Berlin (Germany) – Arson Attacks Against Bosch Security and Dr. House Solutions

No Evictions, No Security Control! Bosch and Dr. House Solutions Vehicles Torched

There is no curfew yet, but while during the day people in parks and squares catch the first warm rays of sunshine, the streets are quiet and after dusk the streets seem to be empty. Life has withdrawn into the supposed private sphere, social contacts are largely interrupted, communication is shifting to digital. In public space, the opinion dictated from above now prevails. Open meetings, demonstrations – almost every exchange and resistance begins to become invisible, a dystopia.

After the state of emergency the economic crisis will follow, there will be winners and losers. We want to contribute to making the right people lose; investors, homeowners, profiteers of surveillance. Even in times of declared or premature curfews, we will continue to sabotage the gears of the capitalist system and break the silence.

On March 19th, we set fire to a vehicle of the security company Bosch on the Ostseestraße in Pankow, Berlin and the following night we set fire to a vehicle of Dr. House Solutions on the Tiroler Straße in the same district.

The Bosch company was also an exhibitor at this year’s European Police Congress, as well as the organizer of a digital congress in Berlin in February. In order to cope with crises, wars, states of emergency or even the everyday capitalist madness of the Smart Cities in the interests of the ruling classes, they need to constantly expand their security technology. Among other things, a Bosch vehicle was set on fire in December by the FAZ in Hamburg for this reason.

Dr. House Solutions belongs to the Padovic company network. Due to the eviction of Liebig34, which they are still striving for, the further destruction of the Rummelsburger Bucht and further speculative blackmailing of tenants, Padovic and all those who are like him are the targets of our attacks. Likewise, the Berlin Senate wants to continue the eviction of the Syndikat on April 17th, so those responsible must be told: this will be met with resistance. But like the last few nights, we will not wait for Day X, because between us and the system with its order, only the attack has a place.

(via Deutschland Indymedia, translated into English by Anarchists Worldwide)

Leipzig (Germany) – Arson Attack Against Prison Profiteers PKE

22.03.2020: Last night we set fire to a PKE vehicle. The group produces security technology for prisons.

It is important that we do not forget those who are hit hardest by the current situation than we are. Besides the at risk groups, there are the people who are locked up in mass accommodation, crammed into camps at the borders or forgotten behind bars.

With the spread of the coronavirus, the isolation of prisoners is greatly increased and conditions in the prisons are getting worse and worse. Without health care or basic hygienic services, many of the prisoners have to face the possibility of death. They will be the last to receive adequate medical care.

So we send greetings to all those behind bars and those who managed to escape.
Thanks to all the insurgents who made the mass breakouts of the last few weeks possible.

We are pleased to see that others continue to attack during these times. Like those who attacked companies building the new prison in Zwickau.

(via Deutschland Indymedia, translated into English by Anarchists Worldwide)

Dayton (Ohio) – Cops utilize tear gas against students

After they knew tat they had less than 24 hours to remove themselves from campus for the epidemic, more then 1000 people gathered outside of student housing. Then they started to blocking streets, jumping on several cars, and chanting trowing bottles and other stuff.

After that cops started to launch pepper balls for pacificate the situation. It tooks from 11 AM to 2.30 PM.

Cops says that at least one person was injured by trown bottles.

Not to much, but not bad..

Saxony, Germany – Double Incendiary Attack Against Prison Construction Companies

An Early Easter Egg on Political Prisoners Day

We, as an early Easter egg, claim responsibility for the fires during the night of 18.03.2020 at two companies involved in the construction of the new Zwickau-Marienthal prison. [1]

Today is the anniversary of the International Day of Political Prisoners. This day was proclaimed to remember the many fighting comrades and comrades-in-arms who are in the dungeons of prisons worldwide. The date is based on the day on which the Paris Commune was proclaimed in 1871. For many people, the Paris Commune was and still is a reference point for revolutionary efforts for social justice and political freedom. The smashing of the Commune, the massacre of thousands of Communards and the deportation of hundreds of them to the penal colonies, where they died a slow death, was intended to show all revolutionaries in the world what a bourgeois government is prepared to do when it sees its power threatened.

Even today thousands of revolutionaries are sitting in the prisons of this world. The emancipatory struggle has been going on since the commune, and its children have come and are still coming under the wheels of repression. There has always been a struggle for the liberation and support of the prisoners. A fundamental critique of domination has been linked to a critique of the prison system and the morality of punishment. The demand for the liberation of the prisoners often turned into a demand to abolish prisons and to overcome the principle of punishment completely.

Thus, in the course of the 68 revolt, after many activists were imprisoned, a strong solidarity movement was formed. The prison question also led to a general criticism of the penal system. However, there were different approaches to the issue and the differentiation between political and social prisoners. The differences were also articulated in the demands of the imprisoned urban guerrillas and the support work from outside. Some focused on a special treatment of political prisoners and others preferred to make demands that were important for all inmates. There were some social prisoners who showed solidarity with the revolutionaries and went on hunger strike as well. All this took place in a very politicizing period, but one can also suppose that the political prisoners and their struggles reaffirmed the social prisoners in rebellion. The prisoners’ struggles, in collaboration with outside support groups, received widespread social attention and in some cases even resonance. The first penal code of 1977 would not have existed without this resistance.

Inevitably, our path will not lead us past the point where loved ones are sent to prison. As the confrontation in social warfare grows, the number of prisoners will also increase. On the one hand, because the willingness of the population to take risks will increase, on the other hand, because the organs of repression will intensify their work, both in quality and quantity. A revolutionary movement can thus not avoid dealing with the issue of prison.

We should see prison as a field of social struggle, where we can intervene politically. It can give us the opportunity to meet even more comrades-in-arms who (also) did not have the privilege of growing up in stable conditions and thus fell into the clutches of the state. Especially the lower sub-proletarian classes, the marginalized, the precarious, are affected by imprisonment. They include the low-income earners, the unemployed, migrants, the illegalized, young people and drug addicts, to name but a few. People who have drawn the worst card under capitalism, were not born rich and therefore have something to criticize about the current situation. Probably their whole life has been a struggle – let’s encourage them to continue fighting at our side. Against the system that made them first poor and then “criminal”.

At this moment, there are revolts in prisons in many countries around the world.
The massive restrictions there, due to the Corona Pandemic, have led to riots in Italy, France, Spain, Portugal and Brazil. In Brazil, 1350 prisoners escaped from three different prisons. In Italy, more than 50 people managed to get past the walls in Foggia. Some of them have so far been able to resist the state’s attempts to be tracked down. In the course of this crisis, the people were deprived of the last concessions of the state. So the possibility to be visited by relatives and friends, to be outside for a few hours during the day and to interact with other prisoners. Also the food supply collapses due to the massive restrictions and the medical care is desolate to non-existent. The repression that followed the riots has already claimed several lives. Eleven people died in the uprisings in Italy. The information situation is difficult, as it has always been a strategy of the state to make revolts invisible. News spread that some of them had suicided. Such news cannot be trusted, of course. The methodology of disguising a murder as suicide

in prison has been a popular strategy of repressive authorities to liquidate resistant individuals under the radar of a public, not only since yesterday.

In Germany, too, prison conditions were restricted a few days ago; in many federal states, visiting opportunities were radically reduced, and services such as therapy were suspended. The situation will continue to deteriorate.

It is therefore all the more important not to forget the most isolated members of society. The basic need for human interaction must not be further restricted. In times of crisis, the precarious are always hit hardest. Especially in the current situation, they are the ones who have hardly any chance of receiving adequate health care and they are also the ones who will be hit hardest by the coming emergency laws.

Let us support the prisoners and use our possibilities outside the walls to give their struggles more visibility!

Against an unjust life and for freedom! Open your mind to the insurrection!

We salute the 3 from the park bench crew, who are currently in a mammoth trial. We are also happy to hear that Peter Krauth is back in freedom and will not be extradited to the FRG – Love to sunny Venezuela to the three from the committee.

[1] In Bad Lausick, Elektro Lehmann and in Treuen, Scholz GmbH

Umeå (Sweden) – Windows smashed at cop school and at ecocidal company

The coronavirus is sweeping around the world. Death tolls are rising and the capitalist economy is seeing new lows for every day. The nation state apparatuses are using warlike measures to battle the pandemic. Borders closing, blanket curfews, quarantines, forced labour, the only people allowed in the streets are cops. It’s the state apparatus wet dream coming true. For us anarchists it is our worst nightmare turning into reality. What we see is a glimpse of the future. If there ever is a day civilisation falls to ruins this is somewhat how it will look like.

There will be no end of what measures state apparatuses will use to gain control. And in this game, who will be sacrificed? It will be the precarious workers, the migrants, the women associated persons… the others.

The coronavirus is our Earths latest weapon against the humans (Earlier versions were the Spanish flu and AIDS). This pandemic is a population control, a hit back and a revenge for all the wild animals, plants and habitats that the humans have enslaved, annihilated and destroyed. The coronavirus turns the civilisers who
thought they where immortal into mere mortals. What it all comes down to is a show of power. If humans ever thought they had some sort of control the coronavirus clearly shows what illusion this is. Humans and the civilisation have no control, no matter how much they try to annihilate the wild and the free. If our planet decides that our moment of rule is over, in an instant, just like that – people looking pale, some sneezing, some coughing, some deaths… silence…

So to celebrate this mortality and the loss of control, last weekend we decided to grab some hammers and spray paint and go for a hike in the moonlit night in the northern Swedish town of so-called Umeå. We soon came to the office of ecocidal SCA (a company who clearcuts the last oldgrown forests and turns them into toiletpaper) and the ecocidal academic cult SLU – Swedish university of agriculture. Instantly we started to beautify their walls with wild messages. HÖR CORONAVIRUSETS BUDSKAP – EKOMÖRDARE UT UR SKOGEN (HEAR THE MESSAGE OF THE CORONAVIRUS – ECOCIDERS OUT OF THE FOREST). We also improved the aircondition of the building by smashing some windows.

We went on with our hike and not far away we came across the school for cops. The walls were looking very empty so we filled them with cheering messages to the future cops – HELA SAPMI HATAR SNUTEN (THE WHOLE OF SAPMI* HATES COPS) and the classic ALL COPS ARE TARGETS. We helped the building to air out the foul smell of cops by smashing some windows. We hope that the cop students get the message and realise their mistake and quit their education before it’s too late. Before they become our targets.

Although we were lingering in the area for an hour (against better judgement and security culture) there were still no signs of security or cops. This clearly tells how little control the people of control have. At least in this part of the world.

This finished our hike n’ smash tour. What a joyous night under the stars and half moon. Let every night be filled with joy for destruction. Right now is always the best moment for an attack.

The SCA/SLU was attacked in solidarity with all the wild animals, plants and places that humans have enslaved, destroyed and wiped out.

The cop school was attacked in solidarity with all women associated persons. For an anti-sexist, anti-transphobic and anti-patriarchal march.

Nihilists Hoping for the End of Civilisation cell, FAI/ELF

*Sapmi is the land of the Samis, one of the last indigenous people of so called Europe. Their land is colonised by the Norwegian, Swedish, Finnish and Russian states.

Nurenberg – Arson of Private car of a Cop/Reservist 

Cops & Reservists out of our Neighborhoods- Arson of Private car of a

On the night of Thursday/Friday (20th March) a car was set on fire in
the neighborhood of Gostenhof in Nurenberg. The car was parked in the
neighborhood with stickers of the reservists’ cop association on the
tailgate and a police uniform in the trunk. It is an act of our
antagonism against the increasing militarization of society and the
dismantling of almost all civil rights during the current corona crisis.

Last Summer forces of the hated USK (Bavarian Police Special Forces)
besieged Jamnitzer Platz on end, the central square in Gostenhof, We
will no longer tolerate such harassment and will continue to
consistently defend our neighborhood against the siege of cop pigs.

Cops Out of Our Neighborhoods!

Long live the liberated society! Death to state Terrorism!

Freedom for the Park Bench 3