Italia – Aggiornamento operazione Ritrovo

Oggi c’è stato l’interrogatorio di garanzia in videoconferenza. Gli avvocati hanno avuto modo di vedere tutti e loro si sono potuti vedere a vicenda. Stanno bene, il morale è alto e dicono di non preoccuparsi. Sono in isolamento per quarantena. Dicono di specificare gli indirizzi nei telegrammi. Guido e Duccio sono nella sezione dei nuovi giunti (a Ferrara) e hanno potuto fare l’aria da soli. Probabilmente anche Leo e Zip sono ai nuovi giunti (ad Alessandria) e non gli hanno fatto fare l’aria. Non sappiamo ancora le ragazze (Vigevano e Piacenza). Gli avvocati sono stati oggi a Ferrara e nei prossimi giorni andranno a vedere tutti gli altri.


Per chi volesse portare la propria solidarietà anche attraverso il sostegno economico alle compagne/i arrestate/i per l’operazione “Ritrovo” a Bologna, indichiamo un conto benefit arrestate/i, che funziona tramite bonifico. I soldi ricevuti verranno utilizzati come cassa di solidarietà alle/ai prigioniere/i e per le spese legali.

Ringraziamo sin d’ora le tante persone solidali che ci hanno già manifestato la loro volontà di contribuire per dare sostegno alle/ai compagne/i. In attesa di “ritrovarci” presto insieme in strada!

IBAN: IT82E0100503246100082077927

Codice bic swift per i bonifici dall’estero: Bnliitrrxxx

Intestato a: Marcello Salvati

Italia – Arresti a Bologna

Custodia cautelare in carere per * compagn* di Bologna: Elena e Nicole a Piacenza, Guido e Duccio a Ferrara, ZiPeppe e Leo ad Alessandria, Stefania a Vigevano.

Quì gli indirizzi a cui scrivere lettere e telegrammi.

Obbligo di dimora con obbligo di firma a Bologna per Emma, Martino, Ottavia, Tommi e Angelo.

L’accusa di 270bis è per chi ha la misura cautelare in carcere. Gli altri reati contestati sono 414, 639, 635 e a una sola persona incendio (423cp), aggravati dalla finalità eversiva.


I Carabinieri del Ros e del Comando provinciale di Bologna impegnati nell’operazione “Ritrovo” hanno eseguito una misura cautelare nei confronti di 12 anarco-insurrezionalisti, accusati di un attentato incendiario commesso a Bologna e di “atti di violenza con finalità di terrorismo e di eversione dell’ordine democratico dello Stato”

Le indagini, coordinate dalla Procura di Bologna, hanno accertato come gli autori si fossero organizzati “promuovendo un’associazione terroristico eversiva tesa anche alla predisposizione e diffusione di materiale istigatorio al compimento di azioni riconducibili ad una generale ‘Campagna di lotta antistato’.

Il blitz, oltre a Bologna, ha riguardato Milano e Firenze.

Da Bologna Today:

Raffica di arresti all’alba, per una operazione antiterrorismo che ha riguardato Bologna. Circa 12 persone sono state colpite da misure cautelari nel capoluogo emiliano. L’operazione, denominata ‘Ritrovo’ è estesa anche a Firenze e Milano. Sette misure di custodia cautelare in carcere, cinque sottoposizioni all’obbligo di dimora nel comune di Bologna, di cui quattro con dell’obbligo di presentazione alla polizia giudiziaria.

Alla base dell’inchiesta gli incendi dolosi e i considerevoli danni, riscontrati tra il 15 e il 16 dicembre 2018, alle antenne dei ripetitori locali di Monte Donato. Sul posto i carabinieri trovarono anche alcune scritte inneggiati alla lotta contro la detenzione a firma anarchica.

Le accuse sono pesantissime e relative ad atti con finalità di terrorismo ed eversione dell’ordine democratico dello stato. L’inchiesta è condotta dal pm Stefano D’Ambruoso della procura di Bologna, con la collaborazione del Ros e dei carabinieri di Bologna.

La tesi dell’accusa parla di “una associazione finalizzata al compimento di atti di violenza con finalità di terrorismo e di eversione dell’ordine democratico dello Stato italiano, con l’obiettivo di affermare e diffondere l’ideologia anarco-insurrezionalista, nonché di istigare, con la diffusione di materiale propagandistico, alla commissione di atti di violenza contro le Istituzioni politiche ed economiche dello Stato impegnate nella gestione dei Centri Permanenti di Rimpatrio e nella realizzazione di politiche in materia migratoria”.

Perquisiti tutti i domicili dei destinatari dei provvedimenti, oltre al circolo ‘Il Tribolo’ di via Donato Creti, ma il quadro potrebbe allargarsi. L’operazione è estesa anche a Firenze e Milano. Sempre secondo gli inquirenti, che per le indagini si sono avvalsi anche di intercettazioni ambientali, si parla di “una articolata trama di rapporti tra gli attuali indagati e diversi gruppi affini, operanti in varie zone del territorio nazionale” con lo scopo di “contrastare, anche mediante ricorso alla violenza, le politiche in materia di immigrazione e, in generale, le istituzioni pubbliche ed economiche, con indicazione di obiettivi da colpire e le modalità di azione”.

Tra le azioni prese in considerazione per la formulazione della tesi accusatoria della sezione antiterrorismo della procura ci sono anche cortei non autorizzati, danneggiamenti ad edifici pubblici, la campagna anticarceraria e quella contro la Banca popolare dell’Emilia-Romagna, tutto con il supporto della “realizzazione e diffusione, anche con l’uso di strumenti informatici, di opuscoli, articoli e volantini dal contenuto istigatorio, tesi ad aggregare nuovi proseliti impegnati nelle loro “campagne di lotta””.

Altro articolo sugli arresti:


Seguiranno aggiornamenti

Pandemie Kriegstagebücher – First of May Edition

„Das Desaster ist ja, dass es wirklich absolut keine Linke gibt….Da ist nur Leere… Da ist nichts, überhaupt nichts mehr.“

Nanni Balestrini

Fangen wir damit an, was als einziges überhaupt noch Sinn macht, weil alles jenseits davon, all die verpufften Affekte, all die ohnmächtige Wut, Trauer, all die überbordende Angst sich wie in einer Versuchsanordnung in der völligen Agonie der Isolation und Vereinzelung auflösen, als hätte es sie nicht gegeben. Fangen wir also mit der Hoffnung an, von der es an anderer Stelle heißt, ein Mensch könne einen Monat ohne Essen, eine Woche ohne Trinken, aber keine vier Sekunden ohne sie überleben. Reden wir also von der Hoffnung.

Eingereichter Beitrag. Geschrieben von Sebastian Lotzer.

Reden wir davon, wie sich die trostlosen Straßen Kreuzbergs wieder gefüllt haben, reden wir davon in all die Gesichter zu schauen, in die das Leben zurückgekehrt schien. Reden wir davon, wir wir unser Lächeln wiederfanden, wenn wir alten Genossinnen und Genossen wieder begegneten, reden wir von unserem Zögern, uns wirklich zu umarmen, reden wir von dem Schmerz, den wir verspürten, wenn wir unsere instinktiven Bewegungen aufeinander zu unter Kontrolle brachten und verlegen halbherzig, ja geradezu tollpatschig ungelenke Bewegungen vollzogen. Reden wir von unserer Scham, den Menschen, mit dem wir so viele Gefahren geteilt haben, der uns in vielen Momenten Bruder, Schwester geworden war, nicht von vollem Herzen zu umarmen.

Reden wir von den Bullen, die überall herumlungerten und uns beäugten und uns wie kleine Kinder ansprachen, um uns an Abstandsregelungen zu erinnern, die sie selber einen Scheissdreck interessierten. Reden wir von der Verachtung, die ihnen entgegen schlug. Reden wir also von diesem wunderschönen Abend Anfang Mai, dieser Stunde, wenn die Abendsonne die Oranienstraße in ein ganz eigenartiges Licht taucht. Reden wir von der Luft, die so herrlich frisch war, reden wir von all dem was für ein paar Momente möglich erschien.

Reden wir davon, dass wir unseren eigenen Worten lauschen konnten, weil nicht an jeder Ecke Bässe brummten, dumpfer Partymob sich die Birne zu ballerte, reden wir davon, dass so viele Transparente zu sehen waren wie schon seit vielen Jahren nicht mehr. Reden wir davon, dass wir in der Lage waren, ein Kräfteverhältnis herzustellen, in dem unser Gegner darauf verzichtete, uns auseinander zu jagen. Reden wir davon dass wir Tausende waren, reden wir davon, dass es das erste Mal war, seitdem man uns eingesperrt und unserer Rechte beraubt hatte. Reden wir davon, dass jedem Anfang ein Zauber inne wohnt.

Reden wir davon, dass wir weniger als unsere Gegner waren, aber wir trotzdem klüger und siegreicher sein können. Reden wir davon, dass uns dieser Tag wirklich etwa bedeutet, etwas das in all den letzten Jahren verloren schien, wo wir wie eine Schafherde selbsternannten Anführen und ihren Trucks hinterher getrottet waren. Reden wir davon, dass wir nicht mehr all den dummen Reden, den ewig gleichen Satzbausteinen lauschen mussten. Reden wir davon, das wir hätten Geschichte schreiben können. Reden wir davon, dass wir diese Gelegenheit verpasst haben. Reden wir darüber, warum dies passiert ist.

Bewege dich in schwierigem Gelände ständig weiter“

Die Kunst des Krieges – Sun Tzu

Kein Aufmarsch, keine feste Formation, keine Form die kontrolliert werden kann, keine Menge, die eingeschlossen werden kann. Keine Richtung, die vorgegeben ist, sich jederzeit wenden können, Überraschungsmomente schaffen. So haben wir angefangen, so hätte es weitergehen können. Man spürte die Unsicherheit der Bullen, ihre Schwierigkeiten im Anfangsstadium sich unserer Taktik anzupassen. Dann begann das Zögern, das Warten, wurden im Hintergrund Anweisungen gegeben, denen blind gefolgt wurde. Unser erster Fehler. Unser Gegner wusste nun, wo er uns zu erwarten, uns in Empfang nehmen konnte. Verlegte seine Truppen, blockierte Straßen, fing an uns zu zerstreuen und zu hetzen. Wir hätten nun unsererseits anfangen können, ihn zu blockieren, Baustellen hätte den Weg auf die Straße finden können, wir hätten uns in verschiedene Richtungen zerstreuen können, entgegengesetzten Bewegungen vollziehen können. Aber wir hetzen nur von dem einem vorgegebenen Punkt zum nächsten. Begnügten uns damit, überhaupt da zu sein, anstatt uns selbstbewusst Teile des Terrains anzueignen. Trotzdem war die Sache noch nicht verloren.

An der Kottbusser Brücke plötzliche Dynamik, die Bullen konnten nur noch hinterher hecheln. Am Wassertorplatz die Wanne der Einsatzleitung (die steht dort jedes Jahr) ohne Schutz, ein, zwei Flaschen, dann konnten die Anführer unserer Gegner schon wieder durchatmen. Von nun an wurde es mit jeder Querstraße schwieriger für uns. Aus den Bereitstellungsräumen fluteten die Hundertschaften den Kiez, die Bullen von der PMS bekamen neuen Mut, zogen sich ihre Westen über und liefen einfach zu dritt am Rande mit. Ein weiterer Bullenwagen, nur mit einem Fahrer besetzt, stand quer, wurde umflossen, kein Kratzer war hinterher zu sehen. Jetzt wurde unserem Gegner klar, dass wir uns selbst beschränkten, dass wir nur gekommen waren, um überhaupt da zu sein. Der Rest ist schnell erzählt und allseits bekannt. Alles strömte zum schon abgeriegelten Mariannenplatz, dort dann wieder Statik, Ohnmacht, Prügel und Festnahmen. Ein paar Steine und Farbbeutel in der Manteuffel und dann hatten wir schon unseren anvertrauten Ersten Mai wieder. Jede weitere offensive Option war Geschichte.

Die größte Verwundbarkeit ist die Unwissenheit”

Die Kunst des Krieges – Sun Tzu

Wir leben ohne Zweifel in schwierigen Zeiten. Wir leben in Zeiten des erhöhten Risikos, aber auch der erhöhten Chancen. Alles ist brüchig und durchlässig, jede Erzählung kann morgen schon der Vergangenheit angehören. Wir werden eingesperrt und entrechtet, die Alten, die Behinderten, die psychisch Kranken, die Obdachlosen, die Flüchtlinge, die Frauen die Zuhause geschlagen werden, die Proleten Familie, die jetzt jeden Abend zu fünft in der zu kleinen Bude hockt, sind noch beschissener dran. Jenseits unserer Welt des Wohlstandes verlieren gerade Hunderte von Millionen Menschen ihre Lebensgrundlagen. Seit den ersten Tagen der weltweiten Ausgangssperren gibt es Widerstand, weil es für viele um Alles geht. In Afrika, in Südamerika plündern sie Supermärkte, an vielen Orten beleben sich trotz der realen Gesundheitsgefahren die Straßen und Plätze mit Menschen die bereit sind zu kämpfen, weil weiteres Abwarten unerträglich ist, wenn man nichts zu fressen hat und nur noch in den Abgrund der Armut schaut. Im Libanon brennen Tag für Tag die Banken und alle Welt schaut genau hin.

Ein Großteil der Linken hat sich der Erpressung der Eliten gebeugt, stellt das Narrativ der Alternativlosigkeit nicht in Frage. Als wenn wir jemanden bräuchten, der uns erzählt, was wir zu tun haben, um uns und unsere Nachbarn, Freunde, die Menschen um uns herum zu schützen. Wir handeln aus der Liebe zu den Menschen, das unterscheidet uns von unseren Todfeinden, die vorgeben sich auf einmal um die Alten und Schwachen zu kümmern, die sie sonst vor sich hin vegetieren und krepieren lassen. Wenn wir am Ersten Mai in Kreuzberg waren, “um demokratischen Protest auszuüben” (Stellungnahme 1.Mai Bündnis), dann waren wir umsonst da. Es geht nicht darum, zu protestieren, es geht auch nicht darum, “sich Gehör zu verschaffen in den kommenden Verteilungskämpfen” (Taz), in dieser Sackgasse hat sich ein Großteil der Linken schon vor langer Zeit verlaufen.

Sehr viele Menschen auf der Welt haben am Ersten Mai genau nach Kreuzberg geschaut. Das erste Mal seit vielen Jahren. Die Aktionen in SO 36 waren mit die ersten Massenaktionen in Europa seit der Verhängung des Ausnahmezustandes auf fast dem gesamten Kontinent. Für viele wäre ein Tag, der mit einem (temporären) Kontrollverlust des Empires zu Ende gegangen wäre, ein Zeichen der Ermutigung gewesen. Es gab in den letzten Wochen viele Aufrufe aus Italien, Spanien, Frankreich, sich aus der Schockstarre heraus zu kämpfen, sich vertraut zu machen mit dem neuen Terrain, auf dem wir uns jetzt zwangsweise bewegen müssen. Wir werden wieder grundsätzlich zu atmen, laufen, zu reden, uns zu lieben lernen müssen. Zu vieles ist in den letzten Wochen unter den Menschen kaputt gegangen. Wird in den nächsten Monaten kaputt gehen. Es steht zu befürchten, dass wir in den kommenden Wochen nicht wieder so zahlreich sein werden wie am Ersten Mai. Dass wir auf einen gut aufgestellten Gegner treffen werden.

Ich habe bereits versucht, die Form des Despotismus zu beschreiben, mit der wir rechnen müssen und vor der wir uns unermüdlich schützen müssen”

Giorgio Agamben

Wenn der Widerstand in Europa gegen das neue Regime, das dabei ist, sich zu entfalten, nicht auf die Revolten der abgehängten Jugendlichen in Frankreich, Belgien,… beschränkt bleiben soll, werden wir uns taktische Fehler wie am Ersten Mai nicht mehr leisten können, weil dies bereits jegliche Option zu einer strategischen Suchbewegung hierzulande unterbindet. Es gibt ein grundsätzliches Bedürfnis nach einer Welt jenseits der Angst und Reglementierung. Dies hat auch die rege Beteiligung an der antiautoritären Demonstration zum 1. Mai in Athen gezeigt, an der trotz einer bis zum 4. Mai geltenden Ausgangssperre um die 5.000 Menschen teilgenommen haben. Das Notstandsregime wähnt sich auf dem Höhepunkt seiner Macht, scheinbar so widerstandslos hat es sich durchsetzen können. Aber genau darin liegt auch seine Brüchigkeit, weil es nichts anderes anzubieten hat als eine langanhaltende Trostlosigkeit, die sich nur aus dem Versprechen von Fürsorge und Paternalismus nährt. Auf den Strassen schreiben wir Geschichte. Dystopie oder Freiheit.

Pandemic War diaries – First of May Edition

“The disaster is that there really is absolutely no left… There’s just emptiness… There’s nothing, nothing at all.”

Nanni Balestrini

Berlin. Let’s start with what is the only thing that makes any sense at all, because everything beyond, all the fizzled out affects, all the powerless rage, grief, all the overwhelming fear dissolves as if in an experimental arrangement in the complete agony of isolation and separation, as if it had not existed. So let us start with the hope, which is said elsewhere, that a person can survive a month without food, a week without drinking, but not four seconds without them. So let’s talk about hope.

Submitted to Enough 14. Written by Sebastian Lotzer. Translated by Enough 14.

Let’s talk about the cops that were hanging around everywhere, eyeballing us and talking to us as if we were little children to remind us of distance regulations that they themselves didn’t give a shit about. Let’s talk about the contempt that was directed at them. So let’s talk about that wonderful evening at the beginning of May, that hour when the evening sun shining on Oranienstraße giving it a very special light. Let us talk about the air that was so wonderfully fresh, let us talk about all that seemed possible for a few moments.

Let’s talk about the fact that we were able to listen to our own words, because not every corner was booming with basses, dull party mobs were blowing their brains out, let’s talk about the fact that there were more banners to be seen than there have been for many years. Let’s talk about the fact that we were able to establish a balance of power in which our opponent refrained from chasing us apart. Let us talk about the fact that there were thousands of us, let us talk about the fact that it was the first time since we had been imprisoned and deprived of our rights. Let’s talk about how every beginning has a magic within it.

Let’s talk about the fact that we were less than our opponents, but we can still be smarter and more victorious. Let’s talk about how this day really means something to us, something that seemed lost in all those years when we were like a flock of sheep, self-proclaimed leaders and trotting behind their trucks. Let’s talk about the fact that we didn’t have to listen to all those stupid speeches, the eternally same phrases. Let’s talk about how we could have made history. Let’s talk about how we missed that opportunity. Let’s talk about why this happened.

“Keep moving forward in difficult terrain”

The Art of War – Sun Tzu

No marching up, no fixed formation, no form that can be controlled, no crowd that can be contained. No direction that is predetermined, being able to turn at any time, creating moments of surprise. This is how we started, this is how it could have continued. You could feel the insecurity of the cops, their difficulties to adapt to our tactics in the early stages. Then the hesitation began, the waiting, instructions were given in the background, blindly followed. Our first mistake. Our opponent now knew where to expect us, where to meet us. Relocated his troops, blocked roads, began to disperse and chase us. We could now have started to block them, construction sites could have found their way onto the road, we could have scattered in different directions, made opposite movements. But we are just rushing from one predetermined point to the next. Satisfied with being there at all, instead of confidently appropriating parts of the terrain. Still, the situation was not lost.

At Kottbusser bridge sudden dynamics, the cops could only pant behind. At Wassertorplatz the van of the operation command (it stands there every year) without protection, one or two bottles, then the leaders of our opponents could already breathe again. From now on it became more difficult for us with every crossroad. From the provision rooms riot squads flooded the neighborhood, the cops from the PMS got new courage, put on their vests and simply walked along the edge with three of them. Another cop car, with only the driver inside, stood crosswise, was flowed around, not a scratch was to be seen afterwards. Now our opponent realized that we were limiting ourselves, that we had only come to be here at all. The rest is quickly told and well known. Everything flowed to the already sealed off Mariannenplatz, there again static, powerlessness, beatings and arrests. A few stones and paint bags in the Manteuffel and then we had our familiar First of May back. Every further offensive option was history.

“The greatest vulnerability is ignorance”

The Art of War – Sun Tzu

There is no doubt that we are living in difficult times. We live in times of increased risk, but also of increased opportunity. Everything is fragile and permeable, any narrative could be a thing of the past tomorrow. We are imprisoned and disenfranchised, the elderly, the disabled, the mentally ill, the homeless, the refugees, the women who are beaten at home, the low-class family, now five of them sitting every evening in their too-small flat, are even worse off. Beyond our world of prosperity, hundreds of millions of people are losing their livelihoods. Since the first days of the worldwide lockdowns there has been resistance because for many it is about everything. In Africa, in South America they are plundering supermarkets, in many places the streets and squares are reviving in spite of the real health risks with people who are willing to fight, because further waiting is unbearable if you have nothing to eat and only look into the abyss of poverty. In Lebanon the banks are burning day after day and the whole world is watching carefully.

A large part of the left has given in to the blackmail of the elites, does not question the narrative of the absence of alternatives. As if we needed someone to tell us what we have to do to protect ourselves and our neighbours, friends, the people around us. We act out of love for people, which is what distinguishes us from our mortal enemies, who suddenly pretend to care for the old and weak, who otherwise let them vegetate and die. If we were in Kreuzberg on May 1st, “to practice democratic protest” (Statement 1st May Alliance), then we were there for nothing. It’s not about protesting, it’s also not about “making ourselves heard in the coming distribution struggles” (Taz), a large part of the left got lost in this dead end street a long time ago.

Many people in the world looked closely at Kreuzberg on the first of May. For the first time in many years. The actions in SO 36 were among the first mass actions in Europe since the declaration of the state of emergency on almost the entire continent. For many, a day that would have ended with a (temporary) loss of control of the Empire would have been a sign of encouragement. In recent weeks there have been many calls from Italy, Spain, France, to fight their way out of the state of shock, to familiarise themselves with the new terrain on which we now are forced to move. We will have to learn to breathe, to walk, to talk, to love each other again. Too many things have broken among people in the last few weeks. Will be broken in the coming months. It is to be feared that in the coming weeks we will not be as numerous again as on the first of May. That we will meet a well-positioned opponent.

“I have already tried to describe the form of despotism that we can expect and from which we must tirelessly protect ourselves”

Giorgio Agamben

If the resistance in Europe against the new regime that is about to unfold is not to be limited to the revolts of the abandoned youth in France, Belgium, …, we will no longer be able to afford tactical errors such as those made on the First of May, because this already prevents any option to a strategic search for a movement in this country. There is a fundamental need for a world beyond fear and regulation. This was also demonstrated by the strong participation in the anti-authoritarian demonstration on May 1st in Athens, in which around 5,000 people took part despite a curfew in force until May 4th. The emergency regime believes itself to be at the height of its power, apparently so unresistingly it has been able to prevail. But that is precisely where its fragility is to be found, because it has nothing to offer but a prolonged desolation that is only fed by the promise of care and paternalism. On the streets we write history. Dystopia or freedom.

The self-abolition of the proletariat as the end of the capitalist world (or why the current revolt doesn’t transform into revolution)

“Exploitation, which is necessary to sustain the economy, has in the
generalized installation of capital, managed historically to overcome
the attacks of the proletariat, since they have never put its central
components into question” […]

If it were but merely a question of explaining the facts in a very
pedagogical way, the day after tomorrow the old world would be left in
the dust, but this is not so, the exploited feel comfortable in their
chains because they are entrapped in the mercantile social relations
that hide their exploitation under the veil of democratic reconciliation
or of nihilistic resignation, two poles of the same ideological center.”

–Anarquia & Communismo n.11

Santiago, Chile Winter 2018

“Yet at the same time, the proletariat only exists when it becomes
conscious of its condition and struggles for its liberation, that is,
its self-abolition, by attacking the social relations and institutions
that keep it dominated and through the affirmation of its truly human
interests, neither defined nor mediated by mercantile necessities”

-Ya No Hay Vuelta Atrás (Now There’s No Turning Back) n.2

Santiago, Chile February 2020

The fundamental contradiction of the current proletarian revolt

The revolt is breaking out all over the world, but all over the world
the revolution is missing. Why? What follows is a tentative but forceful

The current-day reason is that this society of classes is coming out of
a historical counterrevolutionary period (since approximately the
1980’s) and entering a historical period of ascension and
intensification of the worldwide proletarian struggle against worldwide
Capital-State (2008-2013 and 2019-202?). Which, at the same time,
recently is starting to alter the correlation of forces and the
conditions for a possible revolutionary situation, in view of the fact
that the proletarian revolt has caused the bourgeoisie and their
governments to tremble, but it still hasn’t defeated them nor sent them
to the dustbin of history. As the comrades of Grupo Barbaria say, this
is a “hinge period” which must be seen not as a photograph but as a film
that contains flows (revolts), and ebbs (returns to normalcy), new flows
and a open finale. A historical period which transits between the
counterrevolution and a possible revolutionary situation at a global
level; for which, nevertheless, there is still a long way to go.

The structural reason, or the one in the backdrop, is that the
proletariat is still not a revolutionary class, despite the fact that
today the capitalist crisis is more widespread and serious than ever
before, and that the current global wave of revolts of the exploited and
oppressed is a embryo and a milestone heading forward towards the global
revolt, or at least its necessity and possibility. With a greater or
lesser grade of organizational autonomy and of street violence, the
proletarian class today is fighting against the capitalist order almost
everywhere, but this is not sufficient: in the end, the proletariat is
revolutionary or it is nothing, and it’s only revolutionary when it
struggles, not for “a life that is just and dignified” as the working
class, but to cease to be it. Yes, the proletariat is only revolutionary
when it struggles to cease being the proletariat, that is, when it
fights for its self-abolition. Of this there are certain symptoms and
elements in some current struggles (e.g. struggles not for more work and
more State but for another life, although they appear to be “suicidal”
struggles) but still there’s a long way to go, because in their majority
the proletarians continue to reproduce themselves as the class of labor
and, therefore, as the class of Capital, and they continue to negotiate
with the State about their demands in that reproduction. At the moment,
then, the working class flows and ebbs between being an exploited class
and being a revolutionary class. This is the fundamental contradiction,
still unresolved, of the proletarian revolt today and, therefore, the
principal reason for which it doesn’t transform into social revolution.

At the same time this happens because, in this era of real and total
subsumption (integration and subordination) of work and life into
Capital, Capital and the proletariat reciprocally imply each other – as
the comrades of Endnotes say-, they mutually reproduce “24/7”, sometimes
they identify with each other and other times they are in direct
confrontation. A class relation in which, of course, the proletarian
social pole is that which suffers all this human alienation as an
exploited and oppressed class, and therefore once and awhile it rebels
against such a condition. To which the Capital-State responds with
repression and, above all, with co-opting and recuperation of the
proletarian struggles into its logics, mechanisms, institutions,
ideologies and discourses. Because if it doesn’t do so, it would
seriously compromise its own existence. Like so then, from the point of
view of the revolutionary and dialectical materialist, in the current
historical cycle of class struggle the abolition of Capital necessarily
implies the abolition of the proletariat and vice-versa.

Indeed, because in the end it’s not a matter of taking pride in being a
proletarian and fighting for a “proletarian society”, and even less for
a “proletarian State”. Alienation can’t be destroyed through alienated
means, that’s to say with the arms of the system itself (as it is
believed by the partisans of the “transition period”, meaning the
so-called “socialism” of State capitalism, whatever the “path” may be),
since that is “giving more power to Power”. On the contrary, it’s a
matter of assuming the fact of being a proletarian as a condition that
is socially and historically imposed, as the modern slavery from which
one must liberate themself collectively and radically. It’s a matter of
ceasing to be an exploited and oppressed class once and for all,
eliminating the conditions that make the existence of social classes
possible. Given that the proletariat condenses all forms of exploitation
and oppression within itself, at the same time as all forms of
resistance and of radical alternative, Capital, the State and all forms
of exploitation and oppression would be abolished (sex/gender, “race”,
nationality, etc.) This is the social revolution. And without a doubt
this will not be a magical occurrence that happens over night in a pure
and perfect manner, but a historical and contradictory process which
nevertheless will have this consistent foundation or will not be.

Yet at the moment that is not what’s happening because, in spite of
being in revolt in many countries, the proletariat in their majority
continue to struggle to reproduce their “life” as the working class and
not to put an end to their slavery, waged and citizenized. (I say in
their majority, because there also exist proletarian minorities that
agitate against work, the class society and the State, but that
unfortunately don’t have a greater social impact.)

And they don’t do it just because of ideological alienation or “lack of
class consciousness”, but because of the material necessity of survival:
selling their labor force in the current precarious conditions and at
whatever price in order to be able to cover their basic needs, trying to
valorize their commodity-labor power in the work market as much formal
as informal (or in the market of goods and services, in the case of
self-management and barter), to struggle to subsume their life even more
to Capital, reproduce and bear its social relations and its forms of
living. The capitalist class relationship is in crisis, but it remains
standing. The working class today is more precarious and miserable than
ever before, but it continues to be a working class.

If indeed Capital can no longer maintain so much surplus or excess
population which its own historical development has produced all over
the world, but rather it gets rid of them by means of wars, pandemics,
famines, etc., just as it also tends to generate new class conflicts,
principally on part of the workers against the increase in exploitation
and the pauperization or the so-called “austerity measures” taken as
much by the left and the right; at the same time, the capitalist
counterrevolution has still not been defeated by the proletariat on the
socioeconomic and everyday terrain, and therefore, not on the political
and organizational terrain, despite the ideological illusions that the
different leftists create in this respect.

For example currently in Chile, a country in which, on one hand, despite
the community soup kitchens and other practices of solidarity between
proletarians, the revolt doesn’t provide a livelihood, or not for a long
awhile. The majority of the people have to work (formally and
informally) in order to eat, pay the rent, education, health care, basic
services, telephone and internet, etc.; that’s to say, they must
reproduce the capitalist relationships of production, circulation and

and on the other hand, in spite of the existence of the autonomous
territorial assemblies, their major demand is the “constituent
assembly”; meaning that, instead of taking power over their own life in
order to change it radically and in every aspect, the majority of our
class would again delegate it to the bourgeois-democratic State. But
above all, because in their majority the proletarians continue
reproducing the capitalist relationships of alienation, oppression,
exploitation, competition and atomization amongst themselves, including
in the the assemblies, the barricades and the territorial recuperations.
And although the revolt in Chile is the most advanced at an
international level at the moment, it is not therefore “the revolution
to commence” as the comrades of the blog “Vamos Hacia la Vida” say, but
rather it is a revolt that is being defeated by its own limits and
obstacles, regardless of the organizational autonomy and the street
violence which still manifests in it. As the comrades of the Círculo de
Comunistas Esotéricos say, “The revolution has been postponed, but the
larval possibility of assuming it has been implanted. It’s necessary to
continue nourishing its possibilities as one waters a plant, as one
suckles an infant, as bonds of affection are built: constantly, daily.
The battle in these moments has been lost, but only partially. There are
inroads that are necessary to maintain. Just as there are setbacks that
need to be evaluated” And as another comrade from there, of the blog
“Antiforma” says, paraphrasing Vaneigem: “those that speak of revolution
and class struggle without referring to the destruction of the social
and biopsychic fabric that could sustain a decisive change, speak with a
corpse in their mouth.” Nevertheless, whatever happens in the next
months in this country (especially , after the plebiscite which was
announced for April 2020 but temporarily suspended due to the
coronavirus), it will be a milestone in the transition – or not – of a
possibly revolutionary historical period on a global level, which
without a doubt leaves revolutionaries everywhere with multiple and
valuable lessons.

For such reasons the thing is that, in this era and all over the world,
the proletariat oscillates between being a class which is exploited and
oppressed by Capital-State and being a class that is revolutionary or
self-abolishing. It fluctuates between the one and the other, with or
without consciousness of what it is doing and what it can do. This is –
and it’s worth reiterating – the fundamental ambiguity, paradox or
contradiction of the current day proletarian revolt that is still
unresolved , and therefore, the principal reason for which it doesn’t
transform into a social revolution.

Indeed, the revolt is not a revolution. The intermittent re-emergence of
the worldwide proletariat, and its autonomous and violent actions
against the forces of repression (of which spectacle and illusion are
also made, e.g. the romanticizing of “the front line”), are not a
revolution. But “the socialist transition State” and “rank-and-file
workers’ self management” aren’t revolution either (they never were).
The key to the social revolution is the self-abolition of the
proletariat, which goes hand-in-hand with the abolition of value,
because these are the roots or the foundations of capitalism, understood
as the social dictatorship of value valorizing itself at the cost of a
proletarianized humanity and of nature.

The self-alienation and self-destruction of the proletariat as a class
of Capital

On the contrary, when they don’t fight against the capitalist conditions
and class relationships, when they don’t fight in an autonomous and
conscious way to produce the conditions and the weapons (practical and
theoretical) of their own liberation, the proletariat is a class of
Capital and for Capital, because it is Capital that produces and
reproduces it daily and in every sense, as much objectively or
materially as subjectively and spiritually. Not only producing and
reproducing economic value and surplus value, but also cultural value
and surplus value, ideological and psychological – that is, producing
and reproducing human alienation in all its levels and forms, upon the
basis of the the fundamental and transversal alienation of the
capitalist society: commodity fetishism, meaning the objectification,
commodification and monetary valorization of human relations -. Not only
by means of wage slavery and voluntary servitude – that is, being a
citizenry disciplined by work/consumption and fragmented into thousands
of particular identities-; but, above all, when the proletarians don’t
recognize or assume themselves and among themselves to be as such, when
they disregard and isolate themselves and neither act in solidarity nor
mutual aid, when they compete, cheat, snitch, defraud, exploit,
dominate, violate in every possible form and even kill each other (in
all of these, without a doubt the women, children, homosexuals, blacks
and indigenous bear the brunt of it).

In summary, the problem is the reproduction of capitalist social
relations and of power in everyday life, principally within the
proletariat itself, not only because of how the proletarian men and
women relate with the exploiting and ruling class, but because of how
they relate amongst the oppressed themselves in order to reproduce
themselves as such, being, as they are, the majority of the society. And
the thing is that, throughout majority of historical time (there are
exceptions: revolts and revolutions) and in every part of the world, the
proletariat has passed it by self-alienating and self-destructing as
humanity to the benefit of Capital (of commodity fetishism, of value, of
the money-god for which they work) and of all the forms of
exploitation/oppression that are subsumed within its mode of social
production reproduction (patriarchy, racism, nationalism, etc.) instead
of directing all the subversive aspect of their misery, rage, and
violence against it; and above all, instead of fighting to reappropriate
their own lives and live them in real freedom and community.

Now, as Marx said, a society doesn’t ever disappear before all of its
productive forces and forms of living (and of dying) are developed, or
before the material conditions for new and superior social relations
there already exist at its bosom. Therefore, the bourgeois society will
not disappear until the proletariat neither can nor want to live under
the capitalist mode of production and of living, and therefore begin to
produce for themselves, by need and by desire, anarchic and communist
social relations and forms of living, which can only be developed freely
and fully by means of the social revolution, in the heat of the class
antagonism and the reproduction of daily life. It is there, in the real
and practical social struggles where the proletarians do this, where the
seed of revolution, of communism and anarchy, can be found.

As Endnotes and other comrades like Kurz explain well, the revolutions
of the 19th and 20th centuries, despite their elements and tendencies of
a communist and anarchic character (e.g. rejection of work and of the
State, of mercantile exchange and of democracy) didn’t dynamite the
roots and fundamental categories of capitalism, but rather they
developed, modernized and spread them throughout the world from the
opposition, not only through the counterrevolutionary (re)action of the
worldwide bourgeoisie, but also thanks to the worker-union, peasant and
popular movement and its leftist vanguards that took bourgeois state
power or, in the absence of that, managed to make the state concede
economic, political and social reforms in terms of welfare, development
and nationalism. It’s needless to say here, but anyway just in case,
what existed in Russia, China, Yugoslavia, Cuba, etc. was not communism
but State capitalism with other administrators and other headings. For
their part, the anarchist and autonomist experiences of self-management
(from Barcelona in 1936 to Chiapas and Rojava today in the 21st century)
didn’t manage to break away from and overcome the social and impersonal
dictatorship of value, money, the commodity and work, and that’s to say
capitalism, either.

In short, all the past revolutions failed to realize the fundamental
objective of the communist revolution: the abolition of class society,
beginning with the proletariat itself, which is the principal producer
and product of capitalist social relations.

Today we know that, despite such revolutionary elements and tendencies,
it wasn’t due to causes pertaining to the ideological-political –
meaning program and party – and military – meaning arms and the use of
violence – but rather quite precisely material and historical causes –
namely: a transition from formal subsumption to the real subsumption of
work into Capital, a surge and crisis of the workers’ movement as
opposition to/developer of capitalism, new cycles of
crisis/restructuring and of class struggles -, which determined that
communism would not be realized in past eras and that it really hadn’t
been possible yet until today or from now on to realize it. And this is
not “to justify the leninist and stagist theory of statist and
capitalist development of productive forces”, as a comrade of the ICG
says. It’s “applying historical materialism to historical materialism
itself”, as Korsch said; in this case, the historical materialist
conception of communist revolution. Furthermore in the communizing
perspective leninism is also openly criticized as a counterrevolutionary
force, and communism is understood as a real global-historical movement
that, due to the causes that have been mentioned, still has not been
able to transform into a new society.

Then, how could it be possible- even inevitable – that the current
historical and international cycle of capitalist crisis/restructuring
and of class struggle could be pushing the proletariat towards the
worldwide communist revolution, in the same time that it is pushing
towards extinction? Because the technological progress of the
multinational companies, with the aim of competing and obtaining more
profits and power, has turned them in their majority into a superfluous
or excess population (surplus proletariat) which becomes more and more
difficult to guarantee under this system, not only the production of
commodities and of surplus value, but the reproduction of their very
life in every aspect. The contradiction of capital, sooner or later
fatal, is that it almost completely devalues its principal source of
value and of wealth: the collective labor force, the working class. The
fact that today there exists so much technology (as to reduce human
labor to the necessary minimum) and so many foods (as much to feed more
than the existing world population), but at the same time there is
neither as much work, nor money, nor stability, nor housing, nor
uncontaminated environment, nor health, nor anything, for the majority
of the population, creates malaise and social protest. In which the
proletariat, which is so precaritized today, has fought not only for
work and for another kind of government, or not only for more money,
more things and better services, but also against the State-Capital,
with or without consciousness that it had done so. Producing communities
of struggle and of life not mediated by competition, money or authority,
that’s to say where new social relations are experimented with that
subvert the capitalist social relations – another world inside of and
against the bowels of this world -, but that last only as long as such
struggles last… like everything in these “liquid” and “diffused” times.

It’s no coincidence then, that this era of crisis and social revolts be,
at the same time, the era of the labor reserve army or of the workers
who are unemployed, underemployed and impoverished, composed in a
considerable percentage by youth with higher education, internet access
and “social networks”, and with experience in massive rebellions and
even in insurrections and “communes”. But up until there and no more,
because the revolt is not the revolution. Capitalism remains standing.
And this, at the same time, is because the proletariat is the living
contradiction which today fluctuates between
self-alienation/self-destruction and self-emancipation/self-abolition
through its revolts and returns to normality.

The revolution is the positive resolution of this movement in
contradiction: the revolution is the radical
self-suppression/self-overcoming of the proletariat and, therefore, of
Capital, not because of ideology but because of concrete vital
necessity, that is to say when the proletariat feels and assumes in
social practice the necessity to produce communism and anarchy in order
to live, no more and no less, Meanwhile, capitalism, with the plasticity
which has always characterized it, will continue to dialectically
recycle the assaults of the proletariat to its own favor. And its
leftist organizations will continue reproducing Capital and the State,
although they think and say the opposite (see below).

All of this – and not “the lack of a party” nor “the lack of a program”
– is what materially and historically explains why the proletariat,
despite being the social majority numerically, has still not destroyed
once and for all this system of alienation, exploitation, misery and
death which is ruled over by the bourgeoisie, who are numerically the
social minority. This is the response to the question that many
proletarians have made sometimes or often, above all in this era of real
and total subsumption of humanity into Capital.

Indeed, the problem is not only the “perverse” bourgeoisie and the
“damned” capitalist system, but that, through subsumption, the
proletariat itself IS the capitalist system: let’s be realist and
honest, our class is not, nor must it be seen as “victim”, “saint”, nor
“heroine”, in this history: the majority of the time and all over the
place it keeps on self-alienating and self-destructing as humanity,
reproducing the capitalist relationships of exploitation and oppression.
But also, as an exploited and oppressed class, the proletariat has been
and can be the revolutionary class, not necessarily but potentially,
depending on what it does or doesn’t do in the class struggle to negate
and suppress its own current condition, to transform the capitalist
social relations into communist social relations.

Because it’s humanly comprehensible and assertable that our class
becomes fed-up and attacks such a subhuman condition of being an
exploitable and disposable commodity-thing. Because, dialectically
speaking, within its self-alienation pulsates the possibility of its
self-abolition, given that the de-alienation runs the same route as the
alienation (from the economic alienation to the religious and
ideological alienation). Its self-abolition, then, necessarily implies
its self-liberation (“the emancipation of the workers will be the task
of the workers themselves” or it will not happen), and its
self-liberation necessarily implies its radical self-critique as a
class. Because the self-critique allows it to learn the lessons of its
defeats for present and future battles; that’s to say, because
self-critique is the key to self-liberation, just as the “revolution
within the revolution” is the key to the revolution. and above all
because, as Camatte said “currently, either the proletariat prefigures
the communist society and realizes the [revolutionary] theory, or it
continues to be what society already is.”

This includes and implicates principally its organizations, parties,
movements, collectives, groupuscules, sects or “rackets” of the left
(marxist-leninist and postmodern) and of the ultra-left (radical
communists and anarchists), because these also reproduce the capitalist
relations, logics, dynamics, practices and behaviors. Principally, by
means of their multiform political and ego competition to be the
self-proclaimed vanguard that takes power over the State “when the
historical moment arrives”, for some, or that self-manages Capital “from
below and to the left” for “everyone” in daily life, for “others”. It’s
all the same, because all these different leftist organizations are, due
to their practices and their relations, just another gear in this
generalized mercantile society of atomization, competition, spectacle
and ideology (ideology understood as the deformed consciousness of the
reality that, as such a real factor, at the same time exerts a real
deforming action, in the words of Debord). Products and agents of the
ideological-political and identitarian market, these leftist
organizations are the caricaturesque and miserable spectacle of the
struggle for revolution… ad nauseam. They are capitalism with an
“anticapitalist” appearance.

Above all in moments of post-revolt or of a return to normalcy, like for
example the leftist organizations in Ecuador after the revolt of October
2019 (in which we participated spontaneously as thousands of
proletarians “without a party”), or like what happened also in Brazil
after the revolt of June 2013… and in general all over the world, before
and after the current wave of revolts.

Still so, the problem is not only the reformist or left-wing of Capital
and its multiple divisions and competitions. The problem isn’t per se
the ideology or the organizations either. The problem is how the
proletariat itself and its proletarian minorities reproduce capitalism
in daily life, in practice, despite how their ideology and discourse say
the opposite.

The self-abolition of the proletariat as the key to the communist
revolution and communism as a real and contradictory movement

Nevertheless, the only way to combat, destroy and really overcome all
this shit is the autonomous and revolutionary struggle of
proletarianized humanity, including its radical minorities. As well as
the everyday and anonymous forms of resistance and solidarity between
the oppressed or the nobodies “without a party”. Indeed, it is in the
dialectic contradiction itself where the possibility of revolution can
be found, understood as a negation and overcoming of the negation. This
contradiction really exists and it IS the proletariat: an exploited
class and a revolutionary class. Because the same vital energy that
reproduces this system of death can be used to combat it, destroy it and
overcome it. Starting by questioning, revolutionizing, and abolishing
itself and by extension all other social classes, towards the aim of
reappropriating human life itself, in the heat of, and only in the heat
of, the class struggle. Assuming in practice that the struggle against
Capital necessarily implies the struggle against its class condition
itself. That might sound “suicidal” but, on the contrary, it’s
liberating from the chains of wage slavery and of all oppression and
alienation. Because, as the comrade Federico Corriente says, “today
there’s no other horizon than that of the catastrophic reproduction of
Capital and the inevitable and uncertain leap “into the void” that is
paramount for putting an end to it, that will happen through the assault
of the proletariat against the contradictions of its own reproduction.”

In fact, the only power which must be of interest to proletarians –
because they possess it, at least potentially – is the power to
self-eliminate as such and to so eliminate the capitalist and statist
class relationship. As the comrades of Les Amis du Potlach said, “the
revolution will be proletarian for those that realize it and
anti-proletarian through its content” That is what the historical and
revolutionary materialist dialectic really consists of, no more and no
less: in assuming that the proletariat and the class struggle are a
fundamental or substantial part of Capital, with the aim of struggling
to cease be so and thus – and only thus – to render the classes and such
a “systematic dialectic” itself abolished. This, and not anything else,
is the proletarian revolution, the communist revolution. Obviously
assuming it and doing it (the concrete) is a million times more
complicated than understanding it and saying it (the abstract). And in
spite of the current proletarian revolts, there is still a long way to
go towards that, for the reasons expressed in the first part of this

In the sense that it’s still necessary to pass through many more crisis,
struggles, insurrections, civil wars, pandemics, tragedies,
counterrevolutions and defeats so that the proletariat finally manages –
or not- to assume that human and historical necessity for the
revolution, to become conscious of their revolutionary power, to act as
a revolutionary subject and to make the social revolution, the key of
which – and it’s worth insisting upon – is the self-abolition of the
proletariat (the bourgeoisie will no longer have someone to exploit and
oppress), which is intrinsic to the abolition of value (human relations
will return to being human, since they will no longer be mediated by
commodity-things or by money), and the transformation of the capitalist
and authoritarian social relations into communistic and anarchic ones in
every aspect. Not because of any ideology or politics, but because it
will be a material question of life or death, in account of the current
capitalist catastrophe which, in the future, will be increasingly worse.
All of this, in increasingly more accelerated and violent times.

Yes: abolishing the proletariat in order to abolish capitalism must be –
and really has always been – the objective and the principal measure of
the communist or communizing

revolution, in practice and, therefore, in the theory and revolutionary

And meanwhile? And meanwhile, as it has been said: the autonomous and
revolutionary struggle of proletarianized humanity, class antagonism and
solidarity as much within counterrevolutionary everyday life (or in the
non-revolutionary class struggle) as in the revolts and insurrections
(or in the revolutionary class struggle), and above all the creation and
development of new social relations and forms of life that break with
and overcome the capitalist relations. Because it’s not only a matter of
reappropriating and having clear the historical and invariant program of
the communist revolution, and of fighting to impose such a program upon
the class enemy by means of revolutionary power. It’s not just a matter
of fighting for and making the revolution, it’s a matter of BEING the
revolution. As the comrades of the Invisible Committee had said well,
“the question is not only the struggle for communism, but the communism
that is experienced in the revolution itself.” Therefore, the only
“meanwhile” or the only “transition” to communism is communism itself,
understood as a real and historical social movement that fights to
destroy the capitalist society in order to transform into a new society
without classes or States.

Indeed, because communism is not the utopia or the ideal to implant in
an uncertain and indefinitely postponed future ad infinitum. As Marx
said “communism is the real movement that abolishes the current state of
things”, the premises of which can only be realized on the
global-historical plane. It is the real movement of the proletariat
tired of being so that destroys and overcomes the capitalist world, not
because of ideology but because of material necessity and for freedom
(freedom understood as consciousness acting out of necessity. Certainly,
as Marx also said, a mass communist consciousness can only be produced
through participation in a revolution or mass transformation of the
material and spiritual conditions of existence.):

This movement has reemerged in the last decade and is once again “a
spectre that haunts the world” and which frightens the worldwide
bourgeoisie. Communism is “a corpse that doesn’t cease to be born” it is
a real, living movement, that threatens the basis of the capitalist
system itself, but which still hasn’t killed and buried it, due to its
own limits and internal contradictions (see below).

But communism is not an ensemble of measures that are applied after the
taking of power, as the leninists believe. It’s a movement that already
exists, but not as a mode of production (there can’t be a communist
island within capitalist society, as the self-managerialists believe),
but as a tendency towards the community and the solidarity that can’t be
realized in this society, the key of which lies precisely in the
practices of solidarity and of community among proletarians while they
struggle for their own lives against the capitalist system until being
able to abolish it and overcome it, knowing or not what they are doing.
Above all in situations of crisis and of extreme necessity:”In extrema
necessitate, omnia sunt communia”: “in extreme necessity, everything is
for everyone”.

Communism is not an ideal or a program to realize; it already exists,
not as an established society, but as a seed, a task, an effort and a
tension for preparing the new society. As Dauvé says “communism is the
movement that tends towards abolishing the conditions of existence
determined by wage labor, and it effectively abolishes them through

Metaphorically speaking, communism is the fetus and the revolution is
the birth of the new world. This is communization.

When it is real, the revolutionary movement is not pure and perfect but
impure, imperfect, limited and contradictory. Hence, what really makes
it revolutionary is assuming, sustaining and tensing that internal
contradiction in order to eradicate and overcome it; concretely,
eradicate and overcome the reproduction of the capitalist social
relations at its heart along with the rest of the society. In other
words, the revolutionary movement or the real community of struggle of
the proletariat is the living contradiction and, at the same time, the
conscious, voluntary and impassioned “tension” (in the sense that
comrade Bonanno gives it) to eliminate and overcome this imposed
contradiction; that is, by creating revolutionary situations, relations
and subjectivities – communitarian and libertarian – that manage to
confront, strike, debilitate, crack, destroy and overcome capitalism in
the concrete life of concrete individuals, so much that it constitutes
another form of being and living in this world.

One step forward in this real and anonymous proletarian movement is
worth more than a dozen programs and “rackets” or groupuscles of the
left and ultra-left.

Only then does the real community of struggle prefigure or anticipate
the real human community. Only then exists the coherence between
revolutionary ends and means (one of the lessons of the historical
anarchist movement). And that is to make and to be the revolution
understood as communization.

None of this is either pure or perfect, but it is impure, imperfect,
limited, contradictory, as it was said: there exists a tension, rupture
and leap or change more or less permanent – or rather intermittent –
within it, as a real and living movement. In effect, the real
anticapitalist movement is the one in which the deeds subvert and
overcome the capitalist conditions of existence and its own internal
contradictions determined by such conditions. Where direct action, the
abolition of private property, solidarity, gratuity, horizontality in
the taking of decisions that affect everyone’s lives, are facts and not
only words and ideas. I’m thinking of Exarchia (Greece) and the Mapuche
territories (Araucanía), just to mention a few current and concrete
examples. There exist the seeds and the tendencies of communism and
revolution today.

So, a period of communization instead of a “period of transition”. This
means that communization will not occur overnight, nor through the
existence of a mass class consciousness (incarnated and directed by “the
party”) nor through the existence of many “self-managed communes”
(capitalism with an assembleary and self-managed appearance), but by
means of a process or a contradictory and historical-concrete cycle of
capitalist crisis/restructuring and of real and international class
struggle that, at the same time, is a result, critical balance and
surpassing synthesis of all the past cycles of struggle (since the birth
of capitalism up until then).

Concretely, the current historical cycle, in which the proletariat, at
the same time that it is totally subsumed to Capital, resumes its class
struggle against it and, therefore, against their own condition as an
exploited and oppressed class, in order to so reappropriate their own
lives. Which is inseparable, lastly, from the struggle to communize all
the conditions and material and immaterial means of existence.

In effect “the communist production of communism”, as the comrades of
Théorie Communiste say, can only be realized at the heart of the real
class struggles and, more specifically, at the heart of the autonomous
struggles of and within the proletariat itself in order to out a stop to
the catastrophic capitalist progress in course and therefore defend
nothing more and nothing less than Life, by material and concrete
necessity, and also because of the acting and emergent consciousness of
such a necessity. Tensing, breaking and overcoming its own limits as a
class of and for Capital. Questioning, negating and overcoming their own
condition as a social class determined and divided by work and money.
Resisting, advancing and leaping from their defensive self-organization
towards their positive self-abolition as such. Taking immediate
communist measures to this effect.

Immediate communist measures? Yes, because the current
historical-material conditions, these being the high level of capitalist
progress and of catastrophe in every aspect of social life, as well as
the existing communist practices in some current proletarian struggles,
not only make it possible but urgent to take immediate communist
measures. Furthermore, as Jappe says, this is the only revolutionary or
“radical realism” that is possible today, while all kinds of reformism
of the “period of socialist transition” type not only were, are, and
will be counterrevolutionary by being capitalist and statist, but also
because it’s objectively impossible in this era. In effect, given that
the current crisis of Capital is the crisis of labor, of value and of
the class relationship, the revolution not only must consist of
abolishing private property, meaning expropriating from the bourgeoisie
by force and communizing the means of production and the consumer goods:
it must consist – and in reality it always has consisted- in abolishing
wage labor, the division of labor, money, mercantile exchange, value,
businesses; and, in turn, in generalizing the minimal necessary labor,
the gratuity of things and the collective and individual making of
decisions, in order to so abolish all the social classes and all forms
of state power over the real community of freely associated individuals
that must be formed in order to produce and reproduce their own lives
according to their real human needs. As a banner recently unfurled on a
balcony of an italian city says: “Work less. Everyone work. Produce
what’s necessary. Redistribute everything.” All of this, in concrete
local territories and with real international ties. Also, inseparable
from that, are those communist measures that eliminate all forms of
segmentation, privilege and oppression based upon sex/gender, “race” and
nationality. And if it’s possible to speak and write about all that,
it’s because there exist practices in some current anti-system revolts
and movements that already prefigure or anticipate them as real seeds
and tendencies.

A current and concrete example of an immediate communist measure; the
looting of supermarkets in the south of Italy, one of the countries most
afflicted by the “coronavirus crisis”, which was done by proletarians
who are already in precarious situations and now desperate, given that,
as they themselves say, “the problem is immediate, the children have to
eat.” Why is it an immediate communist measure? Because, despite it not
directly affecting the sphere of production (as on the other hand the
recent wildcat strikes in the same country have indeed done), it
eliminates by the deed the sacrosanct private property, the commodity,
wage labor and money, and satisfies the common and basic needs of the
proletarians and their families. The spontaneous, autonomous and
anonymous networks of solidarity and mutual aid among proletarians,
which have been created in these precise moments everywhere, are also a
concrete communist practice. How can these kinds of measures be
sustained over time an space? That’s another subject. On the other hand,
it’s also possible to consider as an immediate communist measure the
call for a “universal rent strike” (to not pay rent and to occupy empty
homes for people that are homeless) from many countries of the world
(Spain, France, Sweden, United Kingdom, USA, Canada, Argentina, Chile,
Ecuador, etc.).

On the other hand, the other possible meanwhile is that the proletariat
in their majority continue working (including police and military work,
and that of “telework”), buying, consuming, contaminating, voting,
studying, facebooking, tweeting, watching netflix, eating “junk food”,
going out to party, listening to reggaetón and getting drunk on the
weekends, drugging themselves to the veins, going to the bordello, to
the stadium, to the concert and the tavern… or to the church, and being
nationalist, xenophobic, macho and violent (including fascist) towards
other proletarians but not towards the bourgeois and their uniformed
guard-dogs; or looking for work and dying of hunger, from depression or
of cancer; or going delinquent to later rot in jail; or going “crazy” to
later rot in the asylum; or falling into social paranoia, consumerism
and individualism in the supermarkets and everywhere else, when there
are pandemic situations (e.g. coronavirus), health emergency, austerity
measures and massive disinformation/idiocy; or – what seems to be the
opposite but is not – joining up to be militants in the ranks of their
left/ultra-left organizations, believing that they are “fighting for the
revolution” and “being coherent” by that, when in reality they are only
participating in capitalist political competition between proletarians,
a competition that only differs in the form and level of violence from
other non-political forms of fratricidal war (gangs, mafias, etc.) at
the same time that such political sects have a similarity to religious
sects in their dogmatic way of seeing the world and by treating their
peers like sheep and soldiers for their war against “the enemy” and for
“the cause”.

To sum it up, the other possible meanwhile is alienated survival and, in
the long-term, suicide; that’s to say, that the proletariat continue
self-alienating and self-destructing in a million ways to the point of
becoming extinct as humanity, not before devastating the planet,
clearly, under the yoke of the capitalist Leviathan (businesses and

Communism or extinction

Therefore, the current and inexorable dilemma for humanity is: communism
or extinction, revolution or death. But the revolution doesn’t only take
place at exceptional moments in history. The revolution itself is an
eruptive and decisive exception in the history of the class struggle and
the capitalist social normality. But it’s not a fate or destiny but a
possibility. It’s not inevitable but rather it’s contingent: it can as
much as can’t happen. It depends on what the proletariat does or doesn’t
do in respect. Because capitalism will not die by itself or peacefully.

The revolution is not an occurrence which happens overnight, instilling
paradise on Earth either, but rather it’s a historical process,
concrete, contradictory and even chaotic, that contains flows and ebbs,
advances and retreats, ruptures and leaps, times of stagancy and new
leaps. It’s a process of social transformation of a radical and total
character which has always been, and above all at these heights of
history, necessary and urgent, because it’s the only way that
proletarianized humanity – which is the majority of humanity – can cease
to self-alienate and self-destruct as humans, and at the same time to
cease to destroy non-human nature.

Yes: communization is the only revolutionary exit from the crisis of
capitalism or, which is the same thing, the only radical solution for
the civilizatorian crisis, because it’s the only way to guarantee the
reproduction of Life, or as Flores Magón would say, for its
“regeneration” or reinvention.

It’s necessary to produce, then, that exception or historical eruption
that is the revolution, no more and no less than for vital necessity. It
must be gestated and born. Communism is the fetus and the revolution is
the birth of the new world. But, as it has already been said, this
depends on what the proletariat does or doesn’t do in order to transform
the current social conditions and their own life, their own collective
being and the ecosystem.

In the case that our class doesn’t fight for the total revolution until
the end, the counterrevolution will continue to reign and the capitalist
or dystopian catastrophe in course (systematic economic crisis,
cutting-edge technology/”artificial intelligence”, massive unemployment
and poverty, devastation of nature/ecological crisis, pandemics, wars,
suicides, etc.) will finally end up making us as a species extinct.
Perhaps there are only a few generations left before that. And the
countdown increasingly accelerates.

Therefore, the current worldwide capitalist crisis and the current
worldwide wave of proletarian revolts constitute possibly the last
historical chance to finally start the irrevocable process of the global
communist revolution, of the abolition or the overcoming of the society
of classes and fetishes… or to perish.

Exaggerated? Apocalyptic? We’re already living in the capitalist
apocalypse that is the the current crisis of civilization! The dystopian
future is now! Our historical cycle of crisis and struggles will
possibly be the cycle of 2019-2049…

Communism or extinction!

The self-abolition of the proletariat is the end of the capitalist

Proletarians of the world: Let’s self-organize in order to cease to be

A proletarian fed-up with being one
Quito, Ecuador
February-April, 2020

A revolutionary “pessimistic” postscript in times of coronavirus

“The outbreak of the new strain of coronavirus (COVID-19), which has
wrought havoc in China since the end of last year, has surged over
borders and impacted the rest of the world, and with it, the imminent
economic crisis has but further advanced. The world economy is in
full-on crisis, the administrators of power are pending on immense
financial relief, the bourgeoisie are beginning to close factories and
lay off employees using the lucky pretext of the “quarantine” as excuse.
The disaster is immanent. Nevertheless, it’s important to know that the
monetary losses don’t signify the fall of the capitalist system.
Capitalism will seek at every moment to restructure itself on the basis
of austerity measures imposed on proletarians in order to palliate all
the catastrophic consequences that it will bring along with it. And this
is due to the fact that the “blows” that capitalism has been dealt due
to these phenomena are simply losses in its rate of profit, but those
losses don’t at all change its structure or its essence, meaning the
social relations that allow it to remain standing: the commodity, value,
the market, exploitation and wage labor. In fact, it’s in these
structures that capitalism most reaffirms its necessities: sacrificing
millions of human beings to the favor of economic interests, making the
polarization between classes sharpen and revealing more forcefully in
what position the dominant class is to be found, who will use all the
efforts in their reach in order to preserve this state of things.


The ever-more contradictions heightened contradictions of this mode of
production (crisis, war, pandemics, environmental destruction,
pauperization, militarization), which exasperate our conditions of
survival, won’t clear the way either mechanically or messianically for
the end of capitalism. Or better said, such conditions, although they
will be fundamental, won’t suffice. Because for capitalism to reach its
end, it’s imperative for there to be a social force, antagonistic and
revolutionary that manages to direct the destructive and subversive
character towards something completely different from what we know and
experience now.

If we want it or not, we can’t let a question as important as the
revolution to drift aimlessly, to leave it to luck. It’s necessary to
experience the resolution of this problem on the basis of the
organization of tasks that can go on to present themselves, that’s to
say, the grouping for the appropriation and defense of the most
immediate necessities (not paying debts, rent, or taxes), but also, the
rupture from all the dreams and mirages that carry us to manage the save
miseries behind another facade.


It’s not necessary to wait for the dystopia or the hollywoodesque scenes
of apocalypse, because these are already materially manifesting in
different parts of the globe, and in fact they greatly surpass any
attempt at representation by cinematic fiction.

The current pandemic of COVID-19 is one more stage in the degradation to
which this society of commodity production brings us.

A stage before which it is reaffirmed that the true future only hangs
from two strings:

Communist revolution or to perish in the twilight!”

Contra la Contra n.3
Collapse of the capitalist system? A few notes on current events.
Mexico City
March 2020

The self-abolition of the proletariat as the end of the capitalist world (Proletarios Revolucionarios)

Sobre activismo, teoría, individuo y organización revolucionaria. Un debate imaginario entre algunos compañeros


1. Bordiga (Activismo. Italia, 1952)
2. Camatte-Collu (Sobre la organización. Francia-Italia, 1972)
3. Santini (Apocalipsis y sobrevivencia. Dos puntos de vista opuestos
sobre la organización. Italia, 1994)
4. Comunización (Introducción del traductor a Apocalipsis y
sobrevivencia. Chile, 2010)
5. Dauvé (La militancia en el siglo XXI. Francia, 2014)
6. Un proletario revolucionario después de participar en una revuelta de
masas y de volver a la normalidad capitalista, en tiempo de crisis
económica y sanitaria (Ecuador, marzo-abril 2020)

El proceso histórico, social e impersonal de la revolución es el que
produce individuos revolucionarios que se asocian libremente para actuar
como tales, y viceversa. De eso se trata, entre otras cosas, «la
producción comunista de comunismo» (Théorie Communiste, 2011) a través
de comunidades de lucha y de vida reales; es decir, a través de
comunidades espontáneas, impuras, imperfectas, limitadas y
contradictorias de proletarios/as que luchan por sus necesidades vitales
inmediatas al mismo tiempo que por su propia liberación y abolición como
clase social (los proletarios comunistas luchamos por nuestra propia
abolición, como bien decía Gorter), y por la abolición del Capital y el
Estado. De eso se trata, también, romper y superar el aislamiento o la
atomización social capitalista y, al mismo tiempo, esforzarse por ser la
crítica y superación práctica de los «rackets», grupúsculos, pandillas o
mafias políticas de izquierda que compiten entre sí por cuotas de poder
dentro de la sociedad burguesa y su Estado –razón por la cual, no son
revolucionarios sino contrarrevolucionarios.
¿Contradictorio? Sí: mejor dicho, dialéctico, porque el proletariado es
la contradicción viviente y sólo es revolucionario cuando lucha por
dejar de ser clase explotada y oprimida. Por eso es una clase-anticlase.
La revolución es la resolución positiva de esta contradicción en
movimiento. Criticando y superando en dicho movimiento todas las
separaciones que le ha impuesto el Capital; en este caso, la separación
entre individuo y comunidad, y entre teoría y práctica; y, por lo tanto,
criticando y superando los falsos y típicos debates izquierdistas al
respecto: activismo-teoricismo (o pragmatismo-intelectualismo),
subjetivismo-objetivismo e individualismo-colectivismo. Aun así, sigue
siendo contradictorio o dialéctico, porque es una realidad viva, en
constante movimiento y, por lo tanto, en constante autotransformación.
Lo mismo aplica, histórica y lógicamente, para la
organización-antiorganización revolucionaria: sólo ha sido, es y será
tal si cuestiona y transforma las relaciones sociales y las formas de
vida y de pensamiento capitalistas que contiene y que la contienen (lo
cual sin duda incluye a las formas de opresión machista, racista,
nacionalista, etc., en su propio seno); si realiza la crítica radical
(teórica y práctica) de todos los aspectos del mundo capitalista; si
subvierte el estado de cosas actual y produce de manera autónoma y
consciente las condiciones y las armas (prácticas y teóricas) de su
propia liberación; si prefigura en actos la comunidad humana real de
individuos libremente asociados y combate por la revolución comunista;
si lucha por abolirse a sí misma en tanto que organización separada de
la clase, aboliendo las condiciones capitalistas que la han producido
como tal; en una palabra: si contribuye realmente a la autoliberación y
la autoabolición reales del proletariado en tanto clase explotada,
oprimida y alienada por el Capital y el Estado.
Todo esto –como ya se dijo y vale dejarlo claro– no al antojo sino en
determinadas condiciones, principalmente en situaciones de crisis
revolucionaria producidas o no por la misma lucha de clases, así como
también en la vida cotidiana en la medida de lo posible. Y –como también
ya se dijo y vale dejarlo claro– no de manera pura y sin
contradicciones, porque cuando un movimiento es real es impuro y
contradictorio, y lo que lo hace revolucionario, entonces, es asumir,
sostener y tensionar esas contradicciones capitalistas para suprimirlas
y superarlas todas de raíz.


sobre activismo, teoría, individuo y organización revolucionaria (pr_abril 2020)

La autoabolición del proletariado como el fin del mundo capitalista (o porqué la revuelta actual no se transforma en revolución)


– La contradicción fundamental de la revuelta proletaria actual
– La autoalienación y autodestrucción del proletariado como clase del
– La autoabolición del proletariado como la clave de la revolución
comunista y el comunismo como movimiento real y contradictorio
– Comunismo o extinción
– Posdata “pesimista” revolucionaria en tiempo de coronavirus

En todo el mundo estalla la revuelta*, pero en todo el mundo falta la
revolución. ¿Por qué? A continuación, una respuesta tentativa pero
La razón coyuntural es porque esta sociedad de clases recién está
saliendo de un periodo histórico contrarrevolucionario (aproximadamente
desde la década de 1980) y entrando a un periodo histórico de ascenso e
intensificación de la lucha del proletariado mundial contra el
Capital-Estado mundial (2008-2013 y 2019-202?). Lo cual, a su vez,
recién está empezando a alterar la correlación de fuerzas y las
condiciones para una posible situación revolucionaria, en vista de que
la revuelta proletaria ha hecho temblar a la burguesía y sus gobiernos,
pero todavía no los ha derrotado ni enviado al basurero de la historia.
Como dicen los compañeros del grupo Barbaria, este es un «periodo
bisagra» que hay verlo no como una fotografía sino como una película que
contiene flujos (revueltas), reflujos (vueltas a la normalidad), nuevos
flujos y un final abierto. Un periodo histórico que transita entre la
contrarrevolución y una posible situación revolucionaria a nivel
mundial; para la cual, sin embargo, todavía falta mucho.
La razón estructural o de fondo es porque el proletariado todavía no es
una clase revolucionaria, a pesar de que hoy en día la crisis
capitalista sea más generalizada y grave que nunca antes, y de que la
actual oleada mundial de revueltas de los explotados y oprimidos sea un
embrión y un jalón hacia delante de la revolución social o, al menos, de
su necesidad y su posibilidad. Con mayor o menor grado de autonomía
organizativa y de violencia callejera, la clase proletaria hoy en día
está luchando contra el orden capitalista en casi todas partes, pero eso
no es suficiente: en última instancia, el proletariado es revolucionario
o no es nada, y sólo es revolucionario cuando lucha, no por “una vida
digna y justa” como clase trabajadora, sino por dejar de serlo. Sí, el
proletariado sólo es revolucionario cuando lucha por dejar de ser
proletariado, esto es cuando lucha por su autoabolición. De lo cual hay
ciertos síntomas y elementos en algunas luchas actuales (ej. luchas no
por más trabajo y más Estado sino por otra vida, aunque parezcan luchas
“suicidas”), pero todavía falta mucho para ello, porque en su mayoría
los proletarios se siguen reproduciendo como clase del trabajo y, por
tanto, como clase del Capital, y siguen interlocutando con el Estado sus
demandas de tal reproducción. Hoy por hoy, entonces, la clase
trabajadora mundial fluye y refluye entre ser clase explotada y ser
clase revolucionaria. Esta es la contradicción fundamental todavía
irresuelta de la revuelta proletaria en la actualidad y, por lo tanto,
la razón principal por la cual no se transforma en revolución social.
Sí, la revuelta no es revolución. La intermitente reemergencia del
proletariado mundial, y sus acciones autónomas y violentas contra las
fuerzas represivas (de lo que también se hace espectáculo e ilusión, ej.
la romantización de “la primera línea”), no son revolución. Pero “el
Estado socialista de transición” y “la autogestión obrera desde abajo”
tampoco son revolución (nunca lo fueron). La clave de la revolución
social es la autoabolición del proletariado, que va de la mano con la
abolición del valor, porque estas son las raíces o los cimientos del
capitalismo, entendido como la dictadura social del valor valorizándose
a costa de la humanidad proletarizada y la naturaleza.

*2019 e inicios del 2020, antes del coronavirus.


la autoabolición del proletariado (pr_abril 2020)

Melilla – Proteste e sciopero della fame

Il 27 aprile nel Centro di permanenza temporanea per immigratx di Melilla* (CETI) circa 600 persone (pare provenienti dalla Tunisia) hanno iniziato uno sciopero della fame, ed una si è cucita le labbra. Chiedono di essere portate nella penisola iberica, e temono per la loro salute.

La protesta è comiciata lunedì mattina con un sit-in all’interno del patio di uno degli edifici della Secretaria de Estado de Migraciones del Ministerio de Trabajo con uno striscione nella quale si leggeva “Abbiamo diritti (CETI)” e occupando l’area e la strada interna.
Il governo ha trasferito alla penisola 51 migrantx dal CETI di Melilla.
Queste persone dichiarano che rimarrano in sciopero della fame fino a che verrà accetta la loro richiesta di trasferimento dato che sono a Melilla da più di un anno.
Il centro attualmente vede 1600 persone presenti ed è un evidente potenziale focolaio di virus.

*enclave spagnola in Marocco


E brucerà

[MELILLA] Proteste e sciopero della fame

U.S.A. – Dalle galere per migranti

[Georgia] Proteste nel centro di detenzione
9 e il 20 aprile
I detenuti immigrati hanno protestato contro la mancanza di precauzioni in materia di coronavirus – e le guardie carcerarie private di tipo SWAT li hanno spruzzati con il pepe.
Molti stavano male. La tensione cresceva all’interno di Stewart, una delle più grandi carceri per l’immigrazione del Paese, con una capienza di quasi 2.000 detenuti maschi.
I solidali affermano che gli incidenti fanno parte di due problemi più grandi che si verificano contemporaneamente: la minaccia del coronavirus per i detenuti in alloggi angusti e la frequente violenza delle azioni disciplinari nelle strutture di detenzione per immigrati.
Lo Stewart Detention Center è un carcere per immigrati continuamente sotto esame per i presunti maltrattamenti subiti dai reclusi.
“La gente chiedeva assistenza medica per alcuni dei malati lì dentro”, ha detto Daniel. “Ma siccome loro” – il personale – “non hanno prestato attenzione, hanno iniziato a protestare. Hanno messo lenzuola alle finestre e alle porte”.
Daniel ha detto che il personale penitenziario ha rilasciato il gas, gettando i detenuti a terra e portandoli in manette in isolamento, o come lo chiamava lui, “il buco”.
Durante un periodo di due settimane in mezzo alla pandemia di Covid-19, gli ufficiali del SORT a Stewart hanno usato la forza sui detenuti immigrati due volte, il 9 aprile e di nuovo il 20 aprile.
Stewart si trova nel sud-ovest della Georgia, in una zona rurale con un’economia depressa e uno dei punti caldi dello stato per il coronavirus. Per alcuni residenti della zona, Stewart è un’ancora di salvezza. Diventare una guardia è un lavoro fisso in una regione dove la disoccupazione era alta anche prima della crisi del coronavirus. 
Né le guardie di Stewart né i detenuti sono stati risparmiati dal coronavirus. Il primo membro del personale CoreCivic di Stewart è risultato positivo al Covid-19 il 31 marzo; in un mese, il numero di personale CoreCivic infetto è salito a 44, secondo una recente denuncia in tribunale. L’ICE dice che ci sono 12 detenuti di Stewart che attualmente hanno confermato di avere il Covid-19.
Nel mese di aprile, ci sono state cinque chiamate di emergenza al 911 dalla struttura. Sebbene non sia confermato se le chiamate fossero correlate al coronavirus, quattro di queste chiamate erano per problemi respiratori, un sintomo comune di Covid-19.
Con il progressivo aumento dei casi e circa 1.900 persone rinchiuse a Stewart, le tensioni nella struttura avevano cominciato a crescere, ha detto Pedro Ramirez-Briceño, che è stato rilasciato all’inizio di aprile. (…)
Dopo aver sentito che il coronavirus si è diffuso in altre strutture di detenzione per immigrati, lui e altri detenuti hanno partecipato a uno sciopero della fame e del lavoro all’inizio di marzo, chiedendo condizioni migliori e maggiori risorse per prevenire la diffusione del virus. Ma l’azione dello sciopero è svanita nel tempo, ha detto Ramirez-Briceño.
Ci sono circa 30.000 persone attualmente in custodia dell’ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement – Immigrazione e controllo doganale) negli Stati Uniti e, dall’inizio della pandemia, anche i detenuti di altre strutture dell’ICE hanno denunciato l’uso della forza in risposta alle proteste per il coronavirus. Al 4 maggio, l’agenzia dice che 606 detenuti hanno confermato casi di Covid-19 negli Stati Uniti. I test nelle strutture sono stati scarsi e l’ICE non rilascia numeri in tempo reale, quindi il numero potrebbe essere molto più alto. 
Lo Stewart ha un passato abominevole di pratiche di isolamento: Due uomini “con malattie mentali” si sono suicidati nell’arco di 14 mesi nel 2017 e nel 2018.
Con la pandemia in atto, i familiari e gli avvocati hanno avuto difficoltà a contattare le persone in isolamento. 
La struttura funziona normalmente con il lavoro dei detenuti, ma con le unità in quarantena, il personale penitenziario è stato incaricato di preparare i pasti. Secondo Argueta, questo ha fatto sì che i detenuti fossero nutriti con pochissimo cibo in orari irregolari, scatenando la protesta del 20 aprile. I detenuti si sono rifiutati di mangiare il cibo fornito e hanno chiesto provviste migliori. Mentre la protesta continuava, gli ufficiali del SORT hanno risposto con spray al pepe e armi al pepe.
Più tardi quella sera, l’ufficiale SORT Tyriq Key ha scherzato sui social media dicendo che i detenuti erano così affamati che “mangiavano quello spray”.
Sempre dai profili social delle guardie si evince che quando la protesta per il cibo si è intensificata, i detenuti hanno iniziato a lanciare acqua del bagno e cibo alle guardie. Mentre gli agenti cercavano di porre fine alla protesta, uno è scivolato sull’acqua ed è caduto. Lo sbirro  ha poi detto che si è alzato e “è andato a sparare a qualsiasi cosa fosse sulla sua strada” con il fucile a palle di pepe – poi ha fatto il riferimento a “Call of Duty”.
Una recente denuncia presentata dal tribunale nella causa del Southern Poverty Law Center dice che un uomo in sedia a rotelle ha continuato a urinare sangue 10 giorni i pestaggi di quei giorni.
Gli agenti del SORT alla Stewart sono il personale correzionale CoreCivic, che poi si cambiano in uniformi nere con spessi indumenti protettivi. Le loro uniformi tipo SWAT includono spray al pepe e pistole a pallini al pepe che penzolano dalle loro cinture. I video promozionali, prodotti quando il CoreCivic era ancora conosciuto con il suo precedente nome, Corrections Corporation of America, o CCA, mostrano ufficiali SORT addestrati all’uso di grandi scudi e manganelli.
“Il CoreCivic gestisce le sue strutture di detenzione per l’immigrazione proprio come gestisce le sue prigioni; non c’è davvero alcuna differenza. E molte carceri hanno squadre tattiche, squadre di tipo SWAT all’interno delle loro strutture”, ha detto Dolovich, il professore di diritto dell’UCLA. “In ogni prigione, quando si percepisce un’emergenza che richiede un intervento rapido, c’è un certo numero di funzionari penitenziari addestrati a partecipare a queste squadre SWAT”.
Secondo un manuale del CCA del 2008, questi tipi di unità sono stati creati dopo i disordini nelle prigioni dell’Attica del 1971, “sul modello delle squadre SWAT della polizia e delle unità di commando militari, come le Forze Speciali dei Berretti Verdi dell’Esercito e le Seal Teams della Marina”.
Prima della pandemia, l’unità SORT di Stewart era stata attivata nel 2019. L’11 settembre 2019, un gruppo di circa 60 richiedenti asilo cubani ha organizzato una protesta pacifica nel cortile di Stewart, rifiutandosi di entrare nella struttura fino a quando non hanno ricevuto notizie dall’ICE sulle loro richieste di libertà vigilata.
Alla protesta ha partecipato Reinier Rodriguez Bombino. Ha detto 
“Erano vestiti di nero, con giubbotti, ginocchiere, caschi, armi, con tutto – come se fossero preparati a tutto”, ha detto Rodriguez, “anche se eravamo sempre chiari – sempre chiari – che tutto era tranquillo e non avremmo fatto resistenza”.
Gli ufficiali del SORT hanno iniziato a lanciare gas lacrimogeni e hanno sparato proiettili di gomma o palle di pepe contro i richiedenti asilo. Rodriguez ha detto di essere stato colpito da un proiettile nella parte posteriore della coscia. Giorni dopo la protesta, è stato messo in isolamento, poi trasferito in un’altra struttura in Georgia.
[California] Sciopero della fame nel centro di detenzione per migranti Otay Mesa, San Diego
Decine di migranti reclusx nel centro di detenzione privato Otay Mesa, nei pressi della città di San Diego, hanno iniziato uno sciopero della fame a metà aprile a causa della crescente preoccupazione per la propria sicurezza durante la pandemia. Otay Mesa registra il più grande focolaio di virus di qualsiasi carcere per migranti negli Stati Uniti. La settimana precedente era giunta voce che le guardie avessero usato spray al peperoncino su un gruppo di donne di una delle unità del centro per essersi negate a firmare un documento con una clausola per esentare CoreCivic, la compagnia privata che amministra il centro di detenzione, dalle conseguenze legali nel caso in cui le recluse si fossero ammalate. Le recluse dovevano firmare per ricevere le mascherine. Questo è uscito da una chiamata tra un attivista del gruppo Pueblos Sin Fronteras e una donna reclusa a Otay Mesa, detenuta in questa unità.
Donna: “Ci stanno spruzzando spray al peperoncino! non ci rispettano. Siamo umane, non animali. Aiuto! Vogliono obbligarci a firmare per darci le marcherine. Ci vogliono far pagare per le magliette con cui abbiamo fatto le mascherine”.
 Il 7 maggio Carlos detenuto affetto da covid 19 trasferito in ospedale è morto.
 Lo stesso giorno la maggiorparte delle donne in sciopero della fame hanno ottenuto la liberta. Tutte tranndue due donne onduregne a cui viene negato il rilascio.
Il 9 maggio un presidio sotto le mura del centro ricorda Carlos e chiede la libertà di tuttx.
[California] Sciopero della fame nel centro di detenzione per migranti Adelanto S. Diego
Il centro rinchide 1300 persone di cui la maggior parte sono richiedenti asilo. Recentemente molti dei reclusi si sono uniti allo sciopero della fame.Per alcuni lo sciopero è comiciato il 23 di Aprile. Le dichiarazioni raccolte degli scioperanti parlano della crudele scelta della compagnia Geo che gestisce quel centro di non distribuire ne alle guardiie ne ai detenuti guanti e mascherine o gel antibattericoe la politica di non rispettare le distanze di sicurezza neppure nelle file per il cibo. Le richieste sono: che vengano adottate le misure minime contro la propagazione del contagio e che vengano fatte uscire le persone in crisi e con patologie pregresse.Oltre alla possibilità di essere visitati da un medico (cosa procedurale per gli scioperi della fame), che gli è stata negato. 
Raccontano che un prigioniero con la febbre è  sparito, e che tutto il reparto è stato posto in quarantena senza spiegazioni.
Le persone in sciopero della fame sono state minacciate dai responsabili di Geo di essere denunciate; sono state forzate a firmare un documento che mente sul giorno di inizio dello sciopero. Difronte alla loro resistenza si è presentato un ufficiale del ICE che ha tento di intimidirli dicendo che nessuno sarebbe stato fatto uscire e che si sarebbe ricorsi all’alimentazione forzata. Questo a sommarsi al bulling degli ufficiali del centro.
Vari degli scioperanti sono affetti da patologie pregresse.
[Illinois] Centro per minori migranti Chicago
Decine di persone hanno realizzato un protesta davanti e sul tetto di un carcere per migranti minori a Chicago per esigere la liberazione dex detenutx. Le installazioni, di proprietà del Heartland Alliance, ospitano circa 70 minori separati dai loro genitori nella frontiera tra Stati Uniti e Messico. Nei giorni precedenti era uscita la notizia che circa 37 dei minori li reclusi erano risultati positivi al virus e sono uscite delle immagini che mostrano dei ragazzi li dentro esponendo dalle finestre dei cartelli con scritto “AIUTO”.
secondo altre fonti
l 1 ° maggio un gruppo di vicini oltraggiati, abolizionisti e altri furfanti si sono riuniti per prendere d’assalto le porte e occupare un centro di detenzione per bambini gestito da Heartland Alliance nel quartiere di Rogers Park a Chicago. Il carcere minorile è attualmente in fase di ristrutturazione ed è temporaneamente non occupato. 
[Massachusetts] Protesta nel Bristol County Jail
Una protesta ha procurato più di 25,000$ di danni secondo le guardie.
Tre dei detenuti del  U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement nel Bristol County House of Correction sono stati trasferiti in ospedale per le botte delle guardie. In molti stavano resistendo ad un trasferimento fra aree che secondo i reclusi li avrebbe ulteriormente esposti al contagio, dato che nel centro ci sono già molti casi di positività al covid e varie persone che ne mostrano sintomi.

¿¡Cuarentena o muerte!?

«Las enfermedades infecciosas son un tema triste y terrible, seguro, pero en condiciones ordinarias son eventos naturales, como un león comiéndose a un ñu o un búho comiéndose a un ratón» – David Quammen, Spillover, 2012.

O como un terremoto que hace temblar el suelo, o como un tsunami que inunda la costa. Cuando no causan víctimas, o casi, estos fenómenos ni siquiera se notan. Sólo cuando la cuenta macabra comienza a subir, dejan de ser considerados eventos naturales y se convierten en inmensas tragedias. Y adquieren contornos terribles e insoportables, especialmente cuando ocurren ante nuestros ojos, aquí y ahora, no en un continente o en un pasado distante que es fácil de ignorar. Ahora, ¿cuándo estos eventos naturales en sí mismos siembran la muerte? Cuando su ocurrencia no se tiene en cuenta en absoluto, lo cual es un requisito previo para no tomar ninguna medida de precaución contra ellos. La construcción de casas de hormigón en zonas altamente sísmicas, por ejemplo, es una forma segura de convertir un terremoto en una catástrofe. En previsión de las próximas lluvias, la deforestación de una montaña significa preparar un deslizamiento de tierra que arrasará el pueblo de abajo, así como cementar el lecho de un río que atraviesa zonas habitadas significa prometer un desbordamiento que sumergirá las partes subterráneas y bajas de los edificios.

Lo mismo puede decirse de una pandemia. Si un microorganismo es capaz de matar en todas partes no es porque la naturaleza sea tan mala y por lo tanto debe ser domada por la ciencia que es buena. Tomemos el coronavirus como ejemplo: primero lo creó la organización social dominante (con la deforestación y la urbanización), luego lo extendió por todo el planeta (con la circulación del aire y el hacinamiento), finalmente agravó sus efectos (con la falta de medios adecuados para curarlos y la concentración de las personas más predispuestas y sensibles al contagio, transformadas en conejillos de indias de las terapias más dispares administradas según criterios cuestionables). Teniendo esto en cuenta, debe quedar claro que la mejor manera de prevenir en la medida de lo posible la aparición de un virus maligno -prevenirlo por completo sería tan pretencioso como prevenir un huracán, dado que el cuerpo humano está siempre lleno de virus y bacterias de diversos tipos- es subvertir el mundo en que vivimos de arriba a abajo, para hacerlo menos favorable al desarrollo de las epidemias. Aunque la mejor manera de evitar la infección es fortalecer el sistema inmunológico.

Se trata de una prevención doble, sobre el medio ambiente en general y sobre los cuerpos particulares, pero no recibe ningún favor. La primera porque supone una transformación social considerada utópica por ser demasiado radical, la segunda porque es una intervención biológica considerada insuficiente por ser demasiado individual. Remedios demasiado vagos y lejanos, especialmente estropeados por un defecto fundamental: no pueden ser proporcionados por un Estado al que se le ha confiado la tarea de relevarlo de la fatiga de vivir. En resumen, medidas que no son pragmáticas y que no pueden ser reclamadas desde arriba. Nada que ver con el fortalecimiento de los servicios de salud o la invención de una vacuna, remedios que ahora se están impetrando a viva voz por todos lados.

En nuestro universo mental unidireccional, la cuestión de la salud es como todas las demás, oscilando entre los dos carriles de la carretera principal que se da por sentado y se obliga: ¿el sector público dirigido por el Estado o el sector privado dirigido por empresas? Dado que la segunda está reservada a los ricos, es de la primera que la gran mayoría de la gente espera urgentemente la salvación. Tertium non datur, dirían los latinos (y que acusa a los críticos del sistema hospitalario de jugar el juego de las clínicas de lujo). Pero como este camino principal es el que está permeado por la dominación y el beneficio, no será ciertamente al privilegiar un carril sobre el otro como se puede cambiar una situación que es el resultado del ejercicio de la dominación y la búsqueda del beneficio.

Por eso es necesario disipar el aura de ineluctabilidad que protege a esta sociedad, impidiendo que se vislumbren otras posibilidades. Aquí, sin embargo, hay una dificultad adicional. ¿Cuándo y cómo puede uno salirse del camino para explorar otros caminos, si cuando goza de buena salud nunca piensa en la enfermedad, mientras que cuando está enfermo sólo piensa en cómo curarse lo más rápido posible? ¿Y cómo hacerlo sin cuestionar no sólo la institución médica, sino también el concepto mismo de salud y el significado de sufrimiento, enfermedad y muerte?

Piense, por ejemplo, en cómo hoy en día quienes se atreven a observar que la muerte forma parte de la vida, sobre todo después de los ochenta años, son tachados de cinismo maltusiano (¿por quién, como aspirantes a la inmortalidad transhumanista?). O pensemos en las consideraciones formuladas en su tiempo por Ivan Illich sobre el némesis médico. Si hoy, en medio de la psicosis pandémica, este insospechado crítico del extremismo anarquista siguiera vivo y se atreviera a hacer una de sus intervenciones, sería linchado primero en la plaza virtual y luego en la real. ¿Se imagina usted si, ante un público distante y con sus dispositivos de protección asépticos, en anticipación espasmódica de una vacuna salvadora, alguien comenzara a argumentar que «sólo limitando la gestión profesional de la atención de la salud se puede permitir que las personas se mantengan sanas», o que «el verdadero milagro de la medicina moderna es de naturaleza diabólica: consiste en hacer sobrevivir no sólo a individuos, sino a poblaciones enteras, a niveles inhumanamente bajos de salud personal». Que la salud no puede sino expirar con el crecimiento de la prestación de cuidados es algo impredecible sólo para el administrador de la salud», o que «en los países desarrollados, la obsesión por una salud perfecta se ha convertido en un patógeno predominante». Todos exigen que el progreso ponga fin al sufrimiento del cuerpo, mantenga la frescura de la juventud el mayor tiempo posible y prolongue la vida indefinidamente. Es el rechazo de la vejez, el dolor y la muerte. Pero, ¿olvidamos que este asco del arte de sufrir es la negación misma de la condición humana», quizás concluyendo con la oración, «no nos dejes sucumbir al diagnóstico, sino líbranos de los males de la salud»?

Tales afirmaciones, en días histéricos como los que estamos viviendo, aparecerían al menos de mal gusto incluso a ciertos militantes revolucionarios, reducidos a los que atribuyen a un estado capitalista la tarea de erradicar un virus capitalista, los que pasan de rugir la libertad o la muerte a maullar la cuarentena y la supervivencia! Y sin embargo, la anhelada autonomía que uno quisiera lograr poniendo fin a todas las adicciones, ¿puede uno renunciar alguna vez a sus intenciones ante el cuerpo humano, tanto a su vida como a su muerte?

[Análisis]¿¡Cuarentena o muerte!?