Chronicles from the state of emergency No. 7 – Wall paper from #Trentino

May 1st in Rovereto

On May 1st, about twenty companions took to the streets for about an hour in the working-class district of Fucine with a series of amplified interventions at the Itea buildings (Istituto Trentino Edilizia Agevolata). Like what happened on April 25th at Brione, it was an opportunity to talk about both the structural causes of the epidemic – all linked to the capitalist way of plundering and exploiting nature – and how Confindustria and the government dealt with it, causing a massacre. During this initiative the inhabitants of Itea, who are in economic difficulties (the managers of the Provincial Authority announced a moratorium on rents for shopkeepers, but not for tenants), were invited to organize themselves in order not to pay the rent. It was stressed that the ban – which will continue after May 4 – on meeting more people in the open air is intended to keep us isolated and passive in the face of what they are preparing for us: the loans that the government is going to ask the European institutions and domestic creditors (banks, insurance companies, investment funds) will be repaid by increasing the exploitation of workers and the poorest sections of society, an aspect on which “pro-Europeans” and “sovereigns” all agree. To resist this – and the introduction of 5G – it is necessary to responsibly violate social containment measures. Some inhabitants – especially young people – have approached the initiative. Two police patrols, on the other hand, have kept their distance.

“If we can work, we can strike.”

Under this slogan blockades and strikes were organised in most logistics chains between April 30 and May 1. In Bologna, in Casoria, in the province of Naples, in Turin, in Campi Bisenzio, in Calenzano, in Modena (where the protests had already started at the beginning of the week). And then Genoa, Milan, Brescia, Bergamo, Piacenza, Florence, Rome, Caserta… Once again the carriers – mostly immigrants – confirmed themselves as the most combative sector of the wage class. The riders from Turin and the transport cleaners from Naples also went on strike and on April 30th they blocked the subway.

In the belly of the beast

While the Italian media only give space to the protests of Trump’s supporters, who want the resumption of economic activity without ifs and buts (the same position adopted by the League and ridden by the fascists, who try to disguise themselves behind the “tricolor masks”), on May 1st in the United States there were massive strikes against giants like Amazon, Whole Food, Walmart, Target. The demands are the closure of the sites where there have been contagions, no restrictions in testing for potentially infected workers, remuneration for dangerous work, interruption of the delivery of non-essential goods and the end of retaliation against workers who demand more safety at work. Nurses took to the streets in front of 130 hospitals in 13 states to recruit new staff, against the lack of protective equipment and attempts to silence the protestors. Common denominator of these and many other demonstrations, the opposition to spending and military intervention by the stars and stripes. Since March, at least 140 wild strikes have been documented throughout the United States. Meanwhile, in California, New York State, Missouri and several major cities, the rent strike is spreading.


Asking ourselves what practical purpose the rules imposed on us for more than a month have for containing the contagion has so far proved to be a fundamental exercise of critical spirit. From May 4, the date of the infamous “phase 2”, restrictions on our freedoms (especially those of association and demonstration) will not change, but it will be possible to visit… who? In the first version it was the relatives. Protests. You misunderstood, we meant stable relations. This ballet once again reveals that certain measures have very little to do with health. What practical use does it have compared to the containment of contagion to be able to meet only relatives? Do family ties protect us from being infected? Is there some kind of flock immunity linked to the surname? The answer seems obvious to us.

In the next few days many activities will re-start (leaving aside those, certainly not essential, that never closed , such as companies that produce arms); we will return to produce and consume almost at full capacity. We will not, however, return to our significant social ties, our friendships, our accomplices: those, on paper, are worth less than a certificate of kinship. Patience for those who do not have a family or who have broken off relations with it because they have found affection, understanding, reciprocity elsewhere.

Work, home, family: that’s the main thing!

But if we want to put an end to the social organisation that creates pandemics, we must also loudly claim the importance of all our ties, especially the most unselfish and authentic ones – which often have nothing to do with families.


To capture all expressions of human life through Law is a totalitarian utopia. Totalitarian, because its realization would make human beings similar to machines; utopia, because the state can never control everything we do. However, it can approach, and quite a lot, taking advantage of the most propitious opportunities. What do the Decrees issued in the name of the Coronavirus emergency have in common with the countless liberticide laws that have studded the history of this country? Not only and not so much the mass extension of the restrictions, but the fact that – by overturning the foundations of liberal ideology – these Decrees define as allowed not what is not expressly forbidden, but what is expressly allowed. Well, where is only place where activities are divided between those expressly permitted and those expressly prohibited? Prison.

While not yet collecting the necessary consensus to introduce the “Immune” application for the digital tracking of social contacts, the state has started to require some semi-free prisoners to have a smartphone for geolocation. As a replacement for what? Electronic wristbands, the construction of which is entrusted to one of the cell phone companies (Fastweb).

The advance of digital technology allows what the totalitarian regimes of the past did not even dare to dream of.

Salonicco (Grecia) – Rivendicazione di un attacco incendiario dell’Unione Costantemente Fluida

Nota: traduzione dall’inglese (fonte:; originale disponibile qui:

Dichiariamo responsabilmente di essere irresponsabili

Ci aggiriamo insubordinati

Non rimanderemo la lotta

Dunque, giochiamo

La notte cala sulle metropoli.

Con la la congiuntura della quarantena si è creata una nuova routine ed essendo trascorso un bel po’ di tempo, i ruoli si sono consolidati

Una routine sottoposta a controllo che, al tempo stesso, controlla noi.

I cittadini sono segregati nelle proprie case, accendono la TV per il programma della sera; c’è da chiedersi se la spengano mai durante la giornata. Alcuni di questi, rievocando i giorni gloriosi della “libertà”, assumono una posizione di battaglia sul proprio balcone; sono i protettori dell’iniziativa [ndt della quarantena], coloro che controllano chi si muove e chi sta fermo. Non si limitano ad osservare, bensì alimentano la propria sete di controllo e ispezione poliziesca dei propri vicinati. Spie, cittadini responsabili, bravi custodi, sostenitori della giunta militare, maschi alfa; emettono un odore disgustoso che si propaga per tutta la città, che è svuotata delle persone e piena di sbirri.

E ovviamente, l’esperienza dello sbirro una volta ancora ha un ruolo di primo piano. Sparsi nelle strade, vagando come figure imponenti, dominano i quartieri, fermano e controllano orgogliosamente le persone. Qualche volta non hanno neppure bisogno di fermarle tutte perché traggono piacere anche solo dagli sguardi e dai movimenti carichi d’ansia dei passanti.

La quotidianità imposta dal confinamento che viviamo da più di un mese, ha generato in noi sentimenti inediti. Cose che fino ad ora abbiamo considerato come distopiche (segnalazioni degli spostamenti, controllo militaresco del campo sociale, sbirri nelle strade, droni) sono ora semplice realtà ed altre (come manifestazioni, attacchinaggi, assemblee) vengono criminalizzate.

Il nostro odio per l’autorità e per il complesso di potere in cui sopravviviamo non si è interrotto. Abbiamo bisogno di inventare nuove pratiche, sia per riconquistare ciò che era scontato prima della quarantena, sia per continuare ad aprire ferite e crepe nell’esistente. Noi ci proviamo, restando vicini l’uno all’altra, senza lasciarci sopraffare dalla paura, da qualsiasi punto provenga. Troviamo obiettivi da attaccare, così da non morire di tedio o davanti a uno schermo, e al tempo stesso per strappare sorrisi complici e clandestini ai nostri compagni.

E quando finirà tutto questo?

Probabilmente quando lo diranno coloro che dettano le leggi.

E quando crollerà tutto questo?

Quando qualcuno sceglierà di avere con sé qualcosa di infiammabile durante una passeggiata non motivata da necessità inderogabili.

Un fuoco può disturbare le regole, disturbare coloro che le hanno stabilite, perché apparentemente, qualche individuo non ha intenzione di obbedire né di sottomettersi. E forse questo fuoco è l’elemento guaritore che può essere riversato per le vie della città-fantasma e negli occhi spenti e quasi senza vita delle persone che la compongono.

Venerdì 10 aprile abbiamo dato fuoco a due veicoli di ELTA [servizio postale greco], in via Papanatasiou, di fronte all’ospedale Ippocrate.

Mercoledì 15 aprile abbiamo piazzato un dispositivo incendiario in un veicolo di un’azienda che si occupa di sicurezza nella zona di Sikies.

Mandiamo un segnale di solidarietà a tutti coloro che, anche se incarcerati o direttamente afflitti dallo stato di eccezione, continuano nonostante tutto a mantenere una posizione combattiva e onesta.
I nostri saluti incendiari vanno a tutti i migranti che si sono ribellati dentro i centri di detenzione, a tutti i prigionieri rinchiusi nei buchi infernali della Grecia, a chi ha subito trasferimenti vendicativi o ispezioni nelle proprie celle dalla feccia della polizia greca.

Col piacere e la felicità che ci traboccano dagli occhi, dichiariamo che nessuna azione resterà senza risposta, torneremo armati di una rabbia sempre maggiore, saremo sempre più infuriati e pericolosi.

Da Corinto a Malandrino, Tebe, Domokos, da Paranesti a Corfù, Chania e Grevena: FUOCO E FIAMME AD OGNI CELLA/GABBIA.


Unione Costantemente Fluida

Spain – To Be Released

Weeks after our initial incarceration we are finally being released, little by little. Released, we say, because very few stayed indoors of their own accord. Of course some did, but most had no choice. Media hysteria censured of any alternative, fines, police intimidation and beatings are enough to keep even the most rebellious souls locked up. The monster came out of the mist only to retreat again, no one knowing when it might return to rear its ugly head.

Yet, here in southern Europe, we were not abandoned during quarantine. Not forgotten like the dead. Carrefour kept its shelves stocked. If one persisted toilet paper could be found and hoarded. Amazon never let us down, but at $10,000 a second that’s hardly surprising. Orange supplied in times of need, but with society’s upsurge in demand on telecommunications an upgrade from this archaic 4G is essential. In a period of hibernation, as they have chosen to label it, big industry enjoyed a midnight feast while the others were forced to sleep. It would appear that Holzmann’s ‘creative destruction’ is exactly what we’re witnessing: a good old deep clean, forcing the clutter into the corners to make space for the elegant new furniture.

The scientific bombardment shows little sign of slowing up. The facts, figures, graphs, lofty titles and even heftier wallets continue to force upon us a story that must be accepted. Our ideas, experiences and lives are nothing but fake news in a New Normality where the only trustworthy sources are the party-pledges of our favorite periodicals. Everyone’s got an opinion yet to refuse the transcribed plot is to be in support of murder. Numbers skyrocketed, then relaxed, but death continues to rain down, yet all we see on the bleak walk to the shop and back are the faces we once smiled at, averting our gaze.

The life we are now living was drawn from a model that transitioned us from fascism, says the cop, gun pressed gently into the lower back. We’re lucky to have had this time together, says the husband, brushing his wife’s hair across the bruise beneath her eye. Many countries won’t have had the privileges granted to us, announces the director of an NGO, looking out of his window over the Madrid skyline.

When this ghost leaves Europe life will continue in its memory. The APPs downloaded to protect from contagion will continue to track; embedded ‘contact tracing’ becoming a pseudonym for socialising. Facial recognition software, perfected in its detection of those wearing masks, will become standard practice. Unsolicited gatherings of more than two are a threat to public health and the society of a metre’s distance just got bigger. By now, if there’s a scrap of truth in what they say, the virus will be ravaging Africa, but there are other ways to deal with that.

If we’re all in this together, whatever ‘this’ is, and it’s our duty to protect the vulnerable then now is not the time to take the blue pill, lie back and enjoy the Matrix. Generations are going to grow understanding this normality to be new in reference to a pandemic they don’t remember. Human contact is going to be a maneuver of biological terrorism and contesting science is to be regarded as lunacy. The activity timetables drawn up for us will clearly prescribe the boundaries of human exertion as dinner arrives in a paper bag on the doorstep of an Uber account, delivered by a neighbour you’ll never know from number 23. No need to meet. Just take a photo and leave it on the porch.

Contrary to what’s been said, capitalism is not the virus. Capitalism is a social relationship based upon an economic system that methodically exploits the excluded. The record isn’t fixed and it certainly hasn’t changed. The enemies are who they always have been: capital, being invested assets and resources; its lover of a lifetime, the state; their manipulators, advocates and beneficiaries, the rich and ruling class; and its defence, the police, military and affiliated security institutions. Even religion is losing its significance as this great leveling is firmly heralding science as God and non-compliance the Devil. What capitalism is doing, as the interplay of fluctuating relationships between these elements, is that which it always does: adapting to provide for its vested interests. The beauty of a flexible market economy is that it can bend and adjust itself according to supply and demand, but in bending demand supply can operate with greater efficiency. Just as capitalism requires the homogenisation of language to streamline its transactions, aiming minority tongues and dialects into irrelevance, the standardisation of consumer requirements and necessitisation of certain technologies pave a path to power less cluttered.

Much has been said about the assaults on the working class. Dismissals and contract suspensions are the talk of the town, and the black labour market the unheard scream, yet this has all been clear since time began. Capitalist power has been brutally exploiting since its inception, only now it is forcing desperation down choking throats. With a deliciously liquid property market as the lumps are whisked away, allowing more established capital to extend its reach by lapping up the lower labour costs, those that have been struggling for weeks – months – will take anything. The glorious flexibility of the ‘gig economy’ replaces any assumption that one needs a stable living wage as electronic interfaces improve an efficiency that humans held back. All the cultural pastimes that are so missed have been forced into irrelevance as capital’s grasp on ‘our neighbourhood’ is fully clenched. Every claim that “x is not for sale” has been fucked into the sidelines by the now evident reply that “yes, my dear, it is. You are.”

Let’s remember that the people imposing these measures are the same people that spill blood day in, day out, in global wars of political motive. The same people that rip the earth to pieces and poison it to the core, for the most important resources to extract are profit and power. Let’s not forget that those demanding our conformity are exactly those who, time and time again, force us down the path of crisis in an economy that we never even asked for anyway. The same intentions that raise rents and lower wages. The same hands that beat migrants without a glimmer of remorse. The same guns that killed Carlo Giuliani in Genoa in 2001, Alexandros Grigoropoulos in Athens in 2008 and Mark Duggan in London in 2011.

Whatever virus exists has not been defeated, controlled or sent packing. The ingredients have been balanced and the recipe perfected. While we’re waiting for the next course, slowly getting fat on the crumbs that fall from the masters’ table and remembering how easy it is to forget, the next great catastrophe is being rested before service. In the face of one of the greatest economic and social transformations of the current age, one must remember that those in whom many now look to for a solution, even supposed revolutionaries, are nothing but monsters: creators of a New Brutality that we are queuing up to endure.

Berlin – Leave no one inside

On May 1st, without any authorization, a group of supporters met under the walls of two women’s prisons in Berlin (JVA für Frauen Lichtenberg and JVA für Frauen Neukölln) to bring warm greeting to all inmates.
After we visited the second prison, we cycled up Hermannstrasse along a short stretch of the main road. Our chants, banners and shouts slowed the traffic down, breaking the quiet of “normality” for a few minutes.
The action was enveloped by music and noise, it was brief, so as not to allow the ‘uniformed servants’ to stop the participants.
Those who stood under those walls shouted out their solidarity with all the prisoners and their hatred for this institution that isolates, oppresses and deprives others of their freedom.
We hope that actions of this kind will be refined, reproduced and spread, in order to always reiterate our solidarity with every inmate and our absolute dislike for the State and its prisons. With the hope in our hearts to see those walls burn, with only the guards inside.
We don’t give a shit about their justice!
Our love of freedom is stronger than any authority!!!

Indonesia, North Maluku – Nickel factory workers riot

Indonesia, North Maluku: factory workers riot, burn several company facilities, demand major changes in work conditions and wage rises [ ]

“A number of employees of a company in Central Halmahera (Halteng), North Maluku, set fire to a number of company facilities during the commemoration of Labor Day or May Day. The action on Friday, May 1, 2020, took place inside the factory area…. thousands of employees asked management to reject the Cipta Karya Bill [ for outline of what this bill is, see this and this – ], reject termination of employment (FLE), fulfill maternity rights for women workers, and to lockdown companies during the corona virus pandemic by paying 100 percent of wages.  They also demanded the termination of employee quarantine  at the airport, the imposition of eight hours of work per day, stopping discrimination against local workers, stopping the criminalization of workers, and dismissing the head of HRD….The action then became a riot…. employees burned and damaged a number of facilities and vehicles inside the factory area. In addition, seven security officers suffered injuries due to stone throwing…Employees also looted the company canteen…police officers…arrested 11 employees suspected of being masterminds of the riots.” Video here –

Unions say they have nothing to do with it, blame it on anarchist elements –

“Police in Indonesia’s North Maluku province have arrested 8 people linked to a workers’ demonstration that turned violent at a nickel project run by France’s Eramet and China’s Tsingshan Holding Group, a police spokesman said on Sunday. A rally on May 1 demanding, among other things, a lockdown at the Indonesia Weda Bay Industrial Park (IWIP) during the coronavirus pandemic, turned violent with demonstrators destroying company property and looting food, North Maluku police spokesman Adib Rojikan said.  Eight people had been named suspects for their involvement in the violence and four others were being questioned, Rojikan said by telephone. The demands by workers included rejecting lay-offs and getting a full salary during the proposed lockdown, as well as blocking parliamentary deliberation in Jakarta of a bill that calls for a steep cut in severance compensation, said Rojikan. IWIP said in a statement that the two workers’ unions at the industrial park were not behind the rally and accused five unversity students of provoking some 800 workers to join the rally and conduct “anarchic action”.”

An account from Indonesian anarchists –

Google Translate:

“Chronology of the Mayday Action and the Declaration of the Halteng Labor Struggle Forum (FPBH)
By Palanghitam | Published: 05/04 2020

Friday, May 1 2020 5:00 WIT the worker goes to PT. IWIP.

At 5:30 CET, the mass of PT. IWIP from Central Vedas gathered at the company’s first portal.

Pkl 05:35 about twenty workers gathered and immediately moved to the point of action at the company intersection.

Pkl 8:01 IWIP workers from North Weda and East Weda gather together at the company intersection.

Pkl 08:15 WIT the action begins.

After the third orator (KORLAP) delivered his speech, the mass of action immediately broke through the gate and headed straight towards the gate of Tanjung Uli.

The oration lasted for some time at Men Gate Tanjung Uli. Some workers also gave speeches to express their complaints, including Uchen (the right worker on the 1st May came to PT. IWIP to sign the letter of dismissal). 09:00 WIT the workers broke into the gate because workers’ demands have not been fulfilled (rosalina sangadji as the head of the HRD must be open and hering open with workers). While inside the men gate, one of the security forces provoked a mass of action by throwing stones, the Akssipun mass was provoked and then a standardized throwing took place. The police had fired several warning shots into the air.

The mass of action returned to the front of the gate and set fire to the former stall that was right in front of the gate.

The police fired tear gas. The mass of action had scattered. Then returned and the police chief had tried to dialogue with workers. But because it did not find any bright spot, the action mass then changed the route of action and headed to the veronickel furnace section to boycott production activities. After that the mass of action took a briefing and agreed to go to the PLTU to turn off electricity to cripple production activities.

Workers in the veronickel division joined the mass of action and walked to the company’s power plant to turn off electricity.

Around 10:01 the PLTU turned off electricity
PT. IWIP is totally paralyzed.

The mass of action walked back to the intersection and returned to a briefing then agreed not to work (strike) until the demands were realized.

Around pkl. 13:10 WIT the mass of action finally disbanded with an agreement to strike and blockade the company’s entrance from the central and northern wedges.


1. Fail Omnibus Law!
2. Reject layoffs under the guise of pause at PT. IWIP!
3. Fulfill women’s labor rights!
4. Return the official permit for workers at PT. IWIP!
5. PT. IWIP must lock down the company during the COVID-19 pandemic, and pay 100% of the base wage!
6. Stop the labor quarantine at the airport of PT. IWIP!
7. Apply eight working hours at PT. IWIP!
8. Meet K3 for workers!
9. Stop discrimination against TKA workers and meet the welfare of TKA workers at PT. IWIP!
10. Stop issuing unilateral memos without prior negotiations with the workers!
11. Stop the criminalization of labor!


Weda, Friday 1 May 2020”

Difusión urgente sobre Gabriel Pombo da Silva

Buenas compañeros.
Acabamos de hacer un programa especial sobre la situacion de Gabriel Pombo da Silva.
Son audios grabados por Elisa, su compañera el día dos de mayo, explica todo esclarecedora y meticulosamente.
Pedimos a quien le llegue esto máxima difusión.

De momento, se ha abierto para su defensa una cuenta bancaria, a nombre de su compañera Elisa, para recibir las aportaciones solidarias de la forma mas rápida, directa y ordenada posible:
TITULAR: Elisa Di Bernardo
IBAN: ES06-0128-0180-3601-0009-8696


Roma – A fuoco antenna Wind

Riceviamo e diffondiamo:




France – Dénégations – Maria Desmers (Livre)

Dénégation et radicalité : une hypothèse
ou quand le Chat Botté réduit l’ogre en souris…

Chaque événement démesuré voit naître ses détracteurs et ses réducteurs. Ils considèrent (comme le Chat Botté de la fable qui mange l’ogre après l’avoir réduit en souris) que réduire la représentation de ce qu’il se passe pour le mettre à sa portée serait en mesure de donner les moyens de triompher sur ce qui terrifierait, si toutefois on le regardait dans toutes ses dimensions. Ce triomphe obtenu au nom de la peur condamne à l’impuissance et la pandémie de Covid-19 qui est en train de se répandre sur la planète ne fait pas exception à la règle. Elle aussi a ses réducteurs et ses détracteurs. Pourtant il y a bien des choses à redire, à contester, à attaquer face à ce qui se passe, ne serait-ce que l’État et le capitalisme. Mais L’Histoire pousse parfois les adeptes de la perplexité dans le grand bain, et les salariés contraints de continuer à travailler avec le virus comme les émeutiers de la faim ou les révoltés de l’enfermement n’ont pas besoin de dénier la réalité du virus ou de réduire la pandémie à une taille moins effrayante pour se révolter et lutter à la fois contre le virus et contre les modalités de sa gestion par le pouvoir.

Télécharger Dénégations-A5-20p-Couleur-pageparpage

Lire le texte en ligne (bientôt disponible).

(via Ravage Editions)