Chile – Complete isolation in the High Security Prison in Santiago del Chile

On Friday, March 27, 2020, the High Security Prison indefinitely suspends visits and parcels, effectively leaving the various prisoners who are hostages of the State completely isolated. We cannot understand these measures differently than another repressive action, that far from seeking a “quarantine” or sanitary measures, leaves our comrades imprisoned at the mercy of their jailers without the possibility of communication or an income of basic needs for hygiene and subsistence.

Let us remember that in this prison there are our kidnapped prisoners serving sentences such as Juan Aliste, Marcelo Villarroel, Juan Flores, Joaquín García, Mauricio Hernandez Norambuena and some prisoners of the revolt.

Today, citizens get “transit permits” to fill up in supermarkets and go to their jobs, even in districts with total quarantine.

We do not accept this total isolation disguised as a sanitary measure!
We will not let our comrades be buried in prison!