Ebara…), added to the many workers who decided to stay home even in abscence of strikes. It’s not only about an understandable reaction of fear for the virus, but also an aid for the healt of everyone.
These strikes need to be supported and axpanded to all the not-strictly-necessary productions.
If health doesn’t permit profit, too bad for profit.
We are all on the same boat?
These days, we are witness to the massive injection of the rhetoric of patriotism on all medias: «All together against the common enemy». In this tricoloured tale, magically disappears the material life conditions that are NOT the same for everyone (to stay
home, i need to have one and be able to keep it…) If it’s impossible to clearly foresee what will happen next, one thing it’s sure. The economical effects of this «sanitary crisis» will
have a different weight for any of us. Millions of people will have practical problems to make a living. Loans from European Central Bank won’t be for free at all, but new austerithy measures will be established, hitting the poorest first. It’s going to be
who is already half under water to push the boat on. Remember this, when the notes from the Mameli anthem will be gone …
Bolzano – Iniziativa pasquale della Digos
Tradotto dal tedesco:
Il coniglietto pasquale veniva a Pasqua.
In tempi di Corona arriva la polizia.
Almeno è così che una mezza dozzina di altoatesini l’hanno vissuta sabato scorso. “Ero totalmente intimidito”, dice un giovane altoatesino “e ancora oggi tutta la storia mi sembra completamente assurda”.
Giorgio Porroni, Capo di Gabinetto del Questore di Bolzano, vede le cose in modo diverso. “Erano conversazioni amichevoli in cui volevamo avere un quadro della situazione”, dice l’uomo che per anni ha diretto anche il dipartimento “Indagini generali e operazioni speciali” (DIGOS). Un’unità di polizia che è popolarmente conosciuta come “polizia politica”.
Allo stesso tempo, questa storia rende evidente quanto la pianta possa essere fragile nei momenti di bisogno. Ma anche quanto velocemente i diritti civili fondamentali possono essere limitati in tempi di Corona.
Il Flashmob
L’inizio della storia è un flash mob organizzato spontaneamente. Sabato scorso un messaggio è circolato su Whatsapp e come SMS. Il messaggio chiedeva un’azione di protesta pacifica contro il coprifuoco nel caso Corona.
Il testo:
“FLASHMOB per la responsabilità personale. Ho un grande rispetto per le vittime della Corona e penso che la diffusione del virus debba essere limitata ad ogni costo, solo il modo in cui viene fatto dallo Stato e dal Paese non mi convince più. Non sono convinto sull’incapacità dei cittadini da parte del Primo Ministro, del Governatore e del Sindaco, dall’intimidazione della gente da parte dell’apparato di polizia, da tutta la burocrazia e dalla necessaria giustificazione; che dobbiamo scatenarci in vicoli stretti mentre i parchi sono chiusi, che ai bambini non è permesso giocare all’aperto e che devo indossare una mascherina/sciarpa invece di respirare aria fresca a temperature primaverili. Tutto questo sotto la minaccia di severe punizioni. In nome della responsabilità personale dei cittadini, chiedo il FLASHMOB di sabato 11 aprile alle 18.00: o alla piazza più vicina e mostratevi.
Il flashmob deve avvenire nell’ambito del quadro giuridico.
Il Flashmob deve essere entro i limiti di legge, quindi tenete i 200 m da casa vostra, mantenete la distanza di 3 m dai vostri simili e indossate la mascherina/sciarpa. Inoltra il messaggio e vieni TU! Per mettere un segno, perché il prossimo decreto è già in attesa nel cassetto … SABATO 11 APRILE ORE 18.00.
Questo SMS è stato diffuso in modo virale nella società altoatesina di sabato. Per esempio, ha raggiunto l’autore di queste righe il sabato pomeriggio. “Ho ricevuto questo messaggio”, dice la giovane donna, “e l’ho inoltrato a una manciata di amici. Non ho fatto altro”.
La polizia
Ma sabato alle 16.00 circa, quattro poliziotti si presentano improvvisamente alla porta della giovane donna altoatesina. “Non ho ancora capito come mi hanno preso”, dice la donna a Non è l’organizzatrice del flashmob, né conosce i promotori.
Secondo la descrizione delle persone coinvolte, gli agenti di polizia sono amichevoli ma determinati. Non solo interrogano la donna sul flash mob, ma le chiedono anche di consegnarle il suo cellulare. Solo quando un coinquilino fa notare che deve avere un’ordinanza del tribunale per farlo, viene fatto cadere.
Il capo di gabinetto Giorgio Porroni (al centro): “Volevamo solo avere chiarezza e non perseguitare nessuno a causa di questa vicenda”.
Il fatto è che alla fine i funzionari presentano alla donna un verbale che deve firmare. “Ho chiesto una copia di questo”, dice la donna. Ma le è stato detto che non era possibile. Questa procedura chiarisce che la visita della polizia due ore prima dell’inizio del flash mob era un atto ufficiale.
“Abbiamo suonato a qualche porta”, il capo di gabinetto Giorgio Porroni ha confermato l’intervento della polizia anche a La prevista azione di protesta era stata portata all’attenzione delle autorità. “Il nostro compito è capire cosa è stato pianificato”, dice il poliziotto. Soprattutto in questi tempi difficili è importante che le forze di polizia siano particolarmente attente. Inoltre, gli eventi di protesta sono generalmente vietati durante questo periodo.
Il fatto che il messaggio contenga critiche politiche e sociali, ma insista esplicitamente sul rispetto delle norme, ha raffreddato notevolmente lo stato iniziale di allarme tra le autorità.
L’ex capo della DIGOS non considera questa azione come una restrizione illegale della libertà di opinione o dei diritti fondamentali. “Volevamo solo avere chiarezza e non perseguitare nessuno per questa faccenda”, dice Porroni.
Secondo il capo di gabinetto dell’economato di Bolzano, non c’è stata né un’indagine né un’accusa contro l’economato.
Salins-les-Bains (Giura) – L’antenna a relè in fiamme
Tratto da
Molte persone a Salins-les-Bains hanno avuto problemi di rete con il cellulare da venerdì mattina. “È stata incendiata un’antenna del Mont-poupet nella notte tra il 9 e il 10 aprile”, conferma Lionel Pascal, procuratore del Giura. È in corso un’indagine della gendarmeria per cercare di identificare i sospetti e il loro movente. Secondo uno dei nostri corrispondenti che ha visitato il sito, sono stati presi di mira due piloni, a poche decine di metri di distanza.
Questa distruzione ricorda quella dei tre relè situati ad Au Belu ad Aiglepierre. L’incendio doloso è avvenuto nella notte tra il 7 e l’8 aprile 2019, intorno alle 2:30 del mattino, quasi un anno fa. Nel febbraio 2019, poco prima, diverse antenne di telefonia mobile erano state incendiate nel giro di poche settimane intorno a Besançon. “Questi casi sono trattati separatamente per il momento. Se i sospetti saranno identificati, saremo in grado di studiarne una connessione “, ha detto il procuratore.
Bologna (Italia) – Azione individuale femminista
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In questi tempi di epidemia, l’azione individuale, ma non individualista, è utile.
Se, per una passeggiata da soli, si rischia un reclamo, tanto vale approfittarne… Bologna, 25 marzo 2020.
Abbiamo danneggiato alcuni sportelli bancomat di Unicredit, una delle banche che finanziano la guerra.
L’industria degli armamenti non si è nemmeno fermata durante la pandemia. Naturalmente lo Stato considera la guerra una necessità fondamentale.
Questa pandemia è il risultato della devastazione e dei saccheggi contro l’ambiente e le altre specie animali, da uomo a uomo e, a monte, da uomo a donna.
La campagna #iorestoacasa [lit. “Sto a casa”, una campagna statale per tenere la popolazione italiana confinata.], imposta dallo Stato stesso, è il frutto della violenza patriarcale e non può che creare altra violenza patriarcale.
Il braccio armato dello Stato, in nome della “salute”, sta colpendo i senzatetto, i lavoratori precari, il settore dell’assistenza agli anziani [in cui quasi tutti sono donne, molto spesso senza documenti.], gli operai, le persone rinchiuse nelle carceri e nei centri di detenzione amministrativa, ma soprattutto sta colpendo le donne, rinchiuse in casa con i loro oppressori, e gravate da tutto il lavoro quotidiano che ne consegue.
Per ogni violenza patriarcale esacerbata da queste misure, rispondiamo tutti!
Solidarietà con gli scioperi e con chi si ribella!
Berlin – Shut down the power! Digitale Zurichtung sabotiert
Nach eigenen Angaben ist heute das unten dokumentierte Schreiben an den RBB, die Berliner Morgenpost, die Berliner Zeitung, das Nachrichtenportal indymedia und die dpa versandt worden. Mit dem Schreiben erklärt eine Gruppe die Motive hinter ihrer Sabotage einer Datenleitung zum Heinrich-Hertz-Institut in Berlin, einer der an der Entwicklung der “Corona-App” beteiligten Institiutionen.
—–Dokumentation Anfang——
Shut down the power! Digitale Zurichtung sabotiert.
Wir erteilen der sogenannten Corona-App eine Absage und sind in Vorleistung gegangen. Wir haben heute, um jeder weiteren Aufweichung der Grundrechte und dem Ausbau der Überwachungsmaßnahmen entgegenzuwirken, einen Schacht mit Kommunikationskabeln, die u. a. das „Heinrich-Herz-Institut“ versorgen, in Brand gesetzt. Die Netzkabel von Colt, Telekom und anderen Anbietern sollten durch unseren Anschlag zerstört werden. „Das Heinrich-Hertz-Institut“ (HHI) war Ziel unseren Angriffs. Den offenen Schacht, in dem neue Kabel verlegt werden, haben wir als Zuleitung zum „HHI“ identifiziert. Der kurzfristige Shutdown betraf auch weitere ansässige Konzerne, etwa Autohäuser von den Klimakillern VW, Alfa Romeo, Jeep, Mercedes, Audi, Porsche etc. Eine Gefährdung für Menschenleben haben wir ausgeschlossen.
Warum wir die Nutzung der App politisch sobotieren:
Die Verordnungen gegen die Pandemie bringen Ausgangssperren, Kontaktverbote und weitere Eingriffe mit sich, die in der Geschwindigkeit ihrer Umsetzung und ihrer Grundsätzlichkeit in der Geschichte der Bundesrepublik beispiellos sind. Begleitet werden diese Eingriffe immer wieder mit Kriegssprache. Das Vorbild für diese „Regeln“ bildetet Chinas Umgang mit dem Virus. China: eine patriarchale Diktatur, die jede Bewegung der Menschen überwacht, kontrolliert und Verstöße gegen die von der kommunistisch-kapitalistischen Elite gesetzten „Regeln“ bestraft. Die Abriegelungen von Millionenstädten kann nur in einem so effizienten totalitären System durchgeführt werden, als Maßgabe dafür, was möglich ist. China ist kurzfristig mit seiner 60 Tage dauernden totalen Ausgangssperre (bspw. in Wuhan) und der totalen Kontrolle der Menschen zum Modellfall der (behaupteten) Eindämmung der Pandemie für die Regierungen fast der ganz Welt geworden. Anfang Januar wurden diese Maßnahmen noch als totalitär und menschenrechtsverletzend kritisiert. Jetzt werden diese in abgewandelter Form ebenfalls in die anderen Erdteile transferiert.
Ganz in diesem Sinne schlug Jens Spahn mehrmals die Handyortung, das Daten-Tracking eines jeden Menschen vor, um die Infizierten und potenziell Neuinfizierte ausfindig zu machen und zu isolieren. Die Kritik von Verfassungsrechtler_innen und Datenschützer_innen hielt er sich mindestens zwei Meter vom Leib. Die totale Ortung des Bewegungsprofils eines jeden Menschen hat er sich von China und Südkorea abgeschaut. Der Parlamentspräsident in Österreich plädierte für die verpflichtende Einführung einer vergleichbaren App. Auch hierzulande wurden entsprechende Forderungen laut. Schon die Diskussionen sind kalkulierte Tabubrüche mit dem Ergebnis dem wachsendem Überwachunsgpotential neuer Technologien zur Akzeptanz zu verhelfen und gegebenenfalls auch autoritär zu steuern, wenn es nicht „freiwillig“ geht.
In China wird die App von „Ant Financial“ bei öffentlichen Kontrollen durch die Polizei eingesetzt. Der persönliche QR-Code entscheidet über den Einkauf im Supermarkt und den Spaziergang. Bei einem roten oder gelben QR-Code erfolgen Anweisungen der Behörden. Diese Bezahl-App entscheidet in intransparenter Weise über die „soziale Corona-Virus-Last“. In Südkorea ist noch keine Ausgangssperre verhängt worden. Alle Menschen „dürfen“ so lange weiterarbeiten, bis das Smartphone sie als „infiziert“ oder als „Verdachtsfall“ identifiziert und der staatliche Zugriff angeordnet wird. Aktuell zwingt die Regierung die Menschen in Südkorea, „freiwillig“ ihre Handydaten und Zugänge offen zu legen. Das Tracking von Daten ist in Südkorea u. a. mit dem Programm „Total Information Awareness“ erprobt worden, das von der NSA heimlich als „Prism“ weiterbetrieben wurde, wie der Whistleblower Ed Snowden offenlegte. In den USA wollen Google und Apple eine Corona-App gleich automatisch als Betriebssystembestandteil mit einem kommenden Update verteilen.
Ein Daten-Tracing soll bald in Form einer installierten App auch in Deutschland etabliert werden. Die Propaganda für diese App arbeitet bereits auf Hochtouren. Die Politik wird massive Werbung dafür zumachen, denn nur die breite Akzeptanz verspricht ihrer Ansicht nach die gewünschten Effekte. Oberflächlich betrachtet hört sich die Nutzung der App sinnvoll an. Bei der Einführung setzt man (zunächst) auf Freiwilligkeit, um den frontalen Verfassungsbruch zu umgehen. Denn Kontakte, also infizierte und nicht infizierte Personen und ihr Umfeld, können ausgespäht werden. Aber wie auch bei der Weiterleitung (angeblich) anonymisierter Bewegungsprofile durch Mobilfunkanbieter, bei der die Betroffenen schon keine Einwilligungs- oder Verzichtmöglichkeit hatten, ist davon auszugehen, dass die in der App enthaltenen Überwachungsmöglichkeiten schnell zu einem zwingenden Standard werden, sind sie einmal bei einer kritischen Menge „freiwillig“ etabliert: Wer in die Bibliothek will muss die App haben – der Besuch der Bibliothek ist ja freiwillig… Da der Quellcode der Software nicht offen liegt, ist keine Überprüfung möglich, ob die Propaganda zur Nutzung der App mit der Realität übereinstimmt, bzw. wer sich noch alles der Daten bedienen kann. Und ob nicht doch Möglichkeiten zum Daten-Tracking eingebaut sind. Ein einfaches Update der Software wäre jederzeit möglich. An dieser App arbeitet aktuell das „Robert-Koch-Institut“ u.a. zusammen mit dem „Heinrich-Herz-Institut“ und dem Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik und der Bundeswehr.
Es wird reguliert:
Die Geschwindigkeit der täglichen Veränderungen ist kaum zu verarbeiten. Die Bekämpfung der Pandemie wird nicht umsonst immer wieder mit bewusst gewählter Kriegsrhetorik untermauert. Denn ein Krieg ist immer auch ein sozialer Angriff nach innen, um die „Volksgemeinschaft“ oder – und das ist im Fall Corona neu – die Weltgemeinschaft auf die Interessen der Herrschaft neu zuzurichten. Dahinter steckt kein Plan der Verschwörung. Es ist die fortlaufende Dynamik herrschaftlicher Entwicklung, die seit Jahrtausenden nicht durch eine umfassende Revolution der Befreiung von allen Herrschaftsformen gebrochen werden konnte. Das Muster ist nicht neu: Krisen werden immer als Katalysatoren für repressive Regulationen der Bevölkerung genutzt, wenn eine revolutionäre Kraft nicht andere Akzente setzt. Im Angesicht der Pandemie wird eine Maschinerie der inneren Sicherheit in Gang gebracht, die davon lebt, dass alle mitmachen. Bei vielen Menschen regeln die konzerneigenen Algorithmen hinter den Apps bereits die Tagesabläufe, sind ständiger Begleiter. Nun in Zeiten von Corona also sich einschränken, sich sozial distanzieren, bei Kontakt sich (und die anderen) beobachten – und sich dieses mit der App dann irgendwann einfach machen. Gutes und verantwortungsbewußtes Gefühl inklusive, man hat etwas zur Sicherheit aller beigetragen.
Neue Unwörter tauchen auf.
Mit dem „Krieg gegen den Virus“ verändert sich auch die Sprache und das Denken. Plötzlich gibt es „systemrelevante“ Menschen. „Risikogruppen“, die sich selber isolieren sollen. „Soziale Distanz“ als Heilsbringer zum Schutz der „Risikogruppen“ und der „systemrelevanten“ Menschen, den „Helden des Alltags“. Letztere, das Pflegepersonal, die Supermarktangestellten, LKW-Fahrer_innen etc. werden zu Kämpfer_innen an der „Front“ gemacht, anstatt sie anständig zu bezahlen – während die Manager sich weiterhin ihre Boni genehmigen und Hilfsmilliarden für ihre Konzerne kassieren. Das militärmedizinische Konzept der „Triage“ stößt ins Zivile vor: die systematische Sortierung von Menschen: Wer zu retten ist und für wen es sich nicht mehr “lohnt”, wer auf dem „Schlachtfeld des Virus“ zurückgelassen werden muss. Dabei führt nicht der Virus als solcher zur Krise, sondern ein privatisiertes und profitorientiertes Gesundheitssystem führt zu dem gefürchteten Notstand in den Krankenhäusern und Pflegeheimen. In Spanien, in Italien und womöglich auch hier.
Dass jeder Mensch dem Tod schutzlos gegenüber tritt, zumal wenn er als unsichtbarer Virus auftritt und als neue Pandemie überhaupt nicht einschätzbar erscheint, schafft Ängste. Diese Ängste gilt es nicht kleinzureden. Es gilt, diese Ängste auch nicht zu überhöhen, zu etwas ganz außergewöhnlichem werden zu lassen, da wir alle eines Tages sterben werden. Doch die Urängste der Menschen vor dem Tod werden mit dieser Pandemie instrumentalisiert. Mit diesen Ängsten wird „gespielt“. Nicht die Privatisierungspolitik in den Gesundheitssystemen wird in Frage gestellt, sondern ob DU genug Abstand zum Nächsten hältst. Ob DU die Regeln einhältst. Diese Regeln werden überwacht (und teilweise auch bestraft). Und sie fördern allerorten eine der deutschesten Tugenden: den Hang zur Denunziation. Ihm gesellt sich in intellektuellen Kreisen der Vorwurf hinzu, man sei unsolidarisch, wenn man nicht den Verordnungen folge. Wenn DU diese Regeln nicht einhältst, bist DU schuld daran, wenn Menschen sterben. Mit dem Verweis auf die „Risikogruppen“ werden andere Widersprüche abgewürgt. Die „Risikogruppen“ werden ungeachtet ihrer individuellen Haltung zu einem Faktor der moralischen Erpressung, um unter Freund_innen die staatlichen und politischen Regeln unhinterfragt durchzusetzen. Mit der medizinischen Hygiene geht eine soziale Hygiene einher, die kaum schmutziges, widerständiges Denken und Debattieren zulässt.
Von daher ist wahrscheinlich:
Unsere Aktion wird als unsolidarisch bezeichnet werden von jenen, die sich auch bei anderer Gelegenheit zum Handlanger staatlicher neuer Herrschaftstechniken und des sozialen technologischen Angriffes machen – auch ohne dass sie das vielleicht wollen. Unsere Erklärung wird entweder unterschlagen und einer unsichtbaren Nachrichtensperre unterliegen oder als wirr deklariert werden.
Wir stehen dabei solidarisch im Abseits:
Wir machen diese risikoreiche Aktion nicht, um breite Zustimmung zu erringen, dazu sind die Auseinandersetzungen im konterrevolutionären Sinne zu sehr zu unseren Ungunsten polarisiert. Wir wissen um die Zustimmung eines Teils der Gesellschaft. Wir stehen an der Seite derer, die nicht bereit sind, der Zerstörung historisch und schmerzvoll erkämpfter Menschenrechte zuzusehen. Wir stehen an der Seite der Geflüchteten an den Grenzen und in den Lagern. Wir stehen an der Seite derer, die die Instrumentalisierung der Pandemie und der Ängste erkennen und gegensteuern. Wir stehen an der Seite derer, die der wachsenden Überwachung beunruhigt gegenüber stehen.
Wie digitale Zurichtung geschieht:
Die Digitalisierung des Alltags, die unter dem Kontaktverbot und der Ausgangssperre zwangsläufig um sich greift und die plötzlich keine analogen Alternativen mehr zu kennen scheint, sehen wir als eine digitale Zurichtung der Gesellschaft. Auf den ersten Blick ist es für die isolierten Menschen die einzige Möglichkeit um miteinander in Kontakt zu bleiben. Aber der Raum, in dem das stattfindet, ist kein neutraler Raum. Er ist gesteuert und überwacht. Die sozialen Subjekte, die Menschen, werden zu virtuellen Figuren, die der Algorithmus in Datensätze zerlegt und anhand geheimer Kriterien beurteilt, Werbung steuert, Fehlverhalten markiert und meldet, Untertanentum belohnt. „Soziale Distanz“ oder „Abstand ist Anstand“ sind Begriffe, als wären sie aus Huxleys „Schöne Neue Welt“ oder Orwells „1984“ entlehnt. Es sind nackt besehen Kampfbegriffe, die uns ein Eintauchen in der virtuellen Welt als umfassende soziale Handlung zuweist. Ein „Wir“ wird vorgegaukelt und dem „Wir“ wird das Netz als neuer Ort der sozialen Begegnung und der Arbeitswelt angeboten – dabei wird die bereits durch den technologischen Angriff laufende soziale Vereinzelung weiter zementiert. Hier formiert sich die aktuelle und zukünftige Beherrschbarkeit ganzer Gesellschaften über das Netz.
Onlinehandel, digitaler Schulunterricht, Online-Seminare der Unis, Videokonferenzen, Homeoffice, elektronische Patientenakten, Amazon, Zalando, Netflix, Lieferando, Kartenzahlungen, Datingportale, Videostreams und Spiele usw. sind Voraussetzungen dafür. Hier formiert sich Gesellschaft neu. Hier findet Gewöhnung statt, hier verändert sich Gesellschaft in einem Tempo, dessen Preis – die totale Manipulierbarkeit und damit Beherrschbarkeit – uns in allen Einzelheiten erst in den nächsten Jahren klar werden wird. Derzeit wird ein neues, nämlich hygienisches (nationales) „Wir“ konstruiert, um alle möglichen Maßnahmen durchzusetzen, gegen die in der Vergangenheit Vorbehalte und Widerstände existierten, wie zum Beispiel bei der Digitalisierung in den Schulen, der gläsernen Krankenkassenkarten und Patientenakten oder der Online-Bezahlungen und dem Verschwinden des Bargeldes.
Die Telekom stellt, ganz uneigennützig, cloudbasierte „Web Conferencing Services“ für Schüler_innen, Studierende und Lehrende umsonst zu Verfügung. Ähnliche Angebote gibt es passgenau auch für Unternehmen und deren Bedarf nach Homeoffice. Und für die Freizeit gibt es für die Kleinen den neuen Streamingdienst von Disney. Und zusätzlich 10 Gigabyte für das mobile Surfen obendrauf. Vorerst umsonst. Während die Telekom „Wir verbinden Deutschland“ propagiert, lautet der Schlachtruf von Vodafone „Deutschland bleibt vernetzt“. Die Angebotspalette unterscheidet sich nicht wesentlich. Aber Deutschland und das digitale Netz – das schafft Zusammenhalt. Der Coronavirus, ein Glücksfall für die Netzbetreiber: Neuer Bedarf nach schneller, breiter, mehr. Mit den aktuellen Angeboten bindet man zukünftige Kunden und generiert noch mehr Daten, auf die Firmen und Geheimdienste gleichermaßen zugreifen. So arbeitet Vodafone eng mit dem britischen Geheimdienst zusammen, der wiederum der engste Partner des amerikanischen NSA ist. Da die Menschen mehr Zeit im Netz mit sozialen Kontakten, Arbeiten und Vergnügungen zubringen, ist dies ein Fest für die Geheimdienste und Konzerne. Mehr Zugriff auf soziales Leben geht nicht. Wie viel mehr an Profit, wie viel mehr an Überwachung und Steuerung des Kaufverhaltens, der gewünschten Lebensweisen, der Früherkennung von Revolten lassen sich aus diesen Daten ableiten!
Spätestens seit Edward Snowdens Veröffentlichungen zu den weltweiten Überwachungen der NSA von Staaten und Gruppen bis hin zu einzelnen digitalen Äußerungen einzelner Menschen ist bekannt: Jede technische Möglichkeit der digitalen Überwachung und Verhaltenssteuerung wird auch genutzt. In China, in den USA, in Russland und auch in Deutschland. Die Corona-App ist ein Türöffner. Das Szenario, dass mindestens 60 Prozent der Bevölkerung in Deutschland auf eine App „freiwillig“ konditioniert werden sollen, auf einen Standard, auf eine Intention, auf eine „freiwillige“ Durchleuchtung aller privaten und öffentlichen Kontakte – das fordert unsere Sabotage geradezu heraus.
Was noch gesagt werden muss:
Wir erleben gerade eine weltweite Bürgerkriegsübung für zukünftige Krisen- und Kriegsfälle. Die Folgen dieser „Übung“ werden die Welt verändern. Die Heftigkeit der Pandemie, deren Ausbreitung und die Masse der sterbenden Menschen sind die Matrix, auf der wir in ein neues Zeitalter der Krisen als Dauerzustand eingeführt werden. Im Zweifel zählen weder Grundrechte des jeweiligen Landes (die noch nie für alle galten) noch Menschenrechte. Während Kontaktverbote und Ausgangssperren erlassen werden, wird der Zwang zur Lohnarbeit aufrechterhalten und es ins Ermessen der Unternehmer gestellt, ob sie weiter wie gehabt arbeiten lassen, sich Kurzarbeit subventionieren lassen oder die Produktion auf Profitableres umstellen. Anderswo brachen da wenigstens die Streiks los. Hierzulande endet die Pandemiebekämpfung an den Werkstoren. Am Band und sonst, wo kein Homeoffice möglich ist, sollten die Menschen solange arbeiten wie es der Profitmaximierung dient und dann schnell in ihre Familien-Waben zurückkehren, da lassen auch die Gewerkschaften nichts anderes hören. Während die Waren weiterhin frei zirkulieren und die osteuropäischen Wanderarbeiter*innen pünktlich antreten sollen, damit die Wirtschaft nicht zusammen bricht, werden Geflüchtete in Lagern gehalten – Lager, die die rasante Ausbreitung des Virus garantieren und angemessene Gesundheitsversorgung garantiert nicht gewährleisten.
Die eine Krise löst nicht nur die Nächste ab, sondern bringt Themen zum Verschwinden. Die Klimakrise verschwindet hinter Corona. Verschwunden auch die Kriege und deren Folgen. Und die Gründe für die Kriege sowieso. Ungeklärt ist, wo die 10.000 Menschen hingekommen sind, die an der Grenze zwischen Türkei und Griechenland festsaßen. Unbestraft bleibt die EU, die diese Grenzen immer mehr in Todesstreifen verwandelt. Unbeobachtet bleiben auch die Vorbereitung von Pogromen in Ungarn gegen Roma und Sinti durch Orban und die Rechten. Ohne Reaktion bleibt die Nutzung des Virus für die Etablierung autoritärer Regierungen gegen die Verfassung wie in Polen. Oder den Machterhalt des korrupten israelischen Präsidenten. Oder für die Festigung der Macht von Putin.
Spätestens jetzt sollte erkennbar sein, wann die Regierung und die Wirtschaft auf Expert_innen und die Wissenschaft vertraut und wann nicht. Warum kann eine Pandemie ein Notprogramm und weltweite einschneidende Maßnahmen auslösen, der bereits stattfindende Kollaps des Klimas aber nicht? Diese Fragestellung ist übertragbar auf alle weltweiten Missstände.
Im Falle der Zerstörung des Klimas, welches die gesamte Menschheit mindestens ebenso betrifft wie die Pandemie, wurden und werden die Mahnungen und Vorschläge der Experten im Großen und Ganzen in den Wind geschlagen. Denn gegen die Folgen der Störung des Klimas ist es mit einem Impfstoff nicht getan. Ganz anders Corona: Gesundheitsexperten finden nicht nur offene Ohren, sondern ihr medizinischer Zugang zur Pandemiebekämpfung eröffnet der Politik neue Spielräume. Eine mörderische Wirtschaftsweise, ein kriegerisches Weltsystem und eine auf die Zerstörung der Erde und der Grundlage allen Lebens hinauslaufende Fortschritts- und Wachstumsorientierung werden mit Billionen Dollars und Euros gerettet, Proteste dagegen gesundheitsamtlich verboten. Es ist das koloniale Prinzip, nach dem Menschenleben unterschiedlicher Wert beigemessen wird. Jährlich sterben 100.000 Menschen an der Malaria. Der Klimawandel tötet schon heute: Hunderte Millionen Menschen hungern oder verhungern. Milliarden Menschen haben kein Zugang zu sauberem Trinkwasser.
In diesem neuen Zeitalter müssen sich die Kräfte, die eine grundsätzliche Veränderung wollen, neu orientieren und international neu aufstellen. Eine umfassende Umwälzung und Überwindung patriarchaler, kolonialer und kapitalistischer Verhältnisse ist keine Luxusfrage, sondern existenziell.
Wir werden uns nie gewöhnen, woran wir uns gewöhnen sollen.
Vulkangruppe shut down the power / Digitale Zurichtung sabotieren
P.S.: Für einen revolutionären 1. Mai gegen Kolonialismus, Patriarchat und Nationalismus
—–Dokumentation Ende——-
Berlin – Shut down the power! Digital equipment sabotaged
by: Vulkangruppe shut down the power / sabotage digital equipment
on: 14.04.2020 – 13:42
According to their own statements, the letter below was sent today to
RBB, Berliner Morgenpost, Berliner Zeitung, the news portal indymedia
and dpa. In the letter, a group explains the motivation behind their
sabotage of a data line to the Heinrich Hertz Institute in Berlin, one
of the institutions involved in the development of the “Corona App”.
—–Beginning of document——
We reject the so-called Corona-App and have decided to take preemptive
action against it. Today, in order to counteract any further weakening
of basic rights and the expansion of surveillance measures, we set fire
to a shaft with communication cables that supply the “Heinrich Herz
Institute”, among others. The network cables of Colt, Telekom and other
providers were to be destroyed by our attack. The “Heinrich Hertz
Institute” (HHI) was the target of our attack. We identified the open
shaft in which new cables were being laid as a supply line to the “HHI”.
The short-term shutdown also affected other local companies, such as car
dealerships of the climate killers VW, Alfa Romeo, Jeep, Mercedes, Audi,
Porsche etc. We ensured that there was no danger to human life.
Why we politically sabotaged this app:
The regulations against the pandemic include curfews, contact bans and
other interventions, which are unprecedented in the speed of their
implementation and their fundamental nature in the history of the
Federal Republic. These interventions are often accompanied by the
rhetoric of war. China’s response to the virus serves as the model for
these rules. China: a patriarchal dictatorship that monitors and
controls every movement of the people and punishes violations of “rules”
set by the communist-capitalist elite. The cordoning off of megacities
can only be carried out in such an efficient totalitarian system, as a
measure of what is possible. China, with its 60-day total curfew (e.g.
in Wuhan) and the total control of people, has in the short term become
a model case of (alleged) containment of the pandemic for governments
across the world. At the beginning of January these measures were still
criticized as totalitarian and violating human rights. Now they are
being transferred in a modified form to other continents.
It was with this in mind that Jens Spahn repeatedly suggested mobile
phone tracking, or tracking each person’s data in order to locate and
isolate the infected and those who may have become infected. He kept the
criticism of constitutional law experts and data protectionists at least
two meters away. He copied idea for the constant tracking of each
individual’s movement profile from China and South Korea. The president
of the Austrian parliament pleaded for the obligatory introduction of a
comparable app. In this country, too, corresponding demands were made.
Even the discussions are calculated taboo breaks with acceptance of the
growing surveillance potential of the new technologies as the desired
result, or controlled in an authoritarian manner if it is not possible
on a “voluntary” basis.
In China, the “Ant Financial” app is used by the police during public
checks. The personal QR code decides whether a person can go to the
supermarket or go out for a walk. If the QR code is red or yellow,
instructions are given by the authorities. This payment app determines
the “social corona virus load” in a non-transparent way. South Korea has
not yet imposed a curfew. All people “may” continue to work until the
smartphone identifies them as “infected” or “suspected” and state
intervention is mandated. Currently, the government is forcing people in
South Korea to “voluntarily” disclose their mobile phone data and
access. The tracking of data has been tested in South Korea with the
“Total Information Awareness” program, among others, which the NSA
secretly continued to operate as “Prism”, as whistleblower Ed Snowden
revealed. In the USA, Google and Apple want to distribute a Corona app
automatically as an operating system component with an upcoming update.
A data tracking system will soon be established in Germany in the form
of an installed app. Efforts to disseminate propaganda for this app are
already running at full speed. Politicians want to launch a massive
advertising campaign, because in their opinion the desired results are
only possible with widespread acceptance. On the surface, the use of the
app sounds reasonable. When the app is introduced, it is (initially)
voluntary in order to avoid a head-on constitutional breach. This is
because contacts, i.e. infected and non-infected persons and their
surroundings, may surveilled. But as in the case of passing on of
(allegedly) anonymised movement profiles by mobile phone providers,
where the persons concerned already had no opportunity to give their
consent or abstain, it can be assumed that the monitoring options
contained in the app will quickly become a mandatory standard once they
have been “voluntarily” established for a critical mass: Whoever wants
to go to the library must have the app – visiting the library is
voluntary… Since the source code of the software is not open, it is
not possible to check whether the propaganda for using the app
corresponds to reality, who else can use the data, or if data-tracking
capabilities have been integrated into the app. A simple update of the
software is possible at any time, and this update may remove user
protections or expand surveillance capabilities. The “Robert Koch
Institute” is currently working on this app in cooperation with the
“Heinrich Herz Institute” and the Federal Office for Information
Security and the German Armed Forces, among others.
All will be regulated:
The rate of daily change is almost impossible to cope with. It is not a
coincidence that the fight against the pandemic is repeatedly
accompanied by deliberately chosen war rhetoric. For a war is always
also a domestic social attack to reorient the “national community” or –
and this is new in the case of Corona – the international community
towards the interests of the ruling class. This is not a conspiracy. It
is the ongoing dynamic of the development of the ruling class, which for
thousands of years could not be broken by a comprehensive revolution of
liberation from all forms of domination. The pattern is not new: crises
are always used as catalysts for repressive regulation of the
population, unless a revolutionary force sets a different course. In
response to the pandemic, a domestic security apparatus is set in motion
which depends on the participation of the whole population. For many
people, the corporate algorithms behind the apps already regulate their
daily routines and are their constant companions. So in times of Corona,
it’s time to limit oneself, to distance oneself socially, to monitor
oneself (and the others) when in contact – and then at some point make
it easy to do so with the app. Good and responsible feeling included,
you have contributed something to the security of all.
New buzzwords appear:
The “war against the virus” is accompanied by changes in language and
thought. Suddenly there are “system relevant” people, “risk groups” who
are supposed to isolate themselves, “social distancing” as salvation to
protect the “risk groups” and the “system relevant” people, the “heroes
of everyday life”. The latter, the nursing staff, the supermarket
employees, truck drivers etc. are turned into soldiers fighting on the
“front” instead of paying them decently – while the managers continue to
get their bonuses and collect billions for their companies. The
military-medical concept of “triage” is advancing into the civil sphere:
the systematic sorting of people: Who is to be saved, and for who is no
longer “worth saving”, who has to be left behind on the “battlefield of
the virus”. It is not the virus as such that leads to the crisis, but a
privatised and profit-oriented health care system leads to the dreaded
state of emergency in hospitals and nursing homes. In Spain, in Italy
and possibly here too.
The fact that everyone faces death with no protection is terrifying,
especially when it appears as an invisible virus that is completely
unpredictable since it is a new pandemic. These fears must not be
belittled. Nor must we exaggerate these fears, allow them to be blown
out of proportion, because we will all die one day. However, this
pandemic is instrumentalising people’s primal fears of death. These
fears are being “played with”. It is not the privatisation policy in the
health systems that is being questioned, but whether YOU stay far away
enough from other people. Whether YOU keep the rules. Adherence to these
rules is monitored (and sometimes also punished). And they promote one
of the most German virtues everywhere: the tendency to denounce. In
intellectual circles, this is compounded by the accusation that one is
not in solidarity if one does not follow the regulations. If YOU do not
follow these rules, YOU are to blame when people die. With the reference
to the “risk groups” other contradictions are stifled. Regardless of
individual attitudes, the “risk groups” become a source of moral
blackmail in order to enforce the state and political rules among
friends without question. Medical hygiene is accompanied by a social
hygiene that hardly allows dirty, resistant thinking and debating.
Therefore it is probable:
Our action will be described as lacking solidarity by those who, at
other times, turn themselves into accomplices of new state techniques of
domination and social technological attack – although they might not
want to do so. Our statement will either be withheld and subjected to an
invisible news blackout, or labelled deranged.
We stand in solidarity:
We are not taking this risky action in order to gain popular support;
the debate is too polarized to our disadvantage in a
counterrevolutionary sense. We are aware of the approval of a section of
society. We stand on the side of those who are not prepared to watch the
destruction of historically and painfully won human rights. We stand on
the side of the refugees at the borders and in the camps. We are on the
side of those who recognise and counteract the instrumentalisation of
the pandemic and the fear that accompanies it. We are on the side of
those who are worried about the growing surveillance.
How digital manipulation is taking place:
We see the digitalisation of everyday life, which is inevitably
spreading under the contact ban and curfew and which suddenly seems to
know no analogue alternatives, as a digital transformation of society.
At first glance, it seems to be the only way for isolated people to stay
in contact with each other. But the space in which this takes place is
not a neutral space. It is controlled and monitored. The social
subjects, the people, become virtual figures, which are broken down by
algorithms into data sets and judged according to secret criteria,
advertising is controlled, misconduct is marked and reported,
subservience is rewarded. “Social distancing” or “distance is decency”
are terms that sound like they were borrowed from Huxley’s “Brave New
World” or Orwell’s “1984”.
They’re terms of war when seen stripped bare, which assign to us
immersion in the virtual world as a comprehensive social action. A “we”
is feigned and the internet is offered to the “we” as a new place of
social encounter and the world of work – thereby further cementing the
social isolation already underway as a result of the technological
attack. This is where the current and future containment of entire
societies through the internet is taking shape.
Online trade, digital school lessons, online seminars at universities,
video conferences, home office, electronic patient files, Amazon,
Zalando, Netflix, Lieferando, card payments, dating portals, video
streams and games, etc. are prerequisites for this. This is where
society is re-forming itself. This is where habituation takes place,
this is where society changes at a pace whose price – total
manipulability and thus controllability – will only become clear to us
in all its details in the coming years. A new, namely hygienic
(national) “we” is currently being constructed in order to enforce all
kinds of measures against which there were reservations and resistance
in the past, such as digitalisation in schools, electronic health
insurance cards and patient files or online payments and the
disappearance of cash.
Deutsche Telekom provides cloud-based “Web Conferencing Services” for
pupils, students and teachers free of charge, completely unselfishly.
Similar offers are also available for companies and their home office
needs. And for the little ones’ leisure time, there is the new streaming
service from Disney. And an additional 10 gigabytes for mobile surfing
on top of that. Free for the time being. Meanwhile, Telekom proclaims
“We connect Germany”, the battle cry of Vodafone is “Germany remains
networked”. The range of services does not differ significantly. But
Germany and the digital network – that creates cohesion. The
coronavirus, a stroke of luck for the network operators: new demand for
faster, further-reaching, and always more. With the latest offers, they
are able to capture prospective customers and generate even more data,
which companies and secret services alike can access. For example,
Vodafone works closely with the British secret service, which in turn is
the closest partner of the American NSA. As people spend more time
online with social contacts, work and entertainment, this is a
celebration for secret services and corporations. There can be no
greater access to social life. How much more in terms of profit, how
much more in terms of monitoring and controlling buying behaviour,
desired lifestyles, early detection of revolts can be derived from this
Since Edward Snowden’s revelations on NSA’s worldwide surveillance
program that monitored states, groups, and individuals, there is
widespread knowledge about the use of a vast array of digital
surveillance and behavioural control technologies, in China, in the USA,
in Russia and also in Germany. The Corona app is a gateway. The scenario
that at least 60 percent of the population in Germany should be
“voluntarily” conditioned to an app, to a single standard, for one
purpose, to a “voluntary” screening of all private and public contacts –
this is what our sabotage challenges.
What is yet to be said:
We are witnessing a worldwide civil war exercise for future crises and
wars. The consequences of this “exercise” will change the world. The
severity of the pandemic, its spread and the mass of dying people are
the matrix on which we are being introduced into a new age of crises as
a permanent state. If there is any doubt, neither fundamental rights of
the country concerned (which have never applied to everyone) nor human
rights count. While contact bans and curfews are imposed, the compulsion
to do paid work is maintained and it is left to the discretion of the
bosses whether they allow work to continue as before, whether they allow
themselves to be subsidised for reduced working hours or whether they
switch production to more profitable methods. In other places, at least
strikes have broken out. In this country, pandemic control ends at the
factory gates. On the assembly line and elsewhere, where no home office
is possible, people should work as long as it serves to maximise profits
and then quickly return to their family honeycombs, the trade unions
will not listen to anything else. While goods are expected to continue
to circulate freely and Eastern European migrant workers are expected to
arrive on time so that the economy does not collapse, refugees are kept
in camps – camps that guarantee the rapid spread of the virus and fail
to provide adequate health care.
One crisis not only replaces the next, but also makes other issues
disappear. The climate crisis disappears from sight behind Corona. The
wars, their consequences, and the reasons for them all disappear. It is
unclear where the 10,000 people who were trapped on the border between
Turkey and Greece ended up. The EU, which is increasingly turning these
borders into death traps, remains unpunished. The preparation of pogroms
in Hungary against Roma and Sinti by Orban and the right wing also goes
on unnoticed. There is no reaction to the use of the virus to establish
authoritarian governments against the constitution, as in Poland. Or the
retention of power by the corrupt Israeli president. Or to the
consolidation Putin’s power.
By now, it should be clear when the government and the business
community will rely on experts and science and when not. Why can a
pandemic trigger an emergency program and worldwide drastic measures,
but the collapse of the climate that is already taking place cannot?
This question is transferable to all global problems.
In the case of the destruction of the climate, which affects humanity as
a whole at least as much as the pandemic, the admonitions and proposals
of the experts have been and will be largely ignored. This is because a
vaccine is not enough against the consequences of climate disruption.
Corona is quite different: not only do health experts find sympathetic
ears, but their medical approach to combating the pandemic opens up new
possibilities for politicians. A murderous economy, a warlike world
system and an orientation towards progress and growth that aims to
destroy the earth and the basis of all life are being saved with
trillions of dollars and euros, while protests against this are being
banned by the health authorities. It is the colonial principle according
to which different values are attached to different human lives. Every
year 100,000 people die of malaria. Climate change is already killing:
hundreds of millions of people go hungry or are starving to death.
Billions of people have no access to clean drinking water.
In this new age, the forces that want fundamental change must reorient
and reposition themselves internationally. A comprehensive upheaval and
overcoming of patriarchal, colonial and capitalist conditions is not a
luxury, but of survival.
We will never get used to what we are supposed to get used to.
Vulkangruppe shut down the power / sabotage digital equipment
P.S.: For a revolutionary May Day against colonialism, patriarchy and
—–End of document——
La Ribellula n°2
Ecco il nuovo numero de
Riproponiamo il testo della copertina e del retro:
Voglio vedere i colori dei fiori, in queste primavere
e per questo lottare
Un mondo in cui non puoi essere lumacona
Una vita in cui manca il tempo per la vita
Odiare torna ad essere essenziale
Odiare la produzione bestiale, il demente capitale, odiare chi comanda e calpesta
Torniamo lumaconi, torniamo tisane.
Il 25 Aprile – festa della liberazione secondo il calendario –
è un giorno in cui si celebra e si ripete un NO al fascismo,
si ricorda l’importanza del liberarsi da ogni fascismo.
A 75 anni dalla fine della dittatura e del fascismo storico, ci sono
infatti sempre diverse forme di oppressione, manifestazioni di
quello che Umberto Eco chiamava l’Ur-fascismo,
declinato secondo i tempi che cambiano.
Il senso della giornata del 25 Aprile non può essere allora
la semplice rievocazione di una passata liberazione:
occorre rivendicare la propria libertà.
E il modo migliore di rivendicarla è praticarla.
Cosa fai allora questo 25 Aprile?
Io credo che uscirò di casa. Andrò a camminare per i boschi,
sugli stessi sentieri dove i partigiani vivevano la propria vita
libera in tempi in cui, proprio come oggi, le strade di città non lo
permettevano. Incontrerò persone con cui passeggiare insieme,
parlare di persona, scambiarsi idee,
confrontare opinioni, sviluppare riflessioni.
Io mi assumerò le mie responsabilità, come quella di decidere come
vivere in un modo che reputo giusto e sano,
perché libertà è innanzitutto non delegare simili scelte.
Tu resti a casa?
Cagliari – Frasi contro la polizia sui muri commissariato

Frasi offensive contro la Polizia di Stato sono state lasciate sulle pareti del Commissariato di Sant’Avendrace, attualmente chiuso, nel quartiere Is Mirrionis, a Cagliari. La scritta è stata fatta ieri sera con della vernice spray nera, ricoprendo anche la targa della polizia. Una frase ingiuriosa, probabilmente legata all’attività di controllo in cui è impegnata la Questura per frenare la diffusione del coronavirus.