Belgium – Riot in Anderlecht, Brussels after a youth killed

Enraged youth from the Anderlecht area of the capital city Brussels, Belgium rioted yesterday, attacking cop vehicles and hurled missiles at the cops, injuring one and beating up another. The riot was triggered when a cop patrol pursued a 19 year old on a scooter because he refused to stop for a curfew check. He hit an oncoming cop vehicle head on and died on the spot. Hundreds of angry youth from the local area instantly took to the street after a callout on social media attacking the cops who had arrived to reinforce those involved in the killing. Several cop vehicles were set on fire, one youth liberated a gun from a vehicle, shooting it in the air as he ran off.

The local youth has been named as Adil and already the media is doing the state’s dirty work by sending out its appeal for calm, using his family as a weapon to suppress the anger of a local youth’s murder and against the curfew. The cops have further reinforced the area today (Sunday), even with water cannon because they fear that the area will breakout in further rioting. Belgium has been in a four-week curfew in an attempt to stem the spread of the coronavirus epidemic.

This is a clear sign of the riots and insurrection to come that has now arrived in fortress Europe, after other outbreaks of rebellion in other parts of the world, we are even aware of scum media clearly attempting along with the authorities to suppress any outbreaks of rebellion against the coronavirus curfews*. It is only a moment of time before the global backlash erupts.

First Wuhan, Now Brussels, Insurrection Everywhere!

*Riots have erupted in Bristol, China & Palestine, even telephone towers burnt around prison island UK (in La Spezia also noPaF), along with reported raids on supermarkets in the South of Italy in response to ‘lockdown measures’ (curfew!)

Les faux amis du déconfinement

Certaines voix médiatiques se font entendre depuis quelques jours
appelant au déconfinement, notamment par souci de préserver les libertés
individuelles. Mais c’est une conception particulière de la liberté,
celle où autrui est une limite plutôt qu’une extension de ma propre
liberté, et surtout une liberté qui s’incarne dans la valorisation du
capital et l’acquisition de marchandises. Une liberté du libéralisme,
c’est-à-dire une liberté qui s’appuie sur l’exploitation et s’acoquine
avec l’arbitraire.
Nous sommes dans des sociétés basées sur l’exclusion radicale, où
certains et certaines peuvent être considérés comme superflus. A l’image
des déchets qui s’accumulent avec la consommation, de plus en plus de
personnes sont considérées comme des rebus. Le durcissement des peines
de cette machine à broyer qu’est la Justice et les prisons sont aussi là
pour accueillir les rebus de nos sociétés. La taule est d’abord un outil
d’élimination sociale – qui est parfois purement et simplement une
élimination physique, particulièrement dans ces temps épidémiques où le
pouvoir choisit de laisser crever prisonniers et prisonnières dans leur
L’immunité collective prônée dans un premier temps dans les pays
anglo-saxons face à l’épidémie du coronavirus est motivée par une forme
de darwinisme social propre au capitalisme : les jeunes, les
bien-portants et les riches s’auto-immuniseront pour la plupart, tandis
que les vieux, les inutiles et les bouches à nourrir crèveront. Certains
chiens de garde du libéralisme sont ainsi montés au créneau après
quelques semaines de confinement. C’est le cas d’Eric le Boucher,
journaliste ayant frayé dans la commission d’Etat sur la libération de
la croissance en 2008, macroniste convaincu, qui appelle dans les
colonnes des Echos au déconfinement au nom des libertés individuelles,
mais surtout pour « accélérer la reprise d’activité » en « acceptant les
morts qui vont avec ». Qu’on ne s’y trompe pas, les politiques de
confinement mises en place dans la précipitation sont d’abord là pour
sauvegarder l’économie et la relancer au plus vite. C’est pourquoi
certains et certaines peuvent se retrouver en télétravail, pendant que
d’autres doivent s’exposer au virus en allant au turbin, y compris pour
honorer les contrats d’armement. L’appareil productif doit être le moins
désorganisé possible, même au prix d’une désorganisation partielle
temporaire. L’armée de réserve doit être préservée, mais si le
surnuméraire peut y passer, tant mieux. Le capitalisme fonctionne ainsi.
C’est comme si une fraction toujours plus importante de la population
était excédentaire, en trop. Ce darwinisme social, basé sur l’idée que
la vie repose sur la lutte concurrentielle pour l’existence et dont les
formes les plus modernes se retrouvent aujourd’hui dans les théories
génétiques et sociobiologiques, est un pilier du capitalisme. Si
l’arbitraire du confinement et l’accélération du contrôle social sont à
combattre , encore faut-il préciser les motivations clairement. Ce n’est
certainement pour revenir à la “normale” comme le rêvent ces chiens de
garde, c’est-à-dire une société où les morts quotidiennes moins
médiatiques, les vies amputées et les boulots idiots étaient
relativement acceptés par la majorité des gens. Cette normalité est à
détruire pour faire place à une société plus désirable. Ce n’est pas la
peine de sortir d’un confinement pour retourner se confiner dans la même
société absurde, cynique et autoritaire dans laquelle s’est propagé le

Tebe (Grecia) – Rivolta nel carcere femminile di Eleonas in seguito alla morte di una detenuta – Dichiarazione delle recluse

Continua la rivolta nelle sezioni femminili del carcere di Eleonas, a Tebe. È scoppiata la mattina del 9 aprile 2020, a seguito della morte di una detenuta di 38 anni, che manifestava febbre e fiato corto e che è morta nel reparto dell’ala E, davanti a venti detenute. E’ morta di coronavirus. Le altre prigioniere hanno dato fuoco a materassi e vestiti e nel frattempo venivano danneggiati anche i frigoriferi del carcere. Un procuratore è arrivato presso la struttura e un medico legale è andato a condurre l’autopsia. Ingenti forze di polizia (della MAT, “Unità per il ripristino dell’ordine”, un corpo della polizia greca) si sono precipitate al carcere per impedire il diffondersi della rivolta in tutte le ali della struttura, compiendo estesi pestaggi. Nonostante la repressione verificatasi, la rivolta si è diffusa in tutto il carcere.

Dichiarazione delle recluse:

“Oggi, 9 aprile, la detenuta Azizel Deniroglou è morta nel suo reparto, inerme, perché aveva anche problemi di cuore e febbre alta. Aveva implorato aiuto per tutta la notte perché provava dolori al petto e non riusciva a respirare.

Secondo le testimonianze, non le hanno nemmeno misurato la temperatura e non siamo a conoscenza delle vere cause della sua morte. La secondina capoturno l’ha minacciata con un rapporto, perché le dava fastidio. Il corpo senza vita della nostra compagna di cella è stato trascinato fuori coperto da un lenzuolo, davanti agli occhi scioccati di tutta l’ala del carcere. Questo tragico avvenimento è avvenuto nell’ala E, dove sono accatastate circa 120 persone. Le prigioniere si sono ribellate e la rivolta si è estesa a tutto il carcere. Un altra prigioniera è morta un mese fa. La criminale indifferenza nei confronti dei prigionieri e della loro salute ha portato alla morte di molti detenuti, il governo e il Ministero sono responsabili della loro condanna a morte. Il governo e il Ministero sono responsabili della morte di questa detenuta. Chiediamo l’immediata scarcerazione dei pazienti, delle madri con i loro figli, degli anziani, di coloro che sono considerati vulnerabili, in gruppi, per 1/3 dei detenuti in totale. Non torneremo nelle nostre celle fino alla fine!”.

Anche Pola Roupa, prigioniera politica e membro di Lotta Rivoluzionaria (Επαναστατικού Αγώνα, “Epanastatikòs Agonas”), ha dichiarato che circa un mese fa un’altra donna è morta in carcere. Come ha sottolineato: “Nonostante le promesse di decongestionamento delle carceri a causa della pandemia di coronavirus, non è stato fatto ancora nulla. Gli ospedali non accettano detenuti dalle carceri, non c’è un medico a Tebe. I gruppi vulnerabili avrebbero dovuto essere rilasciati. Siamo imprigionati. Non siamo stati condannati a morte”.

– Assemblea di solidarietà con i membri di “Lotta Rivoluzionaria” [Συνέλευση Αλληλεγγύης στα μέλη του Ε. Α.]

La Nave dei Folli – Episodio 2

Ascolta il podcast

La cibernetica è la scienza del controllo e della comunicazione nell’animale e nella macchina.

Postulando che la società si possa comprendere solo attraverso lo studio dei messaggi e dei mezzi di comunicazione – i messaggi fra l’uomo e le macchine, fra le macchine e l’uomo e fra macchine e macchine – la cibenetica ha dettato la rotta che seguiranno le società nella seconda metà del Novecento.

In greco kubernḗtēs è chi regge il timone della nave, la pilota o governa. Ora è il mondo intero a essere considerato un’imbarcazione, la futura navicella spaziale – e il prototipo umano quello dell’astronauta, rinchiuso nel suo abitacolo che lo protegge dalle minacce esterne e del tutto dipendente dalla tecnologia di cui è equipaggiato.

Con l’avvento delle reti 5G si potenzia ulteriormente la maglia di controllo e comunicazione, forse in modo definitivo. Il comandante continua a rassicurare l’equipaggio che tutto andrà bene, ma nell’oscurità delle tenebre, in alcune città delle contrade di Albione, divampano le fiamme che inceneriscono le nuove antenne.

• Autechre, Foil (Amber, 1994)
• Blackbird Raum, Turning Away
• Orwell 1984, di Michael Radford
• Muppet Show, Mahna Mahna
• Les Violons du Rigodon, Marche des Mules
• Michel Odent, Sopravviveremo alla medicina, 2017
• Light bearer, Beyond The Infinite_The Assembly Of God
• Ivan Illich, L’aumento delle cure genera nuove medicine, 1999
• Dove sognano le formiche verdi, di Werner Herzog
• Demetrio Startos, Flautofonie ed altro
• Trilok Gurtu Band con Oumou Sangaré e Jan Garbarek, Maya 2008
• Manhunt: Unabomber
• Joy Division, She’s Lost Control

USA – Kansas Presos Riot, la Toma de control de Bloque Celular, Posiblemente En Respuesta A COVID-19 Diagnosticados Dentro de la Instalación

‘[Los internos eran] acaba de destrozar cualquier cosa que puedan tener en sus manos en la unidad”, dijo un portavoz de la prisión.

Los presos en el estado de Kansas de mediana seguridad penitenciaria se amotinaron en la tarde del jueves y viernes en la mañana, tomando más de un bloque de celdas y dañar todo lo que pudieron tener en sus manos, NBC News informes. Aunque no oficial de la causa de los disturbios ha sido lanzado, a partir de este escrito, la cuestión de la coronavirus entrar en el encarcelamiento de las instalaciones ha estado en la mente de los presos, sus carceleros, y el sistema judicial en general de la tarde.

Alrededor de las 3:00 pm hora local (4:00 pm hora del este) el jueves, una perturbación participación de alrededor de 50 presos estalló en la C bloque de Lansing Centro penitenciario, a unas 50 millas al noroeste de la Ciudad de Kansas. De acuerdo a la Ciudad de Kansas WDAF-TV, los disturbios comenzaron cuando los prisioneros se les dijo a regresar a sus celdas, y ellos se negaron.

Randy Bowman, director ejecutivo de asuntos públicos del Departamento de Kansas de Correcciones, dijo en la noche del jueves que la mejor práctica que parecía ser solo dejar que las cosas sigan su curso.

“[Los internos eran] acaba de destrozar cualquier cosa que puedan tener en sus manos en la unidad,” Bowman dijo que en el momento.

Por sobre las 9:00 de la noche del jueves, alrededor de 20 reclusos estaban fuera de sus celdas, ya que la mayoría de los otros se había dado por vencido y volvió a donde se supone que debe ser. Los funcionarios de seguimiento a la situación en vídeo desde una distancia segura. Todo el personal que había logrado salir de la unidad de forma segura, y un “correcciones equipo de respuesta” fue puesto en su lugar.

Por eso de la 1:00 de la mañana el viernes por la mañana, el motín había seguido su curso, y de todos los presos estaban sanos y salvos. No hubo lesiones.

A partir de este escrito, no queda claro lo que rechazaron el motín. Pero el asunto de la novela coronavirus haciendo su camino en la cárcel ha sido una preocupación de Lansing los presos y carceleros.

Ya el 12 de reclusos y de los 14 miembros del personal han venido abajo con COVID-19 dentro de las instalaciones.

Como se informó anteriormente por El Inquisitr, los internos en instituciones penitenciarias están particularmente en riesgo de desarrollar complicaciones graves de coronavirus. Muchos de los presos ya están en mal heatlh, debido a una vida de violencia o abuso de drogas, la falta de vivienda, y la mala nutrición. Lo que es más, los presos están hacinados en espacios reducidos, compartiendo instalaciones y abandonar no es una opción. En muchas prisiones, el acceso a jabón o desinfectante de manos es limitado, y la atención médica es irregular en el mejor.

En Kansas, el capítulo local de la Unión Americana de Libertades Civiles, ha pedido al estado la Suprema Corte de liberar a los presos con graves problemas médicos, incluyendo 7 en Lansing, con el fin de protegerlos de la exposición a los coronavirus.

USA – Prison uprising put down as US inmates demand protection from coronavirus

Prison officials thwarted an uprising of dozens of inmates at the Lansing correctional facility in Kansas on Friday, the latest example of unrest in US prisons amid concern about rising numbers of coronavirus infections among inmates.

The prisoners ransacked offices, broke windows and set small fires for several hours before the facility was secured. Randy Bowman, spokesman for the Kansas department of corrections, confirmed to the Associated Press that the incident began on Thursday afternoon in a medium-security cell house.

By late evening, some inmates had given up or gone back to their cells. The Lansing corrections department recently reported more than a dozen staff and 12 inmates had tested positive for Covid-19 at the facility.

The Kansas uprising comes as inmates nationwide protest against responses to coronavirus outbreaks at several prison facilities.

The coronavirus, which causes the respiratory disease Covid-19, has spread through the US’s overcrowded system with federal, state and local facilities housing 2.2 million people.

Nationwide, more than 16,600 people have died from Covid-19 among the general population and nearly 475,000 positive cases have been confirmed. Despite governor-mandated “stay-at-home” orders in most states, inmates remain vulnerable.

Most live at close quarters and have to purchase their own basic sanitation supplies. Many facilities have reported a lack of proper protective equipment amid the outbreak. In New York City jails, 288 inmates, 488 staff and 78 prison healthcare workers had tested positive for the virus by Wednesday, according to the New York Times.

More than 450 inmates and staff have tested positive for coronavirus at Chicago’s largest jail, representing one of the nation’s largest outbreaks since the start of the pandemic. One person has died.

Inmates have posted handmade signs pleading for help in the windows of their cells.

“Sheriff’s officers and county medical professionals are aggressively working round-the-clock to combat the unprecedented global coronavirus pandemic,” the Cook county sheriff’s office said in a statement.

Earlier this week, officers at a Washington state penitentiary fired non-lethal pellets and used pepper spray to break up a riot of more than 100 inmates after six prisoners tested positive.

In Louisiana, one of the nation’s hotspots for the crisis, an inmate at the Oakdale federal prison was sprayed and handcuffed for objecting to previously sick inmates being put back in confinement with the general population.

Eight prisoners have died in Louisiana, including five at the Oakdale facility.

Activists and proponents of criminal justice reform have called for increased efforts to protect prison populations, including boosting sanitization supplies and proper protective gear for staff.

Many have also called for an increase in early release of non-violent offenders and those who are still awaiting trial.

“The entire situation is a ticking time bomb,” writer Kim Kelly warned in an op-ed for the Appeal. “The only sane way to halt the virus’s death march and protect the vulnerable is to release as many people as possible.”

Kelly wrote the op-ed in response to a riot at the Rikers Island facility in New York, where prison guards pepper-sprayed eight people who sought medical attention after being exposed to someone who had been exhibiting flu-like symptoms.

On Thursday, the American Civil Liberties Union of Kansas asked the state’s supreme court to release prisoners with pre-existing medical conditions such as heart disease, hypertension and diabetes – risk factors that make them more vulnerable to Covid-19.

That class action petition is on behalf of seven inmates, including at the Lansing facility.

The US attorney general, William Barr, announced on Friday that the federal Bureau of Prisons was facing emergency conditions that had prompted the agency to begin releasing more inmates into home confinement.

The remarks are in contrast to Donald Trump, who has publicly objected to prison releases, vowing to see if I have the right to stop it in some cases”.

Philadelphia – Killing time as high art during quarantine

In times like these, no work to be found even if we want it, not enuf weed and acid in the world to make time pass fast enuf, we must dig deep and remember play as a method of killing time. You could fill your night with such activities as:

1. Walking around your neighborhood til you find a nice banner

2. Cut it down and bring it to your sacred spot

3. Smoke weed until you come up with a cool thing to say on it

4. Remember There’s a bridge over the trader joe’s That’s good for dropping stuff

5. Make a banner encouraging looting of said trader joe’s

6. Bike over and drop that banner

7. Make your way over to the property Joel Freedman owns on 21 and locust.

8. Add your words to those of the crew who got there the night you originally wanted to

9. Steal some snacks to keep you sustained

10. Spray over a security camera at a Wells Fargo

11. Engage in a low effort cat and mouse type game with a police car

12 haviing come to a spiritual awakening

As a result of these actions , become resolutely committed to sharing the stories of them as well as the tactics involved
in solidarity with every laid off restaurant worker, and with everyone who’s ever turned a trick,

the anticapitalist contingent of the philly mural arts program


Killing time as high art during quarantine

Philadelphia – Disturbance at Philadelphia Industrial Correctional Center During COVID-19 Quarantine

Philadelphia Industrial Correctional Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
April 3, 2020

Nine prisoners under quarantine at the Philadelphia Industrial Correctional Center threw commissary containers at the windows of their cells in an apparent effort to break the glass. Guards responded in riot gear and used pepper spray on the prisoners. According to city officials, no prisoners or staff were injured during the conflict.

The description of the confrontation was related to media by two corrections officers who were not authorized to discuss the incident publicly. The event comes in the midst of the city frantically trying to manage the spread of COVID-19 inside the city’s jails. And as of April 3, the day of the disturbance, 31 prisoners in Philadelphia’s jails and an unspecified number of guards had tested positive for COVID-19 disease. This makes the rate of infection in the city’s jails four times the rate of the rest of the city.

Brian Abernathy, the Managing Director of Philadelphia, told media that the jails have adopted some measures to address the health of prisoners and prison guards and staff, such making masks available and enacting a “shelter in place” policy where prisoners must remain in their cells except for access to showers and phones.


As the coronavirus gains strength in Philly’s jails, panic and fingerpointing mark efforts to avert crisis by thinning inmate population“, The Philadelphia Inquirer, April 4, 2020.

Philly inmates in quarantine create disturbance as coronavirus concerns spread through jail“, The Philadelphia Inquirer, April 4, 2020.

Article published: 4/4/20
Header photo source: Sign of the Times


Disturbance at Philadelphia Industrial Correctional Center During COVID-19 Quarantine

Philadelphia – Covid-19 doesn’t stop guerrilla gardening

Looks like the autonomo gardeners are back this spring

Text of flyer reads:
“There is an autonomous garden here. There’ve been various gardens in this lot over the years but they were all destroyed by developers who want to build luxury condos here.
Below this plot is the old Mill Creek. The 2019 sinkhole occurred just a few days after developers began resuming their construction project.
This land should not be developed! It is not the time for new condos. It is time for us to begin healing our relationship with the land.”

Text of sign reads:
“Red Belly Autonomous Garden- Garden @ Ur Own Risk”

Guerilla Garden Poppin Back Up

Philadelphia – Police car sabotage

Following the example of someone in Hickory, North Carolina, tacks were spread around several Philly police station parking lots. Hopefully we have been as successful in flattening their patrol car tires.

News that the cops began disrupting homeless encampments at the Philadelphia Convention Center the morning the Covid-19 stay-at-home order was to be observed provided a catalyst, but it is not the reason. The very existence of the police is a reason to target them. Cops are violent antagonists of the living and enemies of freedom, in collusion with judges, prosecutors, bosses, landlords, and politicians.

We have no demands short of their destruction, and know that such a victory will never be handed to us. We react for now, but look forward to taking the offensive.

