Bielefeld (Germany) – Municipal Police Vehicles Torched

On the night of April 16th-17th, 2020, in Bielefeld (North Rhine-Westphalia), three municipal police vehicles* were set on fire. Two of them were completely destroyed, the third one was damaged, narrowly saved from the flames by the fire brigade.

The vehicles were parked in front of the municipal police building in Ravensburg Park. The amount of damage was estimated at around 25,000 euros.

About 15 fire fighters had to be mobilized for almost an hour. The police presume it was a case of arson. Furthermore, they have not ruled out the possibility that this attack is linked to the coronavirus crisis, as the targeted institution is responsible for enforcing the contact ban rules that are in force. State security services are in charge of the investigation.

* Note of “Sans Attendre Demain”: In Germany, this is the Ordnungsamt, the public service responsible for enforcing the law at the local level. Its uniformed officers work alongside other law enforcement agencies, such as the federal police. Their powers are very extensive in North Rhine-Westphalia (of which Bielefeld is a part) and Baden-Württemberg (like the municipal police in some cities in France).

[Taken from].

Villefontaine (France) – beautiful like the Town Hall on Fire

Shortly before midnight a car was driven into the front of the local Town Hall. According to preliminary police reports, the vehicle was then set on fire. The vehicle had been stolen a month earlier, from the nearby commune of Saint-Quentin-Fallavier.

The facade of the Town Hall was blackened by the flames for about 100 square metres according to the fire brigade. The reception area was also damaged “for four to five meters inside” according to the public prosecutor’s office of Vienne.

[Taken from].


(it-en-fr-es) Villefontaine, Francia: Bello come il municipio in fiamme (17/04/2020)

People of the World, One More Effort!

The shock of the coronavirus [2] has only carried out the judgment that the totalitarian economy founded on the exploitation of people and nature has announced against itself.

The old world is fainting and collapsing. The new one, dismayed by the heaping up of the ruins, doesn’t dare clear them out. More frightened than resolved, it struggles to find the boldness of the child who learns to walk. As if screaming about the disaster for so long has left the people without a voice.

And yet those who have escaped from the deadly tentacles of the commodity are standing up amidst the rubble. They have awoken to the reality of an existence that will no longer be the same. They want to free themselves from the nightmare that the denaturation of the earth and its inhabitants has brought down upon them.

Isn’t this proof of the indestructibility of life? Isn’t it on this fact that the lies from above and the denunciations from below are shattered in the same backwash? The struggle to live has no need for justifications. The reclamation of the sovereignty of life is able to destroy the empire of the commodity, the institutions of which are being shaken up globally.

Until now, we have only battled to survive. We have remained confined in a social jungle in which the law of the strongest and craftiest has reigned. Will we leave behind the imprisonment in which the epidemic of the coronavirus has held us, only to return to the danse macabre of prey and predator? Isn’t it obvious to everyone that the insurrection of everyday life, of which the Yellow Vests3 have been the harbinger in France, is nothing other than the overcoming of the survival that this society of predation hasn’t stopped imposing on us daily and militarily?

That which we no longer want is the seed of what we do want

Life is a natural phenomenon that is at a permanent state of experimental boiling. Life is neither good nor bad. Its manna gives us [edible] morels as well as [poisonous] Amanite phalloides. [4] Life is in us and in the universe like a blind force. But it has endowed the human species with the ability to distinguish the morel from the death cap and a little more besides that! It has armed us with consciousness; it has given us the ability to create ourselves by recreating the world.

To make us forget about this extraordinary aptitude, it has been necessary to weigh us down with the weight of a history that begins with the first City-States and that ends – even quicker than otherwise if we get our hands on it – with the crumbling of market globalization.

Life is not a speculative enterprise. It only cares about signs of respect, reverence and worship. It has no other meaning or direction [sens] than human consciousness, which life has given our species in order to illuminate it. Life and its human sense [sens] are the poetry made by one and by all. [5] This poetry has always shined with its radiance in the great uprisings of freedom. We no longer want it to be an ephemeral flash, as it has been in the past. We want to put into play a permanent insurrection, one just like the passionate fire of life, which
dies down but never dies out.

It is now the entire world that is improvising a song of the trails. [6] It is here that our will to live forges itself by breaking the chains of power and predation – the chains that we, men and women, have forged for our misfortunes.

Here we are, at the heart of a transformation that is social, economic, political and existential. This is the moment of Hic Rhodus, hic salta,
[7] “here is Rhodes, here you jump.” It is not an order to reconquer the world from which we have been chased. It is the breath of life that the irresistible impulse of the people will restore to its absolute rights.

Alliance with nature demands the end of its lucrative exploitation

We haven’t fully understood the concomitant relationship between the violence exercised by the economy against nature, which it pillages, and the violence with which the patriarchy has struck women ever since it was established, three or four thousand years before the advent of the so-called Christian era.

With the advent of so-called “green” capitalism [le capitalisme vert-dollar], the brutal pillaging of terrestrial resources has tended to give way to subornation on a grand scale. Though the name of the game is protecting nature, it is still nature that pays the price. Thus things proceed as they do in simulations of love in which the rapist dolls himself up as a seducer in order to better grab hold of his prey. Predation has long used the practice of the velvet glove to get what it wants.

We are at a moment when a new alliance with nature takes on the utmost importance. It is obviously not a question – how could it be? – of returning to a symbiosis with the natural world in which the hunter-gatherer civilizations evolved before they were supplanted by a civilization founded on commerce, intensive agriculture, patriarchal society and hierarchical power.

It is rather, as one will certainly understand, a question of restoring a natural world in which life is possible, the air is breathable, the water drinkable, agriculture is practiced without the use of poisons, the freedom of commerce is revoked by the freedom of living beings, the patriarchy is dismembered and all hierarchies are abolished.

The effects of dehumanization and of the attacks systematically conducted against the environment have had no need of the coronavirus to demonstrate the toxicity of market oppression. [8] On the other hand, the catastrophic management of the catastrophe has shown the inability of the State to demonstrate the slightest efficiency outside of the only functions that it is able to exercise: repression and the militarization of individuals and societies.

The struggle against denaturation has nothing to do with promises and commendable rhetorical intentions, whether or not they are bribed by the market in renewable energy. It is actually based upon a practical project that bets on the inventiveness of individuals and collectivities. The permaculture that renatures the lands poisoned by the market in pesticides is only a testimony to the creativity of people who have everything to gain by destroying that which has conspired to bring about its loss. It is time to ban the concentration-camp livestock farms in which the abuse of animals has notably been the cause of swine fever, Avian flu and cows driven crazy by the madness of fetishized money that economic reason will once again try to get us to ingest, if not digest.

Do these caged animals who leave their confinement to enter the slaughterhouse have a destiny that is so different from ours? Do we not live in a society that pays dividends to the business parasites and let the men, women and children who lack proper medical care die? An unanswerable economic logic reduces budgetary resources due to the growing number of old people. It foresees a final solution that with impunity condemns them to die in retirement homes deprived of resources and caregivers. In Nancy, France a high-ranking health official recently declared that the [coronavirus] epidemic isn’t a valid reason for not continuing to reduce hospital beds and medical personnel in accordance with previously made plans. [9] Nobody kicked his ass. These economic assassins cause less commotion than a mentally ill person running through the streets brandishing the knife of religious illumination

I am not appealing to popular justice; I am not encouraging the massacre of the dirt-bags of business turnover. [10] I’m only asking that human generosity makes the return of market reason impossible.

All the methods of governing that we have known have gone bankrupt, disintegrated by their cruel absurdity. It is the people who must implement the project of a society that restores to the human, the animal, the vegetal and the mineral their fundamental unity.

The lie that describes such a project as “utopian” hasn’t resisted the shock of reality. History has struck the market civilization of obsolescence and insanity. The construction of a human civilization hasn’t simply become possible; it now clears the way for the unique road – passionately and desperately dreamed of by innumerable generations – that opens upon the end of our nightmares.

Because despair has changed sides; it belongs to the past. The passion of a present to be constructed remains with us. We will take the time to abolish the time is money [11] that is the time of programmed death.

Renaturation is a broth of new cultures in which we will have to fumble around between confusion and innovations in the most varied domains of activity. Haven’t we accorded too much credit to a mechanistic medical practice that often treats the body like a mechanic treats the car in his garage? How can we not distrust an expert who repairs us so that we can get sent back to work?

Hasn’t the dogma of anti-nature, for so long hammered into us by production-centered imperatives, contributed to the exasperation of our emotional reactions, to the propagation of panic and security-conscious hysteria, thus exacerbating the conflict with a virus that the immune systems of our bodies would have had some chance of softening or rendering less aggressive, if they hadn’t been weakened by market totalitarianism, to which nothing inhuman is foreign? [12] We have been completely drenched with the progress of technology. To end up with what? Heavenly flights to Mars and the terrestrial absence of beds and respirators in the hospitals.

Assuredly there will be more to marvel at, in the discoveries of a life of which we know nothing or almost nothing. Who could doubt it? No one will, except for the oligarchs and their lackeys, whom mercantile diarrhea will empty of their substance and whom we will confine to their latrines.

To have done with the militarization of the body, morals and mentalities

Repression is the State’s final reason for existing. The State itself is subjected to it under the pressure of the multinationals, which impose their diktats upon the earth and life. The foreseeable questioning of the governments’ decisions will respond to this question: would confinement have been relevant [with respect to stopping the spread of the coronavirus] if the medical infrastructure had remained efficient and hadn’t experienced its well-known dilapidation, which was decreed by the obligation to be profitable?

Meanwhile – there is no denying it – the current militarization and ferocious security-consciousness have only adopted the ongoing repression imposed all over the world. The democratic order couldn’t have asked for a better pretext for protecting itself against the anger of the people. Isn’t imprisonment at home the goal of those in power, worried about the weariness of their assault teams of police clubbers, eye-pokers and salaried killers? A nice dress rehearsal of the netting tactic now employed against peaceful demonstrators, demanding the rehabilitation of the hospitals, among other things.

At least we have been warned: the governments will now try everything to make us go from confinement to the doghouse. But who will accept going docilely from penal austerity to the comforts of patched-together servility?

It is probable that the rage of those who are caged will seize the occasion to denounce the tyrannical and aberrant system that treats the coronavirus in the fashion of the multi-colored terrorism [13] with which the market in fear has had a field day.

Reflection doesn’t stop here. Think of the schoolchildren who, in the country of the Rights of Man, [14] have been forced to kneel down before the State’s cops. Think of the education system in which, for centuries, professorial authoritarianism has shackled the spontaneous curiosity of the children and prevented the generosity of knowledge from being freely propagated. Think of the extent to which relentless
competition, rivalry and the pushiness of “get out of my way” [pousse-toi de là que je m’y mette] have confined us to the barracks.

Voluntary servitude is a mob of unruly soldiers who march in step. A step to the left, a step to the right? [15] Does it matter? They both remain in the order of things.

Anyone who accepts being barked at, whether it is from above or from below, has no other future than that of a slave.

Leaving the morbid [16] world and the end of market civilization

Life is a world that opens up and it is an opening upon the world. It has certainly often been subjected to the terrible phenomenon of inversion in which love changes into hatred, in which the passion for living becomes an instinct for death. For centuries, life has been reduced to enslavement, colonized by the crude necessity of having to work and survive in the manner of an animal.

And yet we have never before seen such confinement, in isolation cells, of millions of couples, families and solitary individuals, whom the failure of the health services have convinced to accept their lot, if not docilely then at least with contained rage.

Each person finds him- or herself alone, confronted with an existence in which it is tempting to disentangle servile work from crazy desire. Is the boredom of consumable pleasures compatible with the elation of the dreams that childhood left cruelly unfulfilled?

The dictatorship of profit-making has resolved to take everything from us at the very moment in which its powerlessness is spreading globally and exposes it to potential destruction.

The absurd inhumanity that has sickened us for so long has exploded like an abscess in the confinement into which the politics of lucrative assassination (cynically practiced by the financial mafias) have led us.

Death is the final indignity that human beings inflict on each other. Not due to the effects of a [divine] curse, but because of the denaturation that was forcedupon them.

When we break the chains that we have forged out of fear and guilt, we will not be motivated by fear or guilt, but by life rediscovered and restored. Doesn’t this show, in these times of extreme oppression, the invincible power of mutual aid and solidarity?

A form of education repeated for millennia has taught us to repress our emotions, to shatter our life impulses. Under it, we have been told that the animal in us must become an angel at any cost.

Our schools are lairs for hypocrites, inhibited people, and thoughtful torturers. The last ones who are impassioned by knowledge flounder around there with the courage of despair. Upon leaving our prison cells, we will finally learn to free science from the fetters of its lucrative utility? Will we devote ourselves to refining our emotions instead of repressing them? Will we rehabilitate our animal nature, not tame it, the way we tame our allegedly inferior brothers and sisters in the animal world?

Here I am not encouraging anyone to practice perpetual ethical and psychological goodwill; I am merely pointing my finger at the fear market in which security makes the noise of its boots heard. I am drawing attention to the manipulation of emotions that stultifies and stupefies the masses; I am guarding against the guilt-tripping that prowls in search of scapegoats.

“Down with the old people, the unemployed, the undocumented immigrants, the homeless, the Yellow Vests – throw them out!” It is the roaring of these stockholders in nothingness who shop for the coronavirus in order to propagate the emotional plague. The mercenaries of death only obey the orders of the dominant logic.

What must be eradicated is the system of dehumanization that is put into place and applied ferociously by those who defend it because of their taste for power and money. Capitalism was judged and condemned a long time ago. We are weighed down by the plethora of the defense’s arguments. We’ve heard enough.

Capitalist imagery identifies its death throes with the death throes of the entire world. The specter of the coronavirus has been, if not the premeditated result, then at least the precise illustration of capitalism’s absurd curse. The cause is understood. The exploitation of people by people, of which capitalism is the avatar, is an experiment that has turned out badly. Let us make sure than the sinister joke of its being the sorcerer’s apprentice is devoured by a past from which it should never have emerged.

Only the exuberance of rediscovered life can break both the handcuffs of market barbarity and the characterological armoring that stamps the mark of what’s economically correct into the living flesh of each and every person.

Self-managed democracy annuls parliamentary democracy

It is no longer a question of tolerating the fact that, perched at all levels of their national, European, trans-Atlantic and global commissions, the leaders come before us to play the roles of guilty and not guilty. The economic bubble, which they have inflated with virtual debts and fictitious money, is imploding and collapsing right before our eyes. The economy is paralyzed.

Well before the coronavirus revealed the extent of the disaster, the authorities at the “senior levels” seized hold of and stopped the machine, more surely so than the strikes and social movements that, though very useful as protests, remained much less effective than they needed to be.

Enough of these electoral farces and cheap diatribes! May these elected representatives, who are conjoined by financial interests, be swept away like trash and disappear from our horizon in the same way that the portion of life that gives them their human appearance has also disappeared.

We do not want to judge and condemn the oppressive system that condemns us to death. We want to destroy it.

How can we not end up returning to this world that is collapsing, in us and before us, if we don’t construct a [new] society with the humanity that remains within our reach, with individual and collective solidarity? The awareness of an economy that is managed by the people and for the people implies the destruction of the mechanisms of the market economy.

As part of its final feat, the State hasn’t been contented with merely taking its citizens hostage and imprisoning them. Its non-assistance to people at risk is killing them by the thousands.

The State and its patrons have wrecked the public services. Nothing works anymore. We are certain about it: the only thing that continues to function is the criminal organization of profit-making.

The State and its patrons have conducted their affairs with no regard for the people; the results are deplorable. It is up to the people to take care of their own affairs by ruining theirs. It is up to us to make everything get going again on new roads.

The more exchange-value prevails over use-value, the more the reign of the commodity imposes itself. The more we give priority to the use that we want to make of our lives and our environments, the more the commodity loses its biting intensity. What’s free [la gratuité] will deal it a deathblow.

Self-management marks the end of the State, the bankruptcy and noxiousness of which the pandemic has highlighted. The protagonists of
parliamentary democracy are the undertakers of a society dehumanized for profit.

On the other hand, we have seen the people, confronted with the deficiencies of their governments, demonstrate an unfailing solidarity and mobilize a veritable healthcare self-defense. Isn’t this an experience that heralds extensions of selfmanaging practices?

Nothing is more important than preparing ourselves to take charge of the public sectors, previously managed by the State, before the dictatorship of profit scrapped them.

The State and the rapacity of its patrons have brought everything to a stop, paralyzed everything, save for the enrichment of the rich. It is one of history’s ironies that pauperization is now the basis for a general reconstruction of society. How can someone who has confronted death fear the State and its cops?

Our wealth is our will to live.

Refusing to pay taxes and fees has ceased to belong [exclusively] to the repertoire of subversive incitements. How will the millions of people who lack the means of subsistence be in a position to pay them, while money – counted in the billions – continues to be swallowed up by the abyss of financial malfeasance and the debt worsened by it? Let us not forget that it is the priority accorded to profit that gives rise to pandemics and the inability to treat them. Will we remain in the position of the “mad cow” [17] without drawing any lessons from the experience? Will we finally admit that the market and its managers are the virus to be eradicated?

The time for indignation, lamentation, and the assessments of intellectual disarray has passed. I insist on the importance of decisions taken “by the people and for the people” in local and federated assemblies where matters of food, housing, transportation, healthcare, education, monetary cooperatives and the improvement of the human, animal and vegetal environments are concerned.

Let’s move ahead, even if we have to grope to find our way. Better to meander in our experimentation that to regress and repeat the errors of the past. Self-management is the seed in the insurrection of everyday life. Let us remember that it was Communist [18] duplicity that destroyed and stopped the experiments of the libertarian collectives in the Spanish Revolution.

I am not asking anyone to approve of me and even less to follow me. I make my own way. Everyone is free to do the same. The desire for life is limitless. Our true homeland is everywhere that the freedom to live is threatened. Our land is a homeland without borders.

Raoul Vaneigem


[1] Raoul Vaneigem, “PEUPLES DU MONDE, ENCORE UN EFFORT!” dated 10 April 2020 and circulated with the following note: “Please distribute this text and, if possible, print it for people who do not have access to the Internet or distrust it.” Translated from the French by NOT BORED! on 12 April 2020. All footnotes by the translator. Note that Vaneigem’s title echoes Sade’s famous manifesto, “One more effort, Frenchmen, if you would be republicans!” (1795).

[2] Cf. Vaneigem’s previous statement, “Coronavirus,” dated 17 March 2020, and translated into English here: (pdf), you will also find it here:

[3] Cf. Vaneigem’s “Concerning the ‘Yellow Vests,’” dated 11 December 2018, and translated into English here:

[4] Also known as “death cap” mushrooms

[5] An echo of Lautreamont’s famous slogan, “Poetry should be made by all and not by one.”

[6] An allusion to the title of Bruce Chatwin’s book, Un chant des pistes (1987).

[7] Latin in original.

[8] In my opinion, a better way to have phrased this would have been: “the coronavirus wasn’t necessary to demonstrate the toxicity of market oppression: the effects of dehumanization and of the attacks systematically conducted against the environment were enough.” But, of course, I’m just the translator of this text, not its author.

[9] His name is Christophe Lannelongue, the director of the Regional Health Agency of the Grand Est. He made these remarks on 3 April 2020. See this news report (French only):

[10] The French here, septembriser les pouacres du chiffre d’affaire, echoes the massacres carried out in September 1797 during the French Revolution.

[11] English in original.

[12] Cf. the writings of Michel Bounan, especially Le Temp du Sida (1990).

[13] Terrorism of all political stripes.

[14] That would be France, where “The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen” was promulgated in 1798.

[15] Cf. David Bowie, “Fashion” (1980): “Fashion! Turn to the left. Fashion! Turn to the right. Oooh, fashion! We are the goon squad and we’re coming to town.”

[16] The French word used here, morbide, can also mean sick or unhealthy.

[17] Bovine spongiform encephalopathy is a neurodegenerative disease that affects cattle. Caused by the consumption of meat-and-bone meal, “mad cow disease” broke into public consciousness in 1990s.

[18] A note from Enough 14. Even if we understand ourselves as anarchists, we want to point out that the authoritarian communists, backed by Stalin, destroyed and stopped the experiments of the libertarian collectives in the Spanish Revolution. There are many other communist tendencies that disaprove the move by authoritarian communists against the anarchists in the Spanish revolution.

Chronicles from the state of emergency – (4)

«Their virus, our deads»

We are overwhelmed daily with data about the number of the infected, dead and healed. Even though the structural causes of this epidemic never emerge – the industrial plunder of the natural environment and our relational gap with the other animal spieces – , for the ones who know how to isolate the lies in this ocean of information, some truths stay afloat. Over 70% of deceased from Coronavirus suffered from hypertension. Among 95% of the cases are pre-existing risk factors which can leave people predisposed to its development; particularly sedentariness and stress. The prohibition of going out of the house – with the necessary precautions – creates the conditions for a great number of new sick people. Not to mention the devastating psychological consequences for all those living in unbearable house and family conditions, suppressed by the optimism of the State («Everything will be alright. I stay home»). Moreover, if the importance of the sun and of vitamin D for the immune system is «fake news», then why do the protocols ditributed to the carabinieri and the police advise “at least half an hour of sunlight per-day and, in case its not possible, the consumption of vitamin D”?


In Rovereto, two cases of Coronavirus among BRT porters have been registered (one of them is in intensive care in hospital). The logistics enterprise, after a quick and secret «sanification» of the offices (storehouses excluded), expected that their porters would have peacefully kept on working, without even testing them for symptoms. The porters refused, by taking sick leave. Meanwhile, Confindustria (italian chamber of commerce) is pushing to open factories as soon as possible (those factories that have been closed after the wave of strikes that forced the government to stop the «unnecessary production»). Someone is speaking about «unequal sharing of risks». Others, who look on the entire planet and on its huge injustices, speak about «discriminated apocalypse».

We are going to talk at lenght about this

According to the official data, since 2009, 37 billion euros have been deducted from healthcare. Is it because of the objective eloquence of this information, that local newspapers have reported that graffiti appeared in front of Rovereto hospital («Thanks to medical staff, but we don’t forget who made cuts to healthcare») without the habitual swarm of criminalising comments? Beyond the quantitative data, there’s another which is qualitative. If we extend the timeframe a bit, we notice that Healthcare has been not only been cut, but also transformed. Indeed, it was provided, until 1978, a trade relation between preventative medicine and the «Citizens’ Committees» (expression by which they were trying to regularize the several Rank-and-File committees for health on workplaces and on territory, that were born extensively during the struggles in the Seventies). From the meeting between doctors and committees arose, few years before, the most serious and in-depth inquiry about the Icmesa environmental disaster in Seveso * (see note below). Since we are living a mass experience that won’t be abolished any time soon – we’re dealing with the heaviest limitation of freedom in italian history ever -, it’s going to be of fundamental importance for the future to create spaces for critical confrontation between people and medical staff in order to analyze, on the whole and in detail, what caused this epidemic and how the governments and the state scientists dealt with it.

«I wish you a wonderful future»

These are the final words from the letter in which the ‘futurist’ Thomas Frey (ex-engineer for IBM) explains to a ‘science communicator’ that soon the actual passwords will be, thanks to 5G, replaced by «vocal sentences linked to a laser spectrum, by touch resonance, identification through heartbeat, infrared signature» («Corriere Innovazione» 3rd april 2020). «Wherever you’ll be – his conversation partner, professor Derrick De Kerchove added – , you’ll be traced and virtually reconstituted into four dimensions in a complete and constant manner, as 5G can do. You will acquire and store each move you do, like a digital personal unconscious outlined and distributed in databases, from which the decisions (choices, purchases, votes, etc.) will emerge. «But that’s not the end of the world – the professor assures -, it’s only the end of our illusionary and pleasant independence». «This emergency provided the push needed to spread digitalization». On the other hand, «never waste the potential of a crisis». For the ones who rebel to this wonderful future made by human-machines, a definition is already prepared: «Talibans of phisical experience».

England advises

Some antennas for 5G mobile telephones have been burnt in Sparkhill, Birmingham, on thursday 2 april, and in Melling, Merseyside, on friday 3 april. The news has run out in Italy too. The actors of sabotage have been defined «conspiracy theorists», complete with a statement by Google and Facebook, for whom the new 5G infrastructure is fundamental, in order that the online surveillance that they exercise will spread, to real life behaviours and to civic surroundings too. Here there’s no conspiracy theory. It is the accumulation logic itself to ensure that the best way to foresee the consumers’ behaviour – and to sell forecasts to the advertisers and to industry – it’s by programming them.

Greetings from Greece

It’s always wise to learn from your neighbours who have already lived a condition that could fall on you tomorrow. A collective in Athens writes: «They are, and we are, speaking about war. And it’s true. Starting from the increase of black market prices. From the empty shelves in supermarkets, to the food stockpiling. From the «recruitment» of some employees in order to reduce the employer’s loss, to the firing of others. From the coercive jobs without any elementary health protection, to emergency overtime. From the hospitals lack of medical equipment and the inadequacy of nursing staff, to the transformation of hospitals into wards filled with «casualties of war». […] So, «war economy» means a new cycle of memorandum, dismissals, cuts in wages, pensions, social expenditures and privatization. What the State is giving today to stop its bankruptcy, tomorrow we’ll pay in blood».

*Seveso disaster, 10th july 1976. An industrial accident that caused the leak of dioxin, with the consequent dispersion of one of the most toxic chemical substance existing and with serious repercussions on the inhabitants health.

tradotto da:

Cronache dallo stato d’emergenza (Numero4)

Buenos Aires: la Rivolta, from the pandemic


Last Friday, March 20th, the Argentinian state anounced that complete quarantine would come into effect from midnight. After months of distant news announcements and growing paranoia between the various means of mass communication and the president’s national channels they finally announced it, causing a mass exodus of the upper-middle classes to their summer houses, panic buying in supermarkets and and a call to stay at home with less than four hours notice.

As state and capital always respond in the face of the complete lack of social and economic preparation, this quarantine is executed by different armed forces in the streets operating with more or less impunity depending on the wealth of the given region of the country. Instantly, videos appeared showing the different police forces moving into neighbourhoods with machine guns and rifles in hand, pursuing on motorbikes those who were found outside, forcing them home running. A woman run over by a patrol vehicle and the long leash of the police is untied in a country close to militarisation.

As in the majority of infected countries the message of war was launched into the air, excused by the pandemic. Between some unfortunate analyses that try to point out a global conspiracy it is evident that the virus is capitalism and said conspiracy is merely a disease unleashed on a global level in societies based on misery and exploitation. Now, it is clear to everyone that class society continues to harm those that it always does: those that continue being obliged to expose themslves through work and those without permission or contracts (in an economy based on 40% informal work), having to stay at home watching their debts increase and mental health deteriorate or face being arrested and tortured by the state.

Snitching and Means of Communication

The campaign of terror is reinforced by the official mediums of communication, being the point from which the society of control is launched. Although the police terror is evident and tangible it is supported under the guise of #quedateencasa (#stayathome), under the idea of ‘responsibility’ that this progressive hypocrisy uses to openly justify the repression. Now, with the repeated slogan of ‘if you stay at home, nothing is going to happen to you’, the fear changed from red to green and shows us that the idea of the enemy within is independent of time and shape. That which creates disturbance in the social order should be pacified by the threat of persecution and prison.

Even already knowing that we live in a prison society, power’s broadcasted campaign to justify the military’s entrance onto the streets is completely obscene, needing a justifcation that substantially complies with the important portion of the population that happily voted in the last election. Within this context of paranoia snitching becomes legal tender. Those that yesterday were flaunting their feathers with the motto ‘never again’ now call the police in response to any suspicious movement, spying from their windows and incriminating, megahones in hand, from their balconies in the city centre.

In the mix is thrown the media campaign, ‘The state cares for you, not the market’, reinforcng the false paradox imposed by Kirshnerism. What they are doing is protecting the market – private property or whatever it may be – demonstrated in the absence of the possibility of a contamination test coming into fruition, in the supplies given to health departments and in comparison to the budget payout to the entire repressive apparatus. Even so, the guilty continue to be the neighbours, those that live stacked up and without the possibility of quarantine, but of course excepting those deliery drivers and other workers. Those exploited that serve as servants for those that enjoy a privileged quarantine, ordering sushi and ice cream delivered to their homes.

The Passing of the Quarantine

According to what’s announced the quarantine is supposed to last until March 31st
The quarantine in Argentine is now said to last until April 26th but, as in many places, is expected to be extended further., although the discourse that is starting to circulate is that it should be extended, a hypothesis supported by the crumbs that the state declares that it will distribute soon in order to avoid disorder. Within this context we can encourage ourselves to think in global terms and begin a clear point of inflection, although in certain territories they have already endured many long years of extreme militarisation. In an situation such as this how can the Mapuche, Palestinian, Kurdish or Syrian people exist with global levels of repression against an enemy without a face, that isn’t human or even visible. We can all be guilty like an Orwellian thought police, a single panopticon, where every one of us checks on the other as a possible enemy agent.

Within the different reflections made by ‘intelectuals’ of capital we found, for example, Slavoj Zizek, known leftist who, amongst all the repeated academic words, demanded the implementation of a ‘global health network’ that, as a co-ordination that could not only overcome COVID-19, but could prevent these cases providing greater power to the scientists of the WHO. At the same time that he asserts that, “The virus is democratic. It doesn’t distinguish between rich and poor”, leaving out that democracy is based precisely on this distinction, he indenifies the virus in question as, “a blow to capitalism that could reinvent communism.”

Sadly this analysis, like that of another known writer, Byung Chul Han, departs both from and returns to the intellectual field, sheltered behind comfortable academia and totally removed from how things are, much more in South America. Even so, some words of the latter ring more fruitful, responding to the former by saying,

“Zizek asserts that the virus has dealt capitalism a deadly blow and evokes a dark communism. He also believes that the virus could make the Chinese regime fall. Zizek is wrong. Nothing such as this will happen. China will now be able to sell its digital police state as a model of success against the pandemic. China will exhibit the superiority of its system with yet more pride and, after the pandemic, capitalism will continue with greater strength and tourists will continue trampling the planet. The virus cannot replace reason. It is also possible that the Chinese-style digital police state will arrrive to us in the west. Just as Naomi Klein said, an upheaval is a favourable moment that allows the establishing of a new system of governmet. The establishment of neoliberalism also came preceeded by crises caused by upheaval. It’s what happened in Korea or in Greece. I hope that after the comotion that has caused this virus a digital police regime, as we see in China, doesn’t arrive in Europe. If this managed to happen, as fears Giorgio Agamben, the state of alarm would become the normal situation so the virus would have managed to do that which not even Islamic terrorism could.”

This clearly fits the situation. Capital is far from falling. Certain markets and the world of finance can lose themselves in the paranoia but, logically in a society based on authority and domination, before losing their positions or power they will demand our submission, or death.

Always Aiming for Revolt

The dystopian world is, and always was, this. Here we are with a reality that is more relentless than our desires. That which today is a virus which should be confronted but also learned to be lived with, tomorrow will be some natural disaster and the constant setting in motion put forward some time ago by Desierto (Ediciones L’anomia). Always a slap in the face out of nowhere, it’s coherent, yet in this daily asphyxiating frenzy one can do little more than inform and convince themselves until, finally, it will be necessary to confront it, whatever it may be.

It is also an opportunity to study the behaviour of the armed forces: where they locate their control points in a city andhow their security and repression functions so that later we can agitate for revolt, at the same time that certain comrades edit propoganda and try to strengthen community ties in opposition to the logic of the police. Points of rupture and inflexion are also moments in which it is important to strengthen our social relationships, never hiding ourselves behnd some stupid, misanthropic mask. On the contrary, confronting this reality is to take up arms against the state and not allow ourselves to be apathtised by the media, political or citizen apparatus.

That cuarantine strengthens our passion for freedom and reaffirms our rejection of all authority.

1.The quarantine in Argentine is now said to last until April 26th but, as in many places, is expected to be extended further.

Everything will be fine

It’s the story of a man who falls from a 50-story building.
To calm down as he falls into the void he keeps saying to himself:
So far so good.
So far so good.
So far so good…

But it’s not the fall that matters, it’ s the landing.
As in the metaphor of the French film “La haine”, we live in a world
that has been condemned to disaster. The continued destruction of the
ecosystems to extract raw materials, the systematic degradation of the
earth’s crust by monocultures and agro-industry, the expulsion or
annihilation of species, the transformation of the oceans in dunghills,
the irreversible damage to the ozone layer… has had an exponential
advance in recent years. They’ve put us on a path which is more than
evident a transformation, for the worse, of life on earth.

At the same time, we have generated societies that are annihilators of
the different, of the enemies of risk and adventure.The perpetuation of
hierarchies and authorities, slaves of an economic system that puts the
flow of goods above everything else. Profit as the only ideology. In
which the virtual imposes itself on reality. The simulation to the

In recent weeks, campaigns were launched in places like Italy and Spain
asking children to draw rainbow posters with the message “everything
will be fine” or “andrá tutto bene” and then hang them on the balconies
or public buildings. Unfortunately, this illusory and innocent message
implies complacency with all of the above, a yearning to return to a
reality that is self-destructive for people and harmful to our

And all this has been accompanied by self-incrimination, considering
individuals as guilty agents responsible for the transmission of a
virus, when it is clear that diseases do not become pandemics because of
the actions of a few people, for that a series of infrastructure
conditions (such as overcrowding in large cities, for example),
environmental conditions, movement conditions, etc. are needed, and of
course they are and were given.

We assume, then, the orders to stay at home for our own good and that of
others, in a paternalistic and patriarchal tone. But when we are
forbidden to go on the streets alone, or with the people we share a
house with, are we responding to medical or public order criteria?

Meanwhile, let’s clap on the balconies and hang signs… but maybe it
won’t go well. It’s even possible that whatever we do won’t go well. The
possibilities for the recovery of the planet are infinite, it is not so
much that in this resurgence from the ashes we can continue to exist as
a species. But we are not going to deny ourselves the pleasure of
enjoying this journey, even if it is the last one. We are going to
confront, fight, experiment, imagine… pointing out and hitting those
responsible for this reality and moving away with our practices from its

Another world is possible, said the classic leftist slogan, another end
of the world is possible, is the slogan that we have no choice but to
adopt, and we do so with passion.Muchxs without hope, but with the flame
in the eyes when you are so close that you can look into the abyss.

AGRO-CRUST X : info III (April 2020)

Hi comrades & friends!
We are in mid-April, deadline for confirmations for the Agro-Crust X…
The situation caused by global capital does not will stop us from fighting
for their ultimate downfall but it complicates the organization of the d.i.y.
meeting/festival in the sense that many people bands etc. do not know
whether they will be able to participate, whether the borders will closed etc.
Already many bands had to cancel or postpone their tours and the reaction
of the movement has not been coherent either but of wait “see what happens.”
Even, and this hurts quite a bit, it’s been the firsts who have suspended
planned activities, have paid attention to the orders of the state and are quiet
and confined to their homes.

Therefore we would like to propose a change of dates for the
Agro-Crust X; the new dates are: 9 to 12 JULY 2020.

The bands that had already confirmed their participation should assess
if they can come to play on those new dates. We put a new deadline to
confirm that it will be next May 15th.
Also we ask the entire libertarian/anarchist world for their support in
realizing this edition of the Agro-Crust, i.e. distributors, collectives and/or
prisoners support groups that can be organized to give speachs,
workshops etc. who should contact us a.s.a.p. to work out the details.

Let’s hope that this decision is understood as the only possible solution
right now. We’re conspiring for the place where we can to set up the
Agro-Crust this year… We need your support to get ready to preparate/
mount the event, especially the first week of July.

A big hug!
He(A)llth & Anarchy


Trento (Italy) – Chronicles from the State of emergency 3

6 april 2020

International rent strike

It’s the proposal spreading in several Countries since 1st april (United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Sweden, Chile, Spain…). For example, Gran Canaria tenants union writes in its call that the entire working class and all tenants should support the general strike and the rent strike permanently: «The present situation couldn’t be more alarming, not only about healtcare, but also economically and socially. The measures adopted by the government, who declared the state of emergency as a reaction to Covid-19, it’s clearly anti-workers measures, completely superficial (like the limitation of moratorium on loans) and they don’t give a damn about basic needs: thousands of families living from day to day, who survive thanks to low-paied jobs, people that have been fired illegally, families who lost their income because of isolation; everyone must face the impossibility to pay rent». And he suggests; «The abandoned houses owned by financial and banking society or funds (particularly those saved by public money) must be socialized and rendered available for the thousands of people and families that are today homeless».

Words and barriers

«A tyrant upset our life, and it’s called coronavirus». The hospitals become «trenches», and dead people are carried with military transports. Therefore, a war scenario appears in our mind, with all its symbolic and emotional significance. Because metaphores evoke images, and words evoke ideas. The language is anything but neautral: it shapes opinions, it express relations that extend over time. Words create the world. They act on us and they make us act/behave in a way rather then in another. Treating a disease as if it was a war, make us obedient, mild and, in perspective, intended victims. The choice between the use of this or that word it’s not just a matter of language, but also a political decision. Politicians: you are the promoter of fear and hate against each other. With the virus, you took a further opportunity to outline borders and erect barriers.

Now that we are potentially infected

The containers in Brennero (Italian- Austrian border) prepared by austrian State with aims against migration have been used since some weeks for anti-Corona controls for the ones arriving from Italy. The «extraordinary measures» going on should push us to think about what has been happening to the most vulnerable since forever, to the undocumented, to that part of humanity that’s good for being exploited until necessary and then to be repatriated or left to die. Beyond the privilege we forget to recognise, there are those who sadly know too well an everyday reality made of distances, controls, visa, of «who knows when we’ll be able to meet again». While commodities travel for kilometers and thousands human beings are kept out of european frontiers, maybe, we could notice that borders virus won’t be gone in few weeks.

Beyond borders, about jail struggles

Regarding the rebellions that broke out in jails on 7th march, the newspapers and television hastened to speak about direct actions conducted by «organised crime». (As chance would have it, the same script has been then used to criminalize who tried to go out from supermarkets without paying). Someone spoke instead about an «organized plan» made by a not-better-specified «anarchist hand». It is inconceivable for the State to admitt that they are spontaneous revolts able to communicate quickly between each other, grown in the captivity of torture places, during years of beating-up, endemic overcrowding, repulsive hygienic conditions; because they would have spoken about it differently, and they would have spoken about this more. The fact is that riots are breaking out also in Spain, France, Brazil, USA, Belgium, Venezuela, Iran, Perù, Sri Lanka, Colombia (where, only in Bogotà prison, 23 prisoners are dead)… Now they have to speak about this for sure. Even States like Iran or Turkey have freed 110thousand and 90thousand prisoners respectively. Even Secretary of ONU is requesting the governments to adopt urgent measures against the spreading of contagion in prisons worldwide, where 12,5 millions of people are shut. It’s the prisoners first of all to advise us that the huge state of emergency that keep us imprisoned must bring the occasion to free ourselves and the rest, by seeing beyond our own limits.

Trento (Italy) – Chronicles from the State of emergency 2

30 march 2020

Responsabilities upside down

The daily Chronicles of Fear wipe out any general and specific responsability of the epidemic going on, blaming only who does not stay home, «plague-spreaders» to be repressed with heavier and heavier measures (army performing the duties of cops, tracking of the entire population, appeals for spying on each other, authorization for using drones…). Who demolished healtcare for profit, making the situation worse, while it could have been faced totally differently? Who kept factories open? Who shut schools on 20th
february and supermarkets only on 12th march? Who is to blame? Maybe the ones who take a walk on the streets, cycle-lanes or paths? And still; is it single «sharks» or an entire system to make sure that the prices of masks for hospitals are raised b y 600%?

What safety?

It’s been decades since they are deafining us by shouting «Safety!». More cameras, more controls, more cops, more jail! Then comes an epidemic virus and, in our conscience and among the unsaid on television, it emerges that, in case the auto -haulage and the logistic were interrupted, supermarkets would be empty in few days. How sure can human beings feel when they totally depend on a tecnological and production system of which they don’t control a thing anymore? A man doesn’t live by tele -working alone! Let’s benefit by this «pause», for thinking. If we don’t take the land back and self-manage the sources of our nourishment, besides freedom and independence, we’ll give up safety as well.


One of the experiments going on, besides military and police control, is about work: how and how long can economy go on without people going out of their home? What is work, nowadays? It’s mainly multinational companies that own informatic platforms and
Apps the ones taking advantage of all kinds of tele-working (from teachers to office-workers). The «Giants of web» get a huge amount of personal datas from ANY online activity (both for free or fee-paying ones). Datas that is then analyzed and sold.
Everything is a «data» that can be processed and transformed into earnings: tastes, opinions, the tone of voi ce, facial expressions, the book quoted by the teacher, news about health, fears, the reaction for certain news, the students’ level of attention, e tc.
In the best of all possible worlds, an epidemic as well – that means milions of people house-bound but always connected – can turn into a good business. It is a good occasion to justify the introduction of 5G network, whose purpose is not the communications in
case of emergency at all, but to generalize factories, cars, cameras and smart sensors. Fear is the perfect feeling for pushing us more and more towards a world in which human beings are controlled by «smart objects» and by who controls them.

Monitoring system

A piece of new that surely caused a sensation, it was the fact that, by controlling phone cells activated by mobiles, they found out that 40% of population in Milano was found far from their home . What’s new? It is well-known that mobiles companies create massive cataloguing everyday (even though only few feel the effects of it). On the contrary, what’s new is the fact that, availing the oppurtunity of a health emergency, they clearly justify something that exists beyond the emergency and that would raise many social and ethical questions (or, at least… it should!). But that’s not enough. Since days, we are exposed to an incessant propaganda that aims to introduce «Korean style» measures in Italy as well, that means to catalogue the communications between people starting from the cross-control on smartphones, wi-fi and Bluetooth (in order to locate «users» house-to-house instead of only into a certain neighbourhood). «Public» data would be registered and analyzed by authorities; «hidden» data (that any App on smartphones creates, even when deactivated) would feed those «smart machines» by which they check our behaviour and examinate our «purchase intentions». Government’s happy, and so it is digital capitalism. And what about us…?

What is «fundamental»?

What cannot be stopped during an epidemic reveals indirectly what’s the base of society in which we live: informatic infrastructure and war. That’s why all weapons factories must stay open. That’s why, while we are all house-bound, the tecnological progress accelerates and new 5G aerials are installed secretly. In confirmation of the strict link between digital infrastructure and war, Tim (italian mobile company) «is teaching» the army the new potential of artificial intelligence and 5G for the «new world» war.
What’s left to ask ourselves: is it the virus floating in the air the only thing we can’ t see?
In addition, there’s the world they are preparing for us. Some judicious suggestions…
…appeared on several supermarkets glass walls in Trento and Rovereto (cities in north Italy) between 24th and 25th march;

«General strike», «Shut factories», «Reduce prices».

On 25th march, there was a wide participation for the call to a general strike from the logistic and factories sector.
On 26th march, in a supermarket in Palermo (city in Sicily), some people filled their shopping troll ey and tried to get out without paying. Carabinieri and Mobile Units intervened on the place and, during the following days, they guarded the entrance of several supermarkets in the city.
The appeals to stop paying are multiplying on social networks. By extending the emergency, maybe after some months without any wage, more and more people will face the problem to satisfy their basic materials needs. Maybe, situations like the one in Palermo won’t be so rare; the necessity for taking what we need to live will be very clear to whom, simply, won’t be able to pay anymore.