Italy: Sardinian Anarchist Prisoner Davide Delogu Placed Under Restrictive 14 bis Regime Again (July 2020)

The imprisoned deported Sardinian anarchist comrade Davide Delogu informs us that in the Caltagirone prison (in Sicily), where he has just been transferred, he has once again been subject to regime 14 bis. Updates will follow.

Sardegna Anarchica [Anarchist Sardinia]
Cassa di Sostegno per l’Anarchico Sardo Prigioniero Deportato Davide Delogu [Support Fund for the Imprisoned Deported Sardinian Anarchist Davide Delogu]

Note: Article 14 bis of the Italian penitentiary law (not to be confused with 41bis) provides for special supervision of a prisoner.

[Taken from].

(it-en) Italia: L’anarchico sardo Davide Delogu è stato nuovamente posto in regime di 14 bis (luglio 2020)

Spain – Update on Imprisoned Anarchist Comrade Gabriel Pombo Da Silva

Last Thursday, June 11, the Provincial Court, the court at the base of the judicial pyramid in Spain, demonstrated its inquisitorial power by rejecting the request for annulment of the OEDE (European Arrest Warrant) that sent our comrade back to the dungeons of the State after three and a half years of freedom.

After a year and a half of clandestinity, Gabriel was arrested last January 25th in Portuguese territory as a result of the above-mentioned OEDE issued by the Court No. 2 in Girona (specifically by Judge Mercedes Alcázar Navarro), with the intention that he would serve another 16 years in prison counted as a residual sentence (response to the complaint of malfeasance against the judge for having hidden the order for Gabriel’s immediate release in June 2016, which delayed his release, that judge has set in motion her own revenge!).

After three and a half months of pre-trial detention (months during which it was clear that Portugal had submitted to the pressure of Girona Court No. 2 and that the European rules that would have allowed the release of our comrade had not been applied), on 12 May, he was handed over to the Spanish authorities and is currently in the prison of Badajoz (Extremadura).

The request for annulment by the OEDE was legitimated by the illegality of the request, which was issued in full violation of the «principle of speciality»: one of the basic principles of Community law that establishes the prohibition of enforcing a sentence prior to that for which the extradition is being carried out (by virtue of this principle Gabriel was released in 2016 no longer having to serve any previous sentence). Politically significant is that the Provincial Court, which days ago agreed with Judge Navarro, is the same one that four years ago agreed with our colleague confirming his release (!!??!!).

In the meantime, the FIES [Fitxers d’Interns d’Especial Seguiment – Inmates under Special Observation] regime has been applied to Gabriel, specifically FIES 5, created for prisoners with «special characteristics» (that have to do, to cite some examples, with international crime, gender violence or with racist or xenophobic character, very serious crimes that have caused great social alarm, Islamist terrorism, radical fanaticism related to terrorist ideology…!?!!). Within the FIES regime, he has been given the 2nd degree (previously he could access prison benefits, enjoy permits and even probation), and the intervention of all communications (letters are opened and read, visits are recorded).

Since he is in the prison of Badajoz, apart from five little postcards that were given to him a few days after his arrival, our comrade has not received any kind of correspondence despite the many letters and several books that have been sent to him… Nothing new under the sun of isolation and repression! All this represents a contradiction aimed at provoking him… the message is: «you are no longer the number one public enemy but you are still quite dangerous, especially on an ideological level…if you behave yourself we will give you some opportunities»!

Now that he has been «classified» and the above-mentioned court has issued its sentence, we know that the legal resources for Gabriel to taste freedom again will soon be over; in not much time he will be transferred to another prison. The lawyer will make all the necessary appeals until this long battle is won.

Gabriel is well and strong as always… he sends a big hug to all the like-minded and supportive individuals. Solidarity is a weapon… let’s use it… in a serious and intelligent way!

Freedom for Gabriel! Comrade you are not alone!
Freedom For All!
Long live Anarchy!

Write to Gabriel:

Gabriel Pombo Da Silva
Centro Penitenciario Badajoz
Carretera de Olivenza, Km 7.3
06011 Badajoz — Spain

US Prisons: Recent Writings from Eric King on Resistance Behind Prison Walls During a Pandemic

Received on 17.06.2020:

March 29 2020

They aren’t doing testing here, they aren’t doing shit really. No hand sanitizer, no mask, no ‘social distancing’, the tiers and showers aren’t being cleaned even semi-daily, we still only get 3 showers a week and only 1 hr outside a day, typically super early in the gloom or rain. Medical staff told me they can’t even order tests! They have to refer it to a doctor, who then refers it to Regional, who then reviews it and decides whether to test or not. Bureaucracy at its finest. They will let us die in the name of justice, blame it on the virus and move right along enslaving, business as usual.

Things here have been boiling a bit and almost went off today. There have been guards going out of their way to make things difficult, lying through their teeth, talking so reckless, small things that build and build. So today during our cell rotations (every 21 days we rotate cells) we just decided to slow burn them and not participate. It’s not much of a stand, but it gave us a chance to say “no” to these pig bastards and blow off a little steam. We ended up moving cells, they will move you one way or another, but it felt good to air our grievances and make the day cops look like clowns who can’t handle the basic task of cell rotating. Here soon it could have been something much worse, so letting the small aggro out now was a good stress relief.

May 13 2020

Big IRA and Irish history memorials this month. Bobby Sands death-iversary 2 weeks ago, and James Connolly yesterday. Fittingly, last Tuesday the mail police here rejected two IRA books from reaching me, calling them books that “advocate criminal activity”. I pointed out, what to me is obvious, when your country is occupied EVERY act of freedom is considered criminal activity. The USA considered MLK Jr and every civil rights activist to be criminal, the ANC was banned and forced into illegality and so forth. Naturally, my pleas fell on deaf ears, but I was told the S.I.S. Lieutenant would look into which books on Irish history would be acceptable… I’m expecting Cromwell and William of Orange biographies.

…It seems like absolutely no-one remembers [Sundiata Acoli]. Like he’s just a side-note in the Assata story, when in reality he sacrificed so much for the struggle, and is so brilliant and inspiring to this day. Before this assault robbed me of the chance, I was angling to get transferred to his spot in Maryland, just so I could meet with, learn from, and just respect and appreciate him. I did get to be cellies with Jaan [Laaman], multiple-time long-term political prisoner – easily the best prison experience of my life. His understanding of resistance, history, perspective, prison resistance: unparalleled. He taught me the old-timer expression of “Fight to Win”, which I write on the wall of every call I’m forced to occupy. It meant to him, choose your battles and go ALL-in, don’t waste struggle on frivolous bullshit. He may not be pleased with me, because at the moment I go in on EVERYTHING, big or small lol. Resistance is resistance, and something as small as a missing item on a food tray or a pig violating my space via shake-down is enough to go to war over.

We (my pals and I) have been working diligently to create a spirit of resistance back here, to make it a hostile environment for those who deserve it. Last night they bullshitted our dinner trays, and the entire SHU held their trays until a replacement was brought in. That wouldn’t have happened months ago, so that’s a win. The admin terrifies a lot of these dudes, like they are traumatized to both fear punishment and feel like they deserve it. That’s how battered partners feel, the trauma bonding. So I spend A LOT of time disabusing that spell they’re under. By dogging out staff, going hard on the range, standing up for THEM when staff disrespects them it builds confidence and convict loyalty. A lot of times it’s just me and one or two others, but it still inceptions others that these punk-ass Admins are not either 1) infallible, or 2) invincible.

It also shows spirit, that we aren’t here, either on Earth or in prison, to be fucking conquered. I set my limits of what behavior I’ll accept, then also accept the consequences when they come crashing down. All we have is our minds and our actions, and mine are always set on my dignity and freedom.

BTW, share everything! Lol, everything I’ve ever said or done is open game and I insist you share. Lol. All I said above, SHARE! That Warden Greilick refuses to let me call my family in the middle of a pandemic because two years ago A-News posted about my being beaten at Florence, SHARE! That S.I.S. Officer Barrera considers books about Irish history to be criminal and writes fraudulent shots about my poems “inciting riots”, SHARE. That Officer Barrera considers a spell I wrote to my pagan wife to be “assaulting staff”, SHARE. That pre-trial prisoners are only getting a 15-minute call a WEEK with their lawyers, despite pending trials – SHARE. That our showers are only cleaned once per week and we only get three of them a week, SHARE! That I had 26 letters rejected between March 8th and May 13th by Officer Gilley, who has a history of retaliatory action and weird sexual comments, SHARE! Ella’s article*, please share! That we have trial in August and still desperately need people to donate because legal action is expensive as fuck – SHARE! That daily newspapers are often held for weeks at a time – also by Officer Gilley – and his boss ISM Murray sees nothing wrong with it, SHARE!

Eric is currently unable to receive mail, but people can still send him books or magazines, or donate to help with his legal costs.

*I never got to see it. They rejected it six different times.


—– It —-


Se in questi pochi mesi questo sito è stato aggiornato con frequenza,
cercando di riproporre in maniera puntuale e rapida ciò che accadeva nel
mondo e portando alla luce ciò che veniva segnalato, ora ciò non potrà
più essere fatto come prima in quanto alcune persone diminuiranno il
proprio impegno nel progetto.

Il numero di cellulare, ad esempio, non verrà per il momento più
utilizzato, mentre la mail verrà in ogni caso guardata con regolarità e
i contributi ugualmente pubblicati, anche se magari non con lo stesso
ritmo di prima.

L’obiettivo di questo sito è sempre stato quello di parlare della
pandemia e della rivolta. Non è sicuramente esaurito come proponimento,
ma deve fare i conti con la realtà sociale cambiata. Un rischio è anche
quello di sopravvivere a sè stessi. Abbracciare la distruzione vuol dire
anche saper accettare il divenire dei progetti, sapendo che la
prospettiva di lotta non può limitarsi alla propria ripetizione.

Con questa precisazione sull’impegno di alcune persone che verrà
ridimensionato non si vuole comunque chiudere il sito. Invitiamo quindi
chi sentisse fondamentale questo sito e la sua impostazione
internazionale a portare il proprio contributo. Chi volesse collaborare
al sito (singoli o gruppi, come ad esempio siti di controinformazione
già esistenti) potrà contattare la mail per
sapere come fare.

Bene, che il gioco continui ad essere praticato, tanto quello della
distruzione che della diffusione delle informazioni.

Alcun* che hanno iniziato

— EN—-


If in these few months this site has been updated frequently, trying to
propose in a timely and rapid way what happened in the world and
bringing to light what was reported, now this can no longer be done as
before because some people will decrease their commitment to the

The mobile phone number, for example, will not be used for now, while
the mail will in any case be looked regularly and the contributions
equally published, even if perhaps not at the same rhytm as before.

The goal of this site has always been to talk about the pandemic and
revolt. It is certainly not exhausted as proposition, but it has to deal
with the changed social reality. A risk is also that of surviving to our
self. Embracing destruction also means knowing how to accept the future
of projects, knowing that the prospect of struggle cannot be limited to
its own repetition.

With this clarification on the commitment of some people that will be
downsized we do not want to close the site. We therefore invite those
who feel essential this site and its international approach to bring
their contribution. Those wishing to collaborate on the site
(individuals or groups, such as counterinformation sites already
existing) can contact the email to know how to

Good, that the game continues to be practiced, both that of destruction
and the dissemination of information.

Any that have started

— ES—


Si en estos pocos meses esta web se ha actualizado con frecuencia,
intentando reproducir de forma puntual y rápida lo que ocurría en el
mundo y visibilizando lo que se nos comunicaba, ahora no podremos seguir
haciéndolo como antes ya que algunas personas disminuirán su dedicación
al proyecto.

Por ejemplo, el número de teléfono no se utilizará por el momento,
mientras que el email se seguirá mirando con regularidad y se publicarán
los contenidos, pero quizás no con el mismo ritmo de antes.

El objetivo de esta web siempre ha sido hablar de la pandemia y de la
revuelta. Ciertamente la propuesta no termina aquí, pero tiene que
afrontar la realidad social cambiada. Sobrevivir a nosotros mismos
también es un riesgo. Abrazar la destrucción también significa ser capaz
de aceptar el devenir de los proyectos, sabiendo que la prospectiva de
lucha no puede limitarse a la propia repetición.

Esta aclaración sobre la dedicación de algunas personas no implica que
se quiera cerrar la web. Invitamos a quien sienta fundamental esta
página y su planteamiento internacional a contribuir. Quien quisiese
colaborar (individuos o grupos, como por ejemplo sitios de
contrainformación ya existentes) podrá contactar al mail para saber como.

Bien, que el juego continúe, tanto el de la destrucción como el de la
difusión de las infos.

Algunxs que han empezado.

Italy – The imprisoned deported Sardinian anarchist Davide Delogu was transferred to Caltagirone prison

On June 8, 2020, the imprisoned deported Sardinian anarchist comrade Davide Delogu was transferred from the prison of Palermo Pagliarelli to that of Caltagirone.

To write to him:

Davide Delogu
Casa Circondariale di Caltagirone
Contrada Noce S. Nicola Agrò
95041 Caltagirone (CT) — Italy

Update translated from

L’anarchico sardo prigioniero deportato Davide Delogu è stato trasferito nel carcere di Caltagirone [it, en]

Italy: Call for financial support for Scripta Manent

Italy: Call for financial support for Scripta ManentThe second degree of the «Scripta Manent» trial will begin in Turin on July 1st, 2020. We ask comrades and people in solidarity for economic support, all the more important because in these months of lockdown the benefit initiatives have been reduced to a minimum if not completely interrupted.

The bank references to send money are:

Iban: IT56M0567617295IB0000592586
Accountholder: Omar Nioi
Bank: Banco di Sardegna
Bic/Swift code: SARDIT3S100

For any information contact the e-mail: cassamanent[at]

Appello al sostegno economico per Scripta Manent [it, en]

Transfer of Gabriel Pombo Da Silva Portugal – Spain

Our comrade was handed over to the Spanish State this morning (May 13th, 2020) and is currently in the prison in Badajoz (Extremadura region). He is well and strong as ever. Surely he will have to stay 14 days in compulsory quarantine and then, we think, be transferred to another prison. So more information will follow.

Although there is no guarantee that the post office will work regularly, it is obvious that a virus will not be responsible for the fact that he may not receive letters from his loved ones and comrades in solidarity. It would be better to send registered letters (also considering some recent problems in the prison of the Oporto Judicial Police where only by documenting the registered mail Gabriel was able to receive the correspondence).

This is the current address:

Gabriel Pombo Da Silva
Carretera de Olivenza, km 7.3
06001 Badajoz — España

Freedom for Gabriel!
Freedom for everyone!
Long live anarchy!

We also report the bank account opened in support of the comrade:

Accountholder: Elisa Di Bernardo
Bank: Bankinter
Iban: ES06-0128-0180-3601-0009-8696
Bic/Swift code: BKBKESMMXXX

Below is a link where you can listen to a recording of the comrade Elisa about Gabriel’s situation:

Italy: «Ritrovo» repressive operation. Seven anarchists arrested

During the night of May 13, 2020, seven anarchists were arrested between Bologna, Milan and Tuscany, five others were required to reside in the municipality of residence and the anarchist documentation space Il Tribolo in Bologna was searched. The repressive operation, called «Ritrovo», was coordinated by the public prosecutor Stefano Dambruoso and the Carabinieri of the ROS (Raggruppamento Operativo Speciale), who carried out the arrests and searches jointly with the provincial command of the Carabinieri of Bologna.

The seven arrested are charged with article 270bis of the penal code (subversive association with the purpose of terrorism or subversion of the democratic order), the other charges relate to articles 414 (incitement to commit a crime), 639 (defacement and soiling) and 635 (damage). One person is accused of article 423 (fire) for the incendiary attack of December 16, 2018, against some telecommunications antennas located in San Donato in Bologna and intended for the transmission of national and local television networks. On the site was left the writing «Turn off the antennas, awaken consciences. Solidarity with the anarchists detained and under surveillance».

The repressive forces affirm that the arrested anarchists are accused of having created a subversive-terrorist association having «the objective of affirming and spreading the anarchic-insurrectionalist ideology, as well as instigating, with the diffusion of propaganda material, the commission of acts of violence against the institutions». Furthermore, the public prosecutor’s office of Bologna, with the help of the regime’s media, underlined that the precautionary measures assume a «strategic preventive value aimed at avoiding that in any further moments of social tension, arising from the particular emergency situation [linked to the coronavirus epidemic], other moments of more general anti-State struggle campaign can take place».

These are the current addresses of the arrested comrades:

Giuseppe Caprioli
C. R. di Alessandria “San Michele”
strada statale per Casale 50/A, Italy
15121 Alessandria

Stefania Carolei
C. C. di Vigevano
via Gravellona 240, Italy
27029 Vigevano (PV)

Duccio Cenni
C. C. di Ferrara
via Arginone 327, Italy
44122 Ferrara

Leonardo Neri
C. R. di Alessandria “San Michele”
strada statale per Casale 50/A, Italy
15121 Alessandria

Guido Paoletti
C. C. di Ferrara
via Arginone 327, Italy
44122 Ferrara

Elena Riva
C. C. di Piacenza
strada delle Novate 65, Italy
29122 Piacenza

Nicole Savoia
C. C. di Piacenza
strada delle Novate 65, Italy
29122 Piacenza

Italy – News about Beppe from Pavia prison (April 2020)

We have learned in recent days that the Court of Genoa has rejected the request for home detention on health grounds made by the lawyer Sommovigo for Giuseppe Bruna.

Beppe’s health conditions, particularly at risk for Covid-19 because he had been hospitalized a year and a half ago for a bad bronchopneumonia, were not even taken into consideration, as were the conditions of the cell full of mold where he is detained.

Instead, the fact that Beppe did not answer during the interrogation was taken into consideration, so that his behaviour did not seem to demonstrate a distance from his pre-arrest way of life and from the people close to him. Nothing new, of course, but a further demonstration that even house arrest for health reasons are, in fact, assimilated to reward legislation.

The petition was also submitted to the prosecutor’s office in charge of the “Prometeo” repressive operation which, to date, has not ruled.

Beppe had regular access to the video calls, got the money and the package. We received a letter from him in which he remembers his past as a social worker in old people’s homes. His battles with health care management and, unfortunately, with doctors and even nurses. The usual visions of intestine wars from which there might be some more hope of escaping, on the part of the workers and women workers, in the coming period.

Finally, the Milan public prosecutor’s office has sent the CDs of the “Prometeo” operation, with readable files. All lawyers should receive copies by next week.

More updates will follow.